The Kingpin Arc part 5: Sneak Attack

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The Sun has risen to start the new day, as Peter and Midoriya are still sleeping after the night before the new day, Peter discovering his friend from his world is a superhero like him, And Miles as well after he learned the truth about Peter and Midoriya came from a different Universe. As the two heroes are still sleeping, A phone starts to vibrate and play a tune making peter opening an eye, Peter has woken up after hearing his phone is ringing, he sits up rubbing his eye and grabbing his phone checking who is calling him, Peter sees Tony calling him and peter answers him and starts to talk very tired.

" Hello.." Peter said tiredly

" Kid, Wake up Midoriya and go to Miles room and wake him up as well, It's time for our mission to begin" Tony said through his phone, Peter sighs a bit " Ok Mr.Stark...Where should we meet you?.." He responded again tiredly, " Meet me at the Eiffel tower" Tony replied. Peter hangs up and he gets out of his solo bed and walked to Midoriya who is still sleeping, Peter attempts to shake him but then Midoriya spoke " Im getting up already"

Peter stopped moving and he walks to the door and exits out and heads to Miles room, Midoriya gets up from his solo bed and walks to the bathroom to freshen up. Meanwhile outside of Kingpin's Building, A bunch of Vans are outside and already started and many of Kingpin's Goons are loading up the vans with some gadgets such as Guns, Gas tanks, and High tech Bombs. Kingpin is watching from his office window while clicking his pen and Tombstone walks in to his Office.

" Boss, The Vans are all Loaded up and ready to go". Kingpin stopped clicking his pen and turned around to face Tombstone " Good, Everything seems going to plan so far, and the six?" Kingpin questions. Tombstone nodded slowly as he puts his hands behind his back " They are ready as well" Kingpin smirked a bit " then let's start this plan"

Tombstone smirked and leaves his office, As the goons close the Vans and some of them get on, The sinister six are waiting beside the door, Tombstone comes out from the Building " Alright guys, Let's roll, Mysterio, Green Goblin and Electro, I know that you three won't be needing a ride" Said Tombstone. " That is right Tombstone, However you guys should of think of a solution for Rhino" Said Mysterio, Tombstone faces Rhino " Oh your right"

" How can you forget about me eh!? I am the tallest and biggest man of the team!" Rhino shouted angrily. " Calm your anger Hot head, I believe Quentin can do something about it" Said Tombstone. Mysterio shaked his head " I am not carrying a man over 600 pounds of heavy armor, He probably weighs more then my Ex" Mysterio said, Electro laughed " weighs more than your Ex".

Doctor Octopus walks to them " Stop your Nagging Beck, You better think of something to carry Rhino, Because if he runs after us, It will blow away our cover." Electro looks at Otto confused " Hang on, Me, Beck and Norman are flying after you guys!, Wouldn't that blow away the cover as well?" Questions Electro. " Electro, You have the power to go through anything with Electrical energy, Mysterio can appear out of nowhere and teleport, as for Green Goblin, scorpion, and I will be in the back of one of the Vans, Understood?"

Electro then gets everything about the plan they are about to start, He gives Otto a nod. Tombstone whistles getting the attention of all of Kingpin's goons and they started to get on the Vans, Green Goblin, Scorpion and Dr.Octopus got inside on the back of one of the Vans, Mysterio levitates up in the air and faces Rhino, He reaches his arm at him as the two teleports away. Tombstone get's in the passenger seat of one of the Vans, the Vans started to move and accelerated to the road. Meanwhile with the four heroes, Spider-Man is sitting on the edge of the Eiffel tower, Looking at Las Vegas, Miles sits beside Spider-Man.

" Does Tony even know why he sent us up here? I've had nothing else to do then just walk around this top part of this awesome bootleg version of the real Eiffel tower." Miles said to Spider-Man, Deku stands beside Miles and Spider-Man looks at him " Well, If tony told us to meet him here, then I guess he has a Plan".

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