starting anew

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julies pov
i stood behind the couch, totally lost in my own thoughts. i was pulling at the stings of the couch before someone was shaking my shoulders.

"JULIE!" i jumped and looked back to see the guys starting at me like i was an alien.

"what's your problem? you know starting is rude."

they scoffed and looked at me once again. i shrugged and lifted my hands in the air. "we've been shouting for like five minutes." reggie butted in.

"oh.." i looked at them and my face scrunched up, i leaned back on the couch and luke grabbed my hand.

"what's up?" he said it so softly that i completely, now i was lost in his eyes but this time i felt alex's eyes burning into the side of my head.

"i can't remember." he pulled my closer and reggie groaned.

"get a room."

"actually, i was thinking since we both are crashing here.. why not go look at some apartments?" luke looked down at me.

i froze, was this really happening? was it not just two nights ago i swore that i would never forgive him and now i'm here about to rent an apartment with him? oh the irony.

reggie jumped up and down like a little kid on christmas, we watched him point to us then the door.

"what are you.." luke mumbled in confusion.

"the apartment across from us! it's up to rent!!"

luke looked at me and i smiled at the excitement that filled reggie up. i looked back up at luke and nodded.

"let's check it out?" i asked and he grabbed up, throwing me up in the air in excitement. i screamed and once i was in his arms, i wrapped mine around him and gave him a dirty look.

"i hate you patterson."

"love me really." he kissed my nose and set me down on my feet.

i had changed into one of luke's shirt and threw on some of my jeans, slipping on my trainers before looking over at my boyfriend. i smiled as he slipped on his shirt and he looked over at me.

"why are you grinning so hard?" he teased and i sat back on the bed and shrugged.

"i'm just lucky you know.." he crawled over the bed and kissed my shoulder. 

"i'm the lucky one." he kissed up to my cheek and turned my face to his, cupping my cheeks in his hands. he kissed me gently, before the door swung open.

"not in my apartment." reggie shouted and jumped ontop of us, before alex ran in and jumped ontop of us aswell. we both groaned and pushed them off.

luke looked over at me and smiled goofily, making me chuckle. we called the landlord and talked over the apartment deals.

since we were already staying at the apartment across the way, he let us look at the other one soon after we ended the call.

"oh my god.." i muttered, running my hand over the balcony which had the most perfect view of the beach. luke wrapped his arms around my waist from behind and kissed my head.

"it's gorgeous huh?" he said with a slight tone of giddiness. i chuckled and nodded, we looked at each other and without even hesitation we asked to sign the lease.

the landlord was taken aback by our enthusiasm but agreed, we used up the money that we had been saving from the tours, and obviously the songs have been climbing the charts so we've been getting a constant flow of money.

"well, congratulations." he shook both of our hands and we smiled at eachother. i walked around the place, it wasn't big but it wasn't small. it had a spare bedroom in the back, but the open floor space meant the bedroom and living room were one.

i planned out where everything would go, "the walk-in kitchen is big enough for a family, and the bed could go right here." i pointed where the bed would normally go, with the view of the city in front of it. "and a little living area here, and the bathroom is just there." he watched me intensely and i threw him a glare. "what?"

"nothing, you're just cute when you ramble." i blushed and looked over at him, he moved closer and left a small kiss on my cheek. "we're gonna have to tell our parents.." he pulled the elephant in the room out of the bag.

"i know." i sighed and leant on his chest, he wrapped his arms around me.

"we'll tell them together, ask them to come over.. but you know.." he stretched that end sentence and i looked up at him, my chin laying on his chest so my eyes looked into his.

"we're not going to be living here long." i stepped back, and tried to string a sentence together but it wasn't working. "because in.. three years, were going to be living in a penthouse, 'julie and the phantoms' will be everywhere." he smiled and i hit his arm. "why?" he squealed.

"don't scare me like that." he chuckled and kissed me before i got my next sentence out. i giggled lightly, this man still got me giggling.

we stood looking around the apartment before we heard a knock. luke walked over and opened it "congratulations!" i heard the boys and flynn shout. i chuckled and walked over, giving them all a hug.

"so that was quick." flynn added and i nodded, looking around. "ugh, now we've got to decorate." she pushed me into the apartment and sat on the empty floor.

luke's pov
i looked at the two girls plan out the apartment and we slipped away to the apartment across the hall.

"this is like friends." reggie looked at us and i shrugged.

"i guess.." alex nodded in agreement. we sat down at the couch.

"so, you and julie huh?"

i nodded and smiled "i love her so much.." they both patted my back.

"i'm happy for you, but if you hurt her.." reggies face went serious. i chuckled nervously and turned to face alex who had the the same deadpanned face.

i rubbed the back of my neck and swallowed hard.

"but congrats dude." they both said. i smiled awkwardly. but it turned into a genuine smile, me and julie were finally starting our lives together.

i hate college with a burning passion😭

anyways, i hope you all enjoyed although this was just a filler chapter <3

- S

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