Underworld Arc part 5: A Hell of a Fight

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As The Three heroes are walking inside the Tomb that leads to the Underworld, The Tomb inside is filled with spider webs, Ancient words and symbols, With drawings that appears to be people, Sacrificing each other, with a red tint color on the walls that are seemed to be splattered on the walls for Centaury's. As the Heroes are walking deeper and deeper to the Tomb they witness three paths that can lead to any room of the Tomb, One tunnel to the Left, One in the Middle and One in the Right. The three heroes started to decide to where to go, But they decide to go on there separate ways. Ghost Rider took the Left, Tokoyami took the Middle, and Blade took the Right.

When The heroes took their ways, Daredevil seemed to peak at them running as he is hanging on the Ceiling by His Grappling Hook, Stabbed in the Ceiling and hanging like a monkey. he lands on the ground As the Grappling Hook reattaches back to His Billy Club, He presses two fingers on his ear, Pressing a Mini Microphone and activating it to communicate to Dracula.

" My Lord, They are on our way, And the Bird boy is coming your way." Said Daredevil, Dracula smirks as he response to him " Good, Take care of the others." Dracula Ordered Daredevil, He smirked as he Runs where Blade went to. Dracula Turns around To bullseye and Jack O Lantern " They are here, Take care of them of them you two, But leave the Bird for me." 

Both Bullseye and Jack O Lantern Agreed as they both went on their separate ways, Dracula Smirked as he looks up, Seeing that the Moon is a Blood Moon.

Back with Moon Knight.

" Come on!...I said this would be easy but It isn't!" Moon Knight struggled to figure out a Formula for a Anti Antidote, With so many Chemical Formulas on a piece of paper, Moon Knight started to think through his mind. He struggled and struggled until he hears a Voice from the sky. Moon Knight walks to the window and opens it as he Looks up to the Moon. 

" Master Khonshu " Says Moon Knight Up to the Moon, As a Light Figure, With a Large beak.

" Master Khonshu " Says Moon Knight Up to the Moon, As a Light Figure, With a Large beak

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" Marc Spector, I have come to give Advice for your problem." Said the Khonshu Spirit, Moon Knight takes off his mask. " No Master, I can't Take any more tips from you, I won't let you see how weak I am to be your Avatar by receiving some Advice by you." Said Moon Knight.

Khonshu raised both of his hands up in the air " No more take backs, You see Marc, The Time when you were left to be Dead back in Egypt, I saw something in you. A Man of words, A Man With Courage, And a Man with who is a Man, Not a Child, Not a Toddler, But who he is. You are Marc Spector, The Moon Knight. I Knew you would be the chosen one to be the World's Protector of the Night, And yet you are. My visions are not Tattletales, But they hold the Truth, So think, Sometimes a way to bring back a friend from a demon, Takes a Huge risk. Just Believe in everything Marc." Khonshu said as he started to fade away. Moon Knight took those words as he looks down and taking his advice to find a way to make a formula.

Moon Knight Turns around to his Notes and Formula and keeps thinking for a way. After analyzing for a while, Moon Knight has Figured it out.

Back In the Tomb

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