valentines day

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julies pov
my eyes fluttered open as my phone buzzed on the side. i went to hug luke but he wasn't there. i pouted and sat up. "i hate that."

"hate what?" i heard him shout from across the room. i looked over at him and pulled the blanket over me.

"when i wake up and you're not next to me." he smiled and walked over, a tray in his hand and i looked up at him. "awh luke."

"happy valentine's day." he kissed the side of my head and sat down in the bed, placing the breakfast over my lap.

he grabbed the cup of coffee he made himself and laid back, looking at me. i grabbed one of the strawberries as he bit off the end, making me smile. once i had finished, there was a bit of whipped cream on the side of my plate and i chuckled to myself. "luke?" i said innocently.

"what's up baby?" he looked over at me and i hit him gently with it, running away as i did. "oh, so that's what we're doing?" a mischievous smirk grew on his face and my eyes went wide.

i might die today.

he grabbed the bottle of whipped cream and squirted it all over me. "no! luke!" i squealed, running away from him, before i stopped and looked over at him as he ran out of the bottle.

"uh-oh." he said as i jumped on him, now both of us covered in it. we chuckled and he kissed me sweetly before looking at us. "this is our first valentine's day, and we end up like this?" he joked and i messed up his hair.

"it couldn't be anymore perfect patterson." he wrapped his arms around me and pulled me closer to him.

"i agree." he kissed the top of my head before we decided to shower.

once i had changed, i slipped away without telling luke over to the apartment next door. "guys!"

i looked over to see reggie and flynn getting ready to go out. i ran over and hugged them. "ugh, stop it!" flynn squealed and i smiled at them.

"you guys are adorable. i need alex." he walked out when i said his name. "morning handsome." i chuckled and he stared at me. "i need you to distract luke."

"it's valentine's day, it's my time to sit and cry, then watch 'how to be single' to feel something." i just looked at him and he groaned. "fine, he can watch it with me." i enveloped him in a hug and kissed his cheek.

"i love you!" he just grumbled and waved me away, i walked over to my apartment. "hey baby, alex needs you, i need to go see my dad anyways." i rubbed his arm and grabbed my stuff.

"i- uh.. okay." he nodded, i noticed the hurt look in his eyes and i almost melted but i shook it off and walked out of the apartment.

i had walked down to the store and bought a bunch of things, finally getting back home half an hour later to a text from luke

luke: he's making me watch 'how to be single'. HELP.

i couldn't help but let out a loud laugh and then start cooking.

julie: just watch the movie, i'll save you soon.

luke: save me now.

julie: nope. i love you.

luke: i hate you.

i shook my head and the text and around an hour later you had set up the table on the balcony and put fairly lights everywhere making it just that more special.

"julie! i hate you, why would you make me-" he stopped as he looked at me. my heart was pounding out of my chest and he smiled. "you look gorgeous."

i was wearing my red satin dress which he bought me, i wrapped my arms around him and kissed his nose. "happy valentine's day."

"happy valentine's day." he kissed me, before looking at the balcony and we both sat down. "oo, where did you order this from."

i chuckled my napkin at him and he chuckled. "i made it all." he looked over at me.

"if i die because of your cooking-"

"well, then guess i'll have to find another ghost to fall in love with."

he glared at me and i blew him a kiss, his face going soft after it.

after we had ate, i put on some music and he stood up. "dance with me." he held out his hand and i grabbed it, he pulled my closer as we danced in the moonlight, the fairly lights twinkling around us.

"do you know when i fell in love with you?" i asked and he looked down at me as we swayed. "carrie had told everyone that i stole her song. which makes absolutely no sense." we both chuckled lightly "and i was sat in the auditorium, crying and you poofed in. you didn't say anything, you just sat next to me. you were there, and we sat for hours, until the janitor kicked us- well me out. and you didn't mention it again, because you knew how uncomfortable it would make me feel. you
made me feel safe, and that's when i realised that i might be falling in love with you."

he looked down at me, i wiped away a tear that fell from his face and he smiled. "i started falling in love with you the minute you held a cross to us, but i knew that we you were the love of my life when you gave me mom that song. you made me into who i am today julie."

i kissed him, this time was different, it was out of pure love, it felt as if time had stood still as your lips pressed together.

"i made chocolate strawberries." i whispered, his eyes widening as he picked me up off the ground and we ran back into the kitchen. he set my down on the counter, grabbing the strawberries out of the fridge.

he shook his head and looked at me. "your chocolate strawberries are tiny drops of heaven." i rolled my eyes and he gripped my waist, making me look down at him. "it's probably because you're an angel." i gave him a quick peck and grabbed a strawberry.

"i thought you were being over dramatic, but they are like tiny heaven droplets." i chuckled and he kissed my hand before grabbing one aswell.


happy valentines!

i got gin and chocolates, yes i am 17 don't call the cops🤚

question- what's your favourite romance movie? mines definitely titanic, some of you might know that from my other book.


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