The Kingpin Arc Part 1: to Vegas

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It is Dark, and not so cloudy as a Quinjet flys through the clouds and heading towards a City with Peter, Midoriya and Tony stark in it with a Pilot navigating the Jet. Peter is looking out of the window seeing mountains, and cars driving on the road, Midoriya fingers fidget as he is nervous for this mission.

" So Mr.Stark, Where are we even going? Back in HQ you said that you didn't want to say where our mission is going to take place, So what's the deal?" Questioned Peter as he looks at his Mentor and Father Figure. " Yea, You said we had to pack some clothes and our suits. Where are we even going?" Questioned Midoriya.

Tony stark looks at the two after looking at a his phone " You see kids, I didn't want to say where we are going because I know that you two will start acting a bit Childish and stuff like that" Said The Billionaire Playboy, Peter and Midoriya looked at each other both confused.

" Childish? I mean I can act a bit Childish at the time...But, are we going somewhere special? Like Universal Studios Japan?" Said Midoriya, " Or Disney world?" Added Peter. Tony facepalm after hearing those two " No and No, Plus I prefer Six Flags. We are going to a City in Nevada, Even though they took to long to count Vote Ballots" Said Tony as he got up and walked to pilot and looks through the View from the window.

Peter started to Puzzle after hearing Nevada and Childish, Midoriya scratched his head for a Brief Moment. Tony sees Lights and turned back to the two Heroes " We are here" He said.

After Puzzling for a bit, Peter now realizes what Tony meant " Wait! Are we in!" Peter runs to the Pilot part, Midoriya Follows him as the Two started to see Light up buildings, An Eiffel tower covered in Lights, and many more Buildings with lights around them. " Las Vegas!" Shouted Peter, Midoriya Eyes started to sparkle while seeing the beautiful City " Holy....Molly....This is so Awesome!" He shouted.

" And this is why I didn't want to say where our mission is going to take place" Tony added as he crossed his arms, The Quinjet started to land slowly and once it landed, The door opens and Both Peter and Midoriya burst out of the Quinjet quickly in Excitement, After the two got out, They looked at the City as they both have Faces of Excitement and eyes shining.

" I want to go to Hell's Kitchen so bad!" Said Peter, " I want to go in a Casino!....But a Casino where teens can go in" Added Midoriya, Tony stark walked out with their bags and looked at them " Ahem!" the two heroes looked behind them. Tony has a Serious face and the two started to get their Act straight and grabbed their bags.

" We are not here to have fun you two, This is Serious. Like I said in HQ, Tomorrow Morning we start our Mission, You two will be in a Five star Hotel that I already Rented for you two to stay in the meantime. But again, We are not here to have Fun." Said Tony, Peter and Midoriya nodded to him.

" But what Hotel are we going to be.....Wait, Mr.stark...Don't tell me..." Peter said a bit softly, Tony stark pointed at the Bellagio Hotel and Casino which is the Biggest Luxury Hotel in Vegas, Both Peter and Midoriya Eyes widen as their Pupils shrink and Jaw drop as the two are lost for words.

" I'll see you two in Room 14-C" Said Tony as he started to walk away, Peter and Midoriya are still standing there with the same Reaction, Midoriya Put his hand on Peter's shoulder and stuttered " P...P....Peter..." He stuttered, Peter stuttered " D-Don't worry bud....I got you..." Peter said as the two both fall on their backs from all of the Excitement.

  ~ One Hour Later~

We see a Pizza Box open with a side of Wingstop wings, Peter grabs a slice of Pepperoni Pizza " Pizza Time in a Great Hotel room!!!" Peter said as he is seen wearing a White Shirt with sweats on, Midoriya Grabbed a slice as well " This is the best!" Said Midoriya as he is wearing his Typical Japanese Pajamas, the two started to Chow down on their Meals in their room. Tony stark walks out of the Restroom wearing his Tux and looking all Classy " Remember you two, This is a Very expensive Hotel, Don't make messes, Don't order anything, and Don't go to the Casino,  you guys are not 21 yet." Said Tony stark as he walks to a table and picks up his Wallet.

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