Underworld Arc: Finale

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Dracula has Transformed into a Blood god after getting Tokoyami's Blood, The Marvel Knights came to backup Tokoyami, As well with Daredevil, Back to Himself. The Heroes of the Night are Ready to take care of Dracula once in for all before he can make Humanity extinct and bring back the age of the Vampires.

Dracula Looks at the Knights with his Devilish Smirk " Let's Do this quick before sunrise." Said Dracula, Blade Gripping his sword and gritting his teeth, Moon Knight spins his staff like a Ninja, Tokoyami Tightens up his fist, Daredevil just facing at him, And Ghost Rider growling, Dracula Then Roars Demonically as he dashes to the Five heroes, The five heroes quickly dodges him, Moon Knight turns to him and jumps high to him and raises his staff in the air, Dracula Looks at him as his eyes turn blue, Stopping Moon Knight in Mid air using Telekinesis, He then sends Moon Knight to the ground. Blade takes out two of his siver stakes and throws them directly at Dracula, As Dracula looks at the Upcoming Stakes, he grabs them just in time using both of his hands and tosses them back at him. Blade uses his sword to hit the stakes away as he runs to Dracula while Battle screaming. Tokoyami Appears Behind Dracula as Dark Shadow's hands appear out of his back, Dracula turns around quickly and looked up seeing the two dark hands coming down to him. Dracula Puts his hands up in the air and Grabbing both of Dark Shadow's hands, While Blade gets close to him and plans on stabbing him through his Armor, Dracula timed this Perfectly as he Transforms to Mist and letting Dark Shadow's hands go and once Dracula became mist, The hands went through him and Slamming Blade to the ground instead of Dracula.

Tokoyami Eyes widen, And Dracula Transforms back and uses his new blood god powers, He reaches his finger tips to Tokoyami as Blood Lashes around his Neck and around his Body. Tokoyami Struggles to Break free, But Ghost Rider Calls his Motorcycle to the action, As his Motorcycle comes from the sky hole in the Tomb as it Drives itself Down to Dracula, He looks up as flicks his Fingertips in the sky, And The blood whips holding tokoyami throws him to the sky. Tokoyami sees Ghost Rider's Flaming Motorcycle coming at him, Ghost Rider Lashes his Iron Chain at Tokoyami Quickly and pulls him before the Motorcycle can even touch him. Tokoyami Lands on his knees as the Motorcycle is still heading to Dracula, Dracula holds onto the Motorcycle wheels, Preventing it from hitting him. Ghost Rider lashes his Chain around Dracula Waist and pulls him. When Dracula was Pulled, He turns around and Punches Ghost Rider to a wall, Tokoyami Sent Dark shadow to Wrap around Dracula. " Dark shadow! Do it! Kill Him!" Shouted Tokoyami.

Dracula Laughed " You think your stupid Shadow Buddy can kill me!? That is just Weak" He then sends many Blood Vines through Dark shadow, Tokoyami quickly backs up before getting stabbed by the Blood Vines As Dark shadow is still Tightening up around Dracula. After a Few more, Dracula's Head Exploded sending Blood up in the sky.

Tokoyami sighs in relief " It is done." Dark shadow comes back to Tokoyami, Daredevil senses and Hears " Wow...That was very brutal from you Tokoyami, I didn't even give him a single hit" Said Daredevil, When Dark shadow let's go of Dracula's Headless Body, It plops to the ground twitching.

But suddenly the Blood that was in the air, It floats back to where Dracula's Head should Supposed to be as it makes a Circle shape, Tokoyami couldn't not believe what he is seeing and the Blood Reshapes Dracula's Head back. Dracula Get's Back up laughing.

" Foolish Mortal, You can't kill a God" Said Dracula as stomps his foot on the Ground sending a Powerful Blood Spikes Appearing from the ground and heading to Tokoyami. Tokoyami quickly does Back Flips avoiding the Blood Spikes coming from the ground, Daredevil quickly runs to Dracula and Dracula senses His approach. He secretly summons his Sword and once he turns around he throws his sword at Daredevil, Daredevil does a Spin flip avoiding the sword, So close that the sword was near to slice his nose, When Daredevil does the flip, He Disconnects his Billy clubs into two and throws them Straight at Dracula's Eyes Stabbing both of his eyes. Dracula Let's out a loud Roar in pain, Daredevil lands on one knee and Moon Knight hops from Daredevil's Back, He throws a Stick Device to Dracula, The device Sticks onto Dracula's Chest Plate as it Opens and sprays a strong Garlic Smell. Dracula Gagged and covered his nose.

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