Underworld Arc part 3: Vlad Dracula

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Somewhere in a Dark old Laboratory room, The room is dusty and a Little dark, With one Light working but it starts to flicker. A young Lester is seen in with a Baseball Coach as he started to Pat young Lester's shoulder.

" Let's see what you got kid" Said that coach, Young Lester picks up a Baseball as the Little boy looked up at The Coach, Young Lester turns as he throws the baseball at the wall with so much power that the baseball got stuck in the wall, The Coach smiled as One Flash back shows Young Lester wearing a Little League Baseball Uniform in the Pitcher plate, As the One of the Other team player's is on Home plate getting ready to bat, Young Lester Raises brings his arm back and throws the Baseball straight at the Catcher's Glove directly in the Middle striking the Batter out. The coach smiled at Young Lester and More flashbacks show Young Lester Keep striking out more batters out with a Fast ball Pitch. The Coach walks to Lester.

" Lester, You are doing very amazing, But I have to let one of our other teammates to play Pitcher" Said The coach, Young Lester looks up at the coach " W-what?...no, You can't do this to me, I love being Pitcher! You can't do this!" Young Lester said to his couch with a Whining attitude.

" I know I know, But we got to let other people play, You strike out many of our rivals out and that's amazing! but you have to let other people play" Said the Coach and Young Lester looked down a Bit angrily " No!...Please, I still want to be Pitcher!" 

" Lester, I don't like this Behavior, Rather you let other people play your position, Or you are going to be suspended for 2 Games" Said the Coach in a serious tone, Young Lester started to tear up as he furiously walked to the benches. Young Lester looked down while sitting on the bench taking Strong Breathes, He balls up his fist with so much pressure and can't stop being so mad, He looks at a Baseball on the ground and picks it up, He then turns to his coach who is watching the game, As he looks back at the ball and tosses it to a Iron pole, Once the Baseball hits the Pole, it bounces to the Coach's Head hitting his side head hard enough causing his life to go, The coach falls on the ground lifeless and Young Lester looks down at the body and whispered " Bullseye....".

Bullseye snaps out from his past and stabs the table with his sai. 

" Well looks who back from the dead! Haha! Tell me Bullseye, do you believe that The Knights figure out the secret Vampire Party?" Questioned Jack O Lantern as he is doing some chemical experiments on the other side. Bullseye smirks " Jack, I know how they are, the answer for you, is Yes, Because with Ghost Rider on their side, He can sense sins around the city,  But if they never found the location of the secret Party, Nothing would of happen, Unless The Vampires are released from the party." Bullseye responded back.

" Hehe, Perfect! and not just that, But I did an Amazing job of creating a Exact same replica of the Blood God Heart! They will never know where the Real one is located! Hahaha!" Jack O lantern said with a Insane Laugh.

" Now then, How many bags of Blood types do we have?" Questioned Bullseye, Jack O lantern walks to a Mini fridge and takes out Six Bags with Pure Blood inside, " Hehe! We have Blood Types A+, AB+, B+, A-, B-, And O +. We just need AB- and O- and our leader will become a Pure Demon god!" Jack O lantern laughed.

" Well then, We have to search for them in any Hospital, Before the Mr. Lord of all Darkness comes" Said Bullseye, As the two Villains started to laugh, But once they started to Laugh they were Interrupted by a Voice " Oh, So you two are just Clowning around instead of going out and searching for the Missing Blood types huh?" Said a serious voice tone from the shadows, Bullseye and Jack O lantern turned to the direction of the Voice, A 6'5 man with Red armor,  a Greyish skin with White hair and Red eyes leaks from the Shadows.

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