heart break

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luke's pov
we sat at the top of the bed, the covers wrapped around us. i kissed julies head softly as she fell asleep on my chest. i was slowly moving from under her and she grabbed onto my shirt. "where are you going?" she mumbled and i chuckled lightly.

"it's 12 am, i'm going to break into the boys' apartment." i smiled and she shook her head, pulling me back to the bed.

"uh-huh. get back into bed and cuddle with me." she ordered and i threw my hands up, getting back into the bed.

"okay, but if ray kills me..." i joked, she playfully hit my arm.

"i've got the CD ready." she chuckled and i let out a cheerful laugh. "good night." she kissed my cheek and fell asleep on chest once again.

i just sat there for a while, playing with her hair and admiring her beauty. i slowly fell asleep, moving so my hand rested nicely on top of hers.

julies pov
"mija." i heard a voice boom. i jumped up, my whole body in shock as i looked up at my dad who had a cheery smile on his face. i looked over the bed and luke was gone. i looked back at my dad and smiled weakly.

"what's up dad?" i sat up and rubbed my eyes, he motioned me to follow him. i sighed and rolled out of bed, following him down the stairs.

"morning." i heard a familiar voice say. i looked back to see trevor sat in the kitchen, and luke in the corner, pouting.

"i found him sneaking through your window with pancakes and coffee." he pointed at the plate and coffee cup on the side. i smiled and looks over at him, mouthing a 'thank you.'

luke's expression dropped immediately, turning into a goofy smile. i grabbed my coffee and leant on the counter, avoiding eye contact with trevor. "julie." my dad shot me a glare.

"hi mr. wilson." i grabbed my pancakes and sighed. "well this was nice." i states, luke tried to hide his laugh and he looked over at me.

"julie, i just wanted to talk about your bands future." i scowled at him, he had came to see our performance at the orpheum, and then completely cut off my family. like we were in the wrong.

"the bands future is looking bright, thanks fe your concern." i said coldly and he looked at me.

"i'm sorry?" he chuckled and looked at luke then at me "i'm just trying to help you." he said to us both.

luke rolled his eyes and rested his hand on my shoulder "it's okay. we're doing great, we've decided as a family to not take any offers, or talk to anyone outside of our circle about our band." i stated and grabbed luke's hand, walking up the stairs.

"i am so sorry trevor." ray said and he shook his head.

"don't worry about it ray, just know boys can be trouble." he looked up at luke and then walked out of the house.

"i hate him." i sighed and luke grabbed my hands, pulling me back over to him.

"so do i. but it's 11 am, and you've got a movie night at 5, so how about up until then, you grab your pen and book and let's head out to the garage and write some songs?" i smiled and nodded, kissing him softly.

he could make any situation feel better, he was my comfort. when i was with him the world melted around me.

we walked down to the garage, i didn't even speak to my dad i couldn't be bothered to get into another argument with him.

"where should we order from?" luke asked and i moved off the piano chair and sag next to him.

"i don't mind." i wrapped up next to him and laid my head on his shoulder, his hand went to taco bell and i shook my head. "i don't want there."

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