The Kingpin Arc Part 3: Two Spidermans?

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A Spider-Man wearing a Red and Black theme suit reveals himself, both Spider-Man and Deku Could not believe what they just saw, Especially spider-Man. The New Spider-Man lands on his feet as he dust his hands off, Deku raised his hand slowly at him while his hand and eyes are shaking in both very surprised and shocked. Spider-Man just stood there as his eye lenses are widen, staring at the New Spider-Man.

" That goes for those Creeps, and Great timing as well." ( I am going to Put Miles as his name XD But Peter and Midoriya don't know who he is under the suit tho) Miles turns to Spider-Man and deku, He gasped a bit and waved a bit awkwardly.

" T-T-There is....ANOTHER SPIDER-MAN!?!?" Shouted Deku surprised, " I thought...I was the only one..." Spider-Man said softly as he is frozen like a Cat.

" Oh! um...My bad, The name is uh....uh..." Miles now speaks both Awkwardly and softly " Spider-man?...". Spider-Man shakes his head and walks up to Miles " Hang on! You mean to tell me that there is another Spider-Man here and I never Noticed!? How!? and when did you appeared!?" Shouted Spider-Man.

" Well, Ever since you disappeared, I kinda...Filled your roll" Said Miles, Deku looks behind him after seeing some green smoke appearing at the bottom of his feet, He sees Mysterio Levitating above him with his hands in the air glowing green.

" Sorry to disturb you two!...But we got trouble here!" Deku shouted at them getting their attention, Miles and Spider-Man look at Mysterio as the Rest of the Sinister six are getting back up upset.

" What is this!? another Spider-Man!? How can this make the Job more Complicated!?" Shouted Scorpion, The Three Back up as they are getting ready to take down who they can or can not, Spider-Man sees Ironman on his knees with green clouds surrounding his head. " Mr.Stark..." Said Spider-Man Softly, He then Yells from his Lungs " Mr.Stark!" trying to make Ironman snap out of it.

~ In Tony's Mind~

Tony open his eyes widely and he is standing in the Middle of a woods at Night time, Tony looks around confused as he is trying to Puzzle what is going on. after looking around for a bit he sees two people standing far from him while they are looking at him. Tony is trying to figure out who are those two people are until he finally Knows who they are. 

" M-mom....D-Dad?..." Said Tony softly as he walks to his Parents Slowly, But he sees that His parents have a Disappointed  expression on them. Tony stops " Mom...Dad? It's me...Your son" Said Tony.

" Why didn't you kill him? Why did you became friends with him?" Said Howard Stark in a Upset Tone, Tony looks confused at him. " You didn't bother to Avenge us, Why!?" Shouted Maria Stark at her son.

Tony thought for a second until he knows who are they talking about " He didn't mean it...He was under Hydra's Control. I wanted to end him, But all of that caused a war of my team, They fought against each other because of me! and we broke up because of it on that day..." Said Tony stark to His parents. " You could of killed him! You could of avenge us! But you were taken down by him and his Companion like a pile of filth! You could of made us proud!" Shouted His own father at him.

" Wait...this is not you guys...I know my parents will never greet their own son like this...This is an Illusion" Said Tony softly, " We are your parents tony! We made you! We gave you life! and you couldn't at least Avenge us from him huh? How pathetic, maybe you are not our son" Said Maria, Tony tightens his fist.

" You two are not really my Parents! You guys are fake! You guys aren't even real!" Shouted Tony at them as he started to slap himself " waku up tony! The kid is in danger! Come on!" Tony tries to wake himself up from the Illusion he is on right now.

Both Howard and Maria glowed green as they turn to dust and the Place started to shatter like glass and tony Falls to a Green Vortex as Mysterio's head pops out looking down at Tony, Tony is yelling while he is falling down in the Green Vortex.

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