The Kingpin Arc: Final

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"Uh...What the..." Said a tired Spider-man, his vision was blurry but his vision is slowly going back to normal, Spider-Man shakes his head and looks around, seeing himself tied from his wrists, hanging. "What the!? Where the hell am i? Looks like i'm in a warehouse" Said spider-man as he kept looking around the warehouse, noticing Miles is hanging beside him as well but he is still trapped in the illusions.

" don't say his full name...Kid arachnid!" Spider-man Shouted at miles, by saying a hero name that just came into Peter's mind. Miles was still chuckling "Si me questa los pasteles de tres leches mama...." Said miles, Spider-man looked at him very confused "that's my first time hearing you speak Spanish" Said Spider-man.

Suddenly a Light hits them in the face, hearing some hand clapping noises from a distance. "bravo, Bravo in deed" Said Kingpin as he appears out of the shadows. Spider-man looks at him and groans "really Willy? Couldn't you at least lose a few pounds? You look bigger than I remember, Have you been eating those Popeye chicken sandwiches again?" Spider-man said while laughing, But Kingpin just glared at him.

"Laugh all you want Spider-Man, cause your not gonna be laughing after this" Kingpin then claps both of his hands, Tombstone then walks in holding a tablet on his hands. Her hands over the Tablet to Kingpin's hands, turning the tablet on and shows the screen to Spider-Man, The screen will show Deku tied around his upper body and legs with Iron, laying down on a table with technology around him. "Deku...What the hell are you doing to him Fisk!? Answer me now!" Shouted Spider-Man, Kingpin will start to grin "not so funny now? Isn't it?" Said Kingpin.

Tombstone takes out a toothpick out his pocket and started to pick his teeth with it "Your pal is under a experimental operation right now, Doc Ock is doing to honor to study his body to learn about his powers. And how the Kingpin will take it from him" Said Tombstone, flicking his toothpick at Spider-man face. Growling with anger "Oh when I get out these chains Fisk, you are in for a-" spider-man get's cut off by Kingpin "Actually, about that, I have other plans for you, and your little sidekick, you will just to find out soon" Kingpin chuckled Evily as he turned around and started to walk away.

" As for Stark himself, let's see how long it will take him to find where you guys are, before the time is up for you two" Said Tombstone as he turns around walked away as well. Spider-Man sighed as he hears miles again, talking to himself "Yo quiero Taco Bell..." said miles softly as Spider-man looked at him again "how did I snapped out of the illusions before you?..."

Back in the secret Lab where Deku is trapped, Mysterio shows up "Should I bring him back from my Illusions?" Questioned Mysterio To doc Ock, where which he replied "No! Not yet Mysterio, If he snaps out of it he will brake free, his powers are to strong for these locks around him.". Mysterio nodded as the two villains heard Kingpin, entering the lab.

"Octavius, I need answers now" Kingpin demand him, Doc Ock turns around facing him "Right on time, You see, based on analysis this boy was...not born with these powers, it appears that they were given to him not too long ago." Said doc Ock, Kingpin raised an eyebrow "So your telling me that this power of his, could be taken away easily?" Said Kingpin.

"Well, again based on analysis, The powers he got was from consuming DNA from someone else" Doc Ock said, Kingpin gives a disgust look "bleh! Are you serious...Consuming DNA from someone else....and he got those powers. Hm...Fine if it's that easy, then I'll do it." Said Kingpin.

"So I built a literal power sucker machine...for nothing?" Said Tombstone in a disappointing tone, Kingpin gets closer and looks down at Deku, who is chuckling while his mind is still in Illusions "thanks all might...for giving me one for all....". "So that's the name, One for all. A power passed on to a user, and passed on to a new interesting but of course I'll take this one for all,and I would not let anyone to carry this matter what",

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