Underworld Arc Part 1: The Marvel Knights

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It is 7:30 P.M In Queens, New York. As the sky is Covered with Gray clouds and a cold breeze, And the sounds of Thunder and Lightning. clashing into one. The city people are doing their Night Routine such as Shopping, Street walking, Or Crime...On top of a Tall Apartment Building, Johnny Blaze, Daredevil, Moon Knight, and Tokoyami are standing there, While looking at the city. Moon Knight covers himself with his cloak, As Daredevil is Hearing the noises of the Citizens from The Balcony, Johnny Blaze is leaned on a wall and Tokoyami is standing on the edge of the Building looking at the Dark city.

" What the Hell are we waiting for? We've been here for like the past 15 Minutes just standing here in these Apartments" Johnny Complaint as he stopped leaning on the wall, Moon Knight turned around to him as he walked up to him. " You see Johnny, The Moon has spoken to me about a Upcoming Paranormal activity around this city" Stated Moon Knight.

" You take orders from a Planet, That's 238,900 Miles away from us, How can I tell that your insane or something" Johnny responded, " I trust Moon Knight little ' Moon talk' with his master, But Did it at least told you when is this, Paranormal Situation is supposed to Happen?" Questioned Tokoyami.

" I am Not Allowed to question the Moon, If you must Understand" Responded Moon Knight, Daredevil is still hearing nothing but Car Beeping, People Talking, Until He sniffed the air and Got a Rotting scent, He gagged and climbed the Ladder to the Top of the Building.

" I just Picked up a Scent, The scent was somehow Like a Rotting raw meat." Said Daredevil, " You sure it wasn't one of the rooms? They must be Cleaning the Drain of a Sink or it's someone's Bad cooking" Johnny said, Until Tokoyami picked up the scent as well.

" It Can't be, I sense the smell as well" Tokoyami said as he covers his nose, Moon Knight felt the smell as he covered his nose as well. " That scent, It smells just like something rotting!" Moon Knight covers his nose, Johnny sniffed the air and smells it as well as he coughed and covered his nose.

" What the Hell is making that smell so bad!?" Said Johnny, Daredevil sniffed the air once more as he turns East and Pointed at the Direction. As the rest of the group turns around to where he is pointing, They see Green Smoke rising and Rising. " That's coming from Queens Cemetery, Something is messing with the Dead." Said Moon Knight.

" Well Look at that, I take back everything you just said Moon Knight" Said Johnny, As Johnny started to groan as his Face started to dissolve as It started to Light up with smoke and Blazes up in Flame Becoming The spirit of Vengeance. Ghost Rider Growled as His whistles for His Motorcycle, His Motorcycle started to become into his typical Demonic Bike form as it drives up in the sky to Ghost Rider, Moon Knight, Daredevil and Tokoyami got out of the way as the Bike stops beside Ghost rider, Ghost Rider Got on his Motorcycle as the wheels started to accelerate fast without making the Bike move.

Daredevil Grabbed both his Billy Clubs and connected them together, Moon Knight grabbed his Mini staff as he Tightens it making it become a Bow staff, Tokoyami summoned Dark Shadow's Arms From his back. " Let the Haunt begin!" Ghost rider said as he started to laugh and accelerated his bike as it starts to fly, Daredevil, Moon Knight, Tokoyami run after him, Moon  Knight does some High jumps from Building to Building, Daredevil Does some Parkour from Building to Building, And Tokoyami uses Dark Shadow's Arms to Give him A Extra boost in the air for his jumps. The Four Heroes Parkour and Stunts to make it to the Cemetery, Ghost Rider Lands on the ground and gets out of his Motorcycle, Daredevil Lands on the ground on both feet, Tokoyami landed safetly to the Ground, And Moon Knight glided his way down to the ground as he does a little roll and stopped one knee and Get's up slowly, The Four Heroes walked in the Cemetery as the Green Smoke kept spreading and Spreading around the ground.

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