secret kisses

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julies pov
i sat on the couch in the garage, i was finally finished with school, this year i could put 100% into our music. i laid my pen ontop of my book before the doors swung open and the three guys walked in.

"hey julie!" reggie smiled and i chuckled, smiling back.

"hey reg, you guys ready for sunday?" i asked, holding onto my book as i walked over to them.

"yup! you got the set list ready?" alex asked as he sat ontop of the piano. i nodded and grabbed my phone.

"rehearsal in the morning. i'll see you then." i chuckled and walked out of the garage, luke following after me.

"hey, wait up." he grabbed my waist and pulled me to the side. i smiled and looked at him as he sat on the wall.

"what's up?" he wrapped his arms around my waist and looked up at me.

"nothin, i just missed you." he scrunched his nose and i rolled my eyes playfully.

"i missed you too." we just stood there in the moment, i lent over and placed a small kiss on his lips and pulled away. "i've got to go help my dad, be here at 9 tomorrow."

i walked away before running back and giving him another peck, i chuckled and ran back into the house.

luke's pov
i watched her go back to the house. sure, we had only been dating for three or so months but i've liked her since the minute i met her.

i just missed her, i turned around and walked back into the garage, the guys were play fighting in the middle of the room.

obviously alex was winning, i chuckled and looked at them as they noticed me. "what was that about?" alex asked and i shrugged.

"nothing, just thinking of new songs." i smiled and they nodded, i jumped onto my couch as they carried on fighting. i pulled out my phone, julie taught us how to use them. i smiled at my background photo, it was a picture of us 4.

"dude, grab you book and let's go!" alex shouted as reggie grabbed a bag of doritos out of thin air.

"where did you hide them?" i sighed and grabbed my book of the window and looked back over at the boys.

"you'll never know." he tried to laugh mischievously but me and alex just walked out of the garage. "you guys don't appreciate me." he pouted and walked away.

"i'll pick you up tomorrow?" alex asked as reggie stood at the side of the road. i nodded and began to walk away.

i moved back in with my parents after i explained everything, we worked through our issues. we had to move out of our house as the neighbours would be very confused, but i only lived down the block from julie now, so it was better than i could imagine.

the guys moved in together as we still can't track down reggie parents and well alex's parents still weren't accepting.

"hey mom." i walked inside and she looked at me. i moved back in a couple of months ago when julie finally got me to face them, and it's been great, but she's very clingy now. obviously, her son did come back from the dead.

"hey honey, how are the boys? and julie?" she asked as she carried on cooking. i smiled and walked over to her.

"they're great. julies graduating next month so i need to get her a gift but i'm struggling." i explained and she nodded, looking back at me.

"well you guys sing, and stuff right? so just get her something like that." she was trying her best to understand, and i appreciated it.

"that's true, i'm gonna head to bed. night." i gave her a quick hug and went upstairs, jotting down some lyrics that came to my head.

i looked down at my phone which was ringing "how do i.. oh right the green one." i pressed the button and held the phone to my ear "..hello?"

"hey! why can i just see your ear?" she chuckled and i pulled away to look to see julies face on my screen.

"i will never understand these things." i chuckled and she let out a cute giggle. "what's up?"

she stood up and i noticed she was wearing my shirt. i smiled and looked at her. "what? i was getting my book." she sat down and looked at me.

"i like it when you wear my shirts." i teased and she rolled her eyes, going red.

"shut up, aren't you like fifty?" she joked and i looked at her.

"no. i'm nineteen." she chuckled and smiled, crossing her legs and i pouted.

"i know, you're twenty in five months! ew, you're old." she teased and i shook my head.

"how do i end this?" i looked at the buttons and she grabbed her phone shaking her head.

"no, don't end it. our birthday are literally a month apart, so if you're old so am i." she smiled and i looked at her.

"that was just gibberish, but i forgive you." i smiled and she nodded, looking at me.

"i just wanted to tell you that i wrote a hook which i think we should work on."

'Today can last another million years
Today could be the end of me
It's 11: 59, and I want to stay alive'

she looked at me and i nodded, playing the strings on my guitar "mhm, that sounds good, we could definitely use that."

"well that's all i wanted to talk to you about." she added and i looked looked ah her. "well night." she smiled and i returned it, saying it back as she ended the call. she was adorable.

i love her. what? no! you like her. oh god, i love her.

hey hey, it's me. sophie


anyways, hope you enjoyed, message me or comment anything that you would like to see in this book.

- S

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