Underworld Arc Part 2: A Killer Party

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On the Same Night of the Disturbance In Queens Cemetery, The Four Heroes has started to walk to the Night clubs they were assigned to Check out after Jack O Lantern Hinted something to them about " A killer Party". Before they separated, Moon Knight handed Four Mini Wireless ear Buds to Johnny, Daredevil, Tokoyami and Himself to keep in Communication if one of them Find something, Moon Knight is heading to Queens Club, Daredevil is going to Club Cobra, Johnny is heading to the Strip club, and Tokoyami is heading to Big Beat Ball. After a while of locating the Night clubs, Moon Knight makes it to Queens Club but he hides beside a wall, Trying To find a Way in, He runs to the back of the Building as an Employee Comes out with a Bag of Garbage to take out the trash, Moon Knight became stealthy as he quickly got inside in the club from the back while the door was still open. Moon Knight started to find a way in the Main Room of the Club as many Lights flashed in Blue, Green and Red as Music started to pump it's Rhythm and A group of People in the Dance floor, Moon Knight started to look around. Many People stared at Moon Knight because of his suit, Moon Knight walked Directly to the bar tender as he stood in front of him.

"  What's up with the costume? There is No free drinks for someone wearing a Halloween Costume tonight pal" Said the Bar tender as he is cleaning a Glass Cup with a Towel, " I am not hear to have fun citizen, But I am here for one good reason, Have you heard or feel something suspicious going around in this club?" Questioned Moon Knight, The bar tender scoffed as he looks at Moon Knight " Look pal, The only thing that is super sus in here is you, and if your not here for a beer or a wine or at least a Glass of water, Then get out of here, Go have some fun in the party floor." said the Bar tender as he turned around fixing the Glass cups order.

Moon Knight didn't like his attitude as he pulled out one Moon blade, The Tender was still fixing the glass cups until One shattered by the Moon Blade, The tender quickly turned around to Moon Knight as He pulled the Tender to him with both of his hands. " Listen here, This is a serious question! Something Bad might Happen here! And if you don't have anything to tell me! I will make you talk, Rather the easy way, Or the Hard way!" Moon knight said angrily as the Tender chuckled a bit nervously. " Listen man, I don't anything that goes on around here....But you can speak to the manager upstairs.." Said The tender a bit scared, Moon knight let's him go as he walked upstairs of the Club, He raised his hand to his ear and pushed the ear bud to communicate with his team.

" I'm going to speak to the Manager of this place, The bar tender didn't want to speak a word, How are you guys doing so far?" 

" For me right now, It's going absolutely normal, I'm In club cobra, But I can just only hear music and Japanese singing, Turns out this club is a Asian Themed Night Club, But so far I have Nothing" Said Daredevil

" I am Still looking for Big Beat Ball" Said Tokoyami 

" I am doing fantastic now, The club seemed very normal and everything here seems peaceful" Said Johnny in a very calm tone that sounds that he is relaxing.

" Johnny, Are you getting a Lap dance?" Said Moon Knight, Johnny chuckled a Bit nervously " What? No, Why on earth are you thinking about that Mr. Avatar of the Moon?". " Because your tone seems very calm and relaxed, Are you having fun there!? What did Matt said to you before we separated!?" Shouted Moon Knight.

" Ok yes I am getting a Lap dance, But guys! When was the Last time I had a fun night, I'm Always Haunting for sins every night!" Said Johnny, " Johnny, Stop having fun and Focus!" Shouted Matt.

" Fine!" Johnny replied as he ends his call as well with the other three. Tokoyami is still looking for the Club that he was assigned, He then makes it to his location but the first thing he sees is a Abandoned building with Wood planks nailed to the door and windows with a sign on top of the building stating the name of the club, Tokoyami looks up at the Building as he sighs.

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