Ch.1 The Unexpected Guest

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As the Day started normally, Peter and his Friends go to class as usual students, They had a Unexpected Summer vacation, Because Silver Samurai showed to there universe because of...Him, Deadpool and Peter had drama over the arrival of Silver Samurai causing there Friendship to end. However, Peter, Midoryia, Bakugou, Tsuyu, Uraraka,Yaoyorozu, and Deadpool faced The Silver Samurai. During Class, Peter is sleeping on his arms in his desk because turns out that they had an Unit exam and Peter studied All Night for it causing a Lack of sleep. Peter is Sleeping for the Meanwhile before class starts, as he was taking a nap, Iida shows as he sees parker taking a nap, Iida raises his hand and slammed it to Peter's Desk causing him to wake up.

" GAH! What the!.....Dude Iida what was that for!?" shouted peter as his hand is rubbing his left eye. " I am sorry Parker, But you know the rules, No sleeping in class" Iida said as he fixes his glasses, Peter gave him a glare.

" Class hasn't even started!....Plus do you wanna know what time I slept last 4:00 A.M! I didn't get enough sleep!" Said peter as he stretches. " Dude, You taking this as if it was the Finals for this semester" Said Sero 

" I understand that parker, But you should of studied since last week" Said Iida. " yea yea...My bad" Peter turns as he sees tsuyu " Tsu! Do me a solid, If you catch me sleeping during the unit exam today, Please slap me with your tongue." 

" That's a bit awkward Peter, Pretty sure Sensei Aizawa will do that if he catches you sleeping, Ribbit" Tsuyu said as she heads to her desk, Peter facepalmed and groans.

After waiting two minutes before class starts Aizawa shows up to the classroom with a bunch of packets with Answer sheets, The whole class takes their seats, While Aizawa explains the rules.

" As you all may know, This is our first unit exam, Also Next Friday is the end of our 1st quarter, So whatever Grade you get on this exam, Will be your grade for the the 1st Quarter, I don't want to see any cheating, No talking, especially" Aizawa turns to peter who is sleeping again while he is talking, Aizawa's eyes glow as he walks to peter's desk.

" Uh oh, Rip Peter!" Said Kaminari as he holds into his laugh. " I told him yesterday, sleep early." Said Momo as she shaked her head. Aizawa reaches to Peter's desk and he slaps his desk and Peter jumps up a bit.

" GAH!" Shouted Peter and he looks up at Aizawa who is starring down at him with his red and glowing eyes, This sent shivers down to Peter's spine as he gives Aizawa a nervous smile and chuckle.

" No Sleeping" Said Aizawa with a serious tone as he walked back to the front desk, Peter shaked his head as he yawned.

" Alright, You will all may start-" Aizawa was cut off by the class door as it open, Principle Nezu walks in with not his usual smile but instead of a serious look.

" My apologies Mr.Aizawa, But Looks like your unit exam has to be cancelled for a big emergency.." 

After hearing the cancellation of the unit exam, Some of the students sighed in relief. " May I ask why Principal Nezu?" Asked Aizawa.

" Well three men entered our Building, and turns out they have a serious Issue at there place, And they want to come and speak with all of you, Especially peter" Said Nezu, Peter of course is acting sleepy and he didn't hear quite what Nezu said, and what did he do? he went back to sleep.

" Well, Where are they?" Said Aizawa as Nezu stepped aside, Three men walked in the classroom, One man with a tuxedo with glasses, the other with a red cape, and the last one is wearing a galactic suit, As they walked in the classroom the first thing they saw where Surprised and shocked of who they are seeing.

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