Underworld Arc Part 4: A trip to the Underworld

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As Daredevil was Bitten by Vlad Dracula, The whole team looked at their Team mate who is Groaning In pain, Daredevil's Eyes started to glow red as his front teeth started to sharpen up into Fangs, Daredevil got back up and hissed like a Vampire, When Tokoyami saw the Transformation of his partner he got up breathing heavily and looked up at Dracula.

" What did you do to him!? You! You! You Old freak!" Shouted the Jet black hero to Dracula, Dracula turned to look at Tokoyami and he chuckled very evilly " What do you think? I made him just like my kind, but that's just the beginning, Once I get all Blood types and The blood god's heart, I will become the New God! and Evolve Humanity to the dawn of the Vampires!" 

" You son of a Bitch, I will end your life once in for all!" Shouted Blade, He ran to Dracula as he has both his hands to his sword, As Tokoyami does the same but raises his sharp silver claws and the two jumped up at him, Daredevil used his Billy club to shoot a Grabbling hook at Tokoyami's Arm, Once the Hook is wrapped around Tokoyami's Arm, Daredevil pulled him far from Dracula, Tokoyami stood on his feet once he was pulled far from the Count.

" Matt! Snap out of it! It's me, Fumikage Tokoyami!" Tokoyami said to his brainwashed friend, Daredevil kept breathing heavily, Moon Knight quickly ran to Tokoyami and placed his hand on his shoulder. " it's no use Tokoyami, That's not the Daredevil we know, He is now a Obssesed Twilight Vampire fan" Moon knight puts the Silver cross weapon away and pulled out his Staff. " We have to fight him"

Tokoyami had no other choice but to fight his Ally, Ghost rider walked to Dracula as he walks pass Moon Knight and Tokoyami. " You two Mortals handle our demon friend, I will make Dracula suffer for his sins!" Said Ghost Rider.

As Blade quickly is blocking every sword attacks from Dracula, Ghost Rider pulled out his Non silver chain whip as he is holding two Chain whips, He flogged the two chain whips on the ground and lashed them around Dracula's arms, Once Dracula arm's are wrapped, He transformed into Black Mist as the Mist floats over Blade, Blade looked confused as he turns around seeing that Mist goes over to daredevil and starts to swallow him up, Ghost rider turns around as the Mist started to fade out with Daredevil and Disappeared.

" What!? Are you serious!? Where did they Go!?" Shouted Moon Knight, Blade looked down and punched the ground " Fuck! I hate it when that Bastard keeps transforming into stupid Shit!" Said Blade aggressively. 

Ghost Rider looked down as he started to Transform back into Johnny. " What do we do now? " Questioned Johnny.

" Let's go, Because the smoke of the fire is gonna give me Breathing Problems." Said Blade, Once the team Leave the Scene, We see the Two Crooks Bullseye and Jack O lantern in there Hideout, Bullseye sitting down reading a Playboy Magazine and Jack O Lantern Doing Chemical experiments on Candy, Small Pumpkins and more. As The Exact same Black Mist enters from the vents, It starts to spin in circles as Dracula transforms back with Daredevil beside him.

Bullseye Notices his Arch Enemy turned to a Vampire and started to laugh " Oh wow, That is unexpected!" He gets up from his chair and placed his Magazine on the table, He walks up to daredevil " Look at you Murdock, Looks like your now a Crummy Blood sucking freak now huh?" Said Bullseye as he Smacked Daredevil head and laughed.

" Easy now, He is under my control now. What did you two found in the Hospital?" Questioned Dracula, Jack O Lantern takes out a cooler and opens as he takes out Seven Blood bags with Labels. " We have Seven so far, we just Need Blood type O-. But we looked all over the Hospitals in this city! and nothing!" Said Jack O Lantern.

" That's Good, We will start the Transformation now" Said Dracula as Bullseye and Jack O lantern looked at each other confused. " But, We need the Last Blood type to start the Transformation, Why on earth are we going to the Underworld now?" Questioned Bullseye. Dracula turns around as he started to walk out " Just Follow me"

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