Ch. 4 The Day before our missions

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" WOAH PETER! I LOVE THE NEW SUIT!" Shouts Midoryia as he looks around Peter's New suit, " Mr.Stark, I love this suit!.....What's it made of?" Quesntion Peter to Tony.

" It's made out of Nano tech kid, And I know you all are gonna question about what on earth is Nanotech, Well Nano tech are Tiny particles that are able to move and change at will, It's a Extremely Advanced Technology right now." Said Tony as the other students looked at Peter's new Iron suit as some felt the quality of it. " It feels just like Iron but very smooth.." Said Momo as she rubbed Peter's arm.

" Dude this world rules! Who ever knew this universe will have such advanced technology!" Shouted Kirishima. " He said it can Move and change, can you try that out peter?" Said Todoroki. Peter then checks as his mask dissolves.

" Holy Cow that's cool!" Said Uraraka, " the suit is also Bullet proof and I gave it one special feature In it" Said Tony stark as he takes three steps back. " Special Feature? What is it? And why did you take three steps back Sir Stark?" questioned Iida.

" I would do the same thing If i were you all, Except you Peter" Said Tony as all the students followed his order and took some couple steps back, As Peter stands in the exact same spot where he is standing, Four Spider Legs pop out from his back and Peter's eyes widen. " Holy Moly Mr.Stark! This got to be the best gift from you so far!" Said a Excited peter.  

" So far? What your expecting more?" Questioned tony as he raised an eyebrow, " Ok....Now that's what I call, A Spider suit" Said tsuyu, Midoryia walked to peter slowly as his eyes are widen and couldn't speak a single word. " I......I......I....." 

" Oh! speak up nerd!" Shouted Bakugou, Tony stark walked to them " That is all for today, Tomorrow you all will start your missions, Tomorrow you all will fight and go to the places you were all assigned, Wear your uniforms and Go by your hero names, Deku, Uravity, Froppy, Red Riot, Shoto, Tsukuyomi, Creati, Ingenium, Spider-Man, Deadpool, and Short fuse, Our world Lies on our hands...If we fail...What's the point...I recommend you all to at least enjoy this day...Because Tomorrow it's time, Be here by 6:00 A.M and your groups will be waiting...Tokoyami like Fury said, You start Tomorrow at Night, So I'd Say you get some sleep tomorrow around the Morning because who know your Mission will take all Night long." Said Tony, Everyone nods there head...As deadpool is Playing on his phone. " Yo Kirishima, Midoryia, Uraraka, Tsuyu, Peter, Iida, Hop on in Among us" Said Deadpool while he is playing, Everyone facepalms.

As they all leave Avengers HQ, They all decided to Take a Tour around New York before The day ends and Tomorrow arrives, As they all went to stores, Restaurants, and to the park, They all had a blast, Such as Peter and Midoryia buying a Ironman posters that was Recently just made, All the Girl's go check out Macy's and Other stores as they buy sun glasses and nice hats, Bakugou checking out the street food with Iida, Tokoyami and shoto wathcing street performers, Kirishima is checking out the Muscle beach, And Deadpool......Let's not know whatever he is doing. The crew decided to meet up again in a Plaza, As hurs went by they all meet up back.

" Oh my god, New York is really amazing!" Said Uraraka, " Tell me about it, Me and Bakugou did check out some street food, I got to say, There Hot dogs are really good, Especially when the sausage is wrapped around in Crispy Bacon." Said Iida. " Oh my god! Don't tell me you and Deku bought hero merch shit!?" Said Bakugou as he sees Peter and Deku holding The same Iron posters, Midoryia wearing a Captain America Themed Hat and Wearing a Hulk shirt. 

" W-well...I might as well buy them Kacchan, Plus who knows if we will ever come back here." Said Midoryia, " Typical Midoryia chan" Tsuyu said Giggling.

" How come you need a Ironman Poster peter?" Questioned Todoroki, " Well I am a Huge fan of him, I have posters, Figures, and shirts of him, Their was this one moment when I was a kid, I was wearing a Replica helmet of his suit and a Glove, There was a Dummy doll in front of me and I was pretending to shoot it with my palms like how he does, And He came up behind me and shot it for me and he Pretended that I shot it, I knew I never shot it at the age of 14" Said Peter.

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