love letters

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luke's pov
i was woke up by the sun glaring through the windows, i looked over at the girl next to me and i smiled, kissing her shoulder as she turned over to look at me. "morning beautiful."

she smiled and kissed my nose, resting her forehead on mine. "morning." she smiled and then we both groaned as we heard a knock on the door.

i threw her my shirt as i threw on the sweat pants and ran over to the door, opening it to see flynn. "hey." she shouted, running past me to see julie.

"chill out." julie chuckled and flynn wrapped her arms around her. she looked over at me and i nodded getting the hint, and walking over to the boys apartment. of course they leave it unlocked.


"honey i'm home!" i shouted and alex glared at me as he held his head. "that's why you don't drink." i wrapped my arm around him and he pushed me away. "ouch." i held my chest as if i was hurt.

"what do you want." he groaned and i pulled myself ontop of the counter, my legs dangling off and i shrugged.

"they're having girl talk." he started making eggs. alex's eggs are the single handily the greatest. don't tell julie that. "oh, and i gave julie a promise ring yesterday."

"what?!" he shouted, reggie whimpering behind me as i turned around.

"shh. i need coffee." he slumped over the counter and i pushed him off, he didn't even move, just laid on the ground.

"forgot about him. a promise ring? like a promise that you're going to marry her?" alex spluttered and i laughed, nodding at his enthusiasm.

"you and julie and getting married? hurray." reggie chucked the basil in the air and alex glared at him.

"no, well one day we will, but it's just a promise ring." i looked at them both and then down at the dried herbs that were covering the floor. "i'm not cleaning that."

julies pov
once luke had left flynn started jumping up and down. "oh my god! tell me everything!" we both laid back on the bed and i told her everything.

she had tears welding up in her eyes, and so did i. "you guys are going to get married, live in a big house, have three kids. two boys, one girl. and you're going to live across from johnny depp!" she squealed and i couldn't help but laugh.

"okay flynn." i shook my head and walked over to the kitchen. "what we doing today? it's a girls day, i'll text alex." she nodded and walked over, grabbing a bottle of water.

"the new to all the boys i've loved before movie is out!" she shouted and i looked over at her. "we're watching it."

"well obviously!"

i texted alex and he told me that reggie and luke wanted to join, after a couple of minutes we finally gave in and said yes.

i put all the pillows and blankets around the room, as the others joined in, we had just gotten our projector installed and i put on netflix.

obviously we had to watch the first two, just to refresh and because the two boys didn't know what the franchise was.

five hours later we had watched all of them and we were all sat in tears. "he loves her so much." flynn cried and held her head in her hands.

"they're meant to be! even 3,000 miles away, they're meant to be." alex choked up.

"i'm writing a letter of complaint to stanford." reggie shouted, making us all laugh.

"remember when you wrote luke love letters?" flynn chuckled, wiping away her tears and my eyes opened.

"nu-uh, wrong person." i chuckled nervously.

"wrong bitch." reggie snapped his fingers and we all just shook our heads.

"you wrote me love letters?" luke smirked and i shook my head.

"nope. unless perfect harmony is a love letter, then yes." i rambled and he wrapped his arms around me.

"you're adorable when you're nervous." he whispered in my ear, i hid my face in the crease of his neck and he let out a low chuckle.

alex, reggie and flynn left the apartment, due to luke's request and he picked up, placing me on the bed. "i wrote you one." i piped up and he laid down, looking up at me. "when we first kissed, it started as a song but just turned into a letter."

"well..." he put his head in my lap and i ran my fingers through his hair. "thats sweet."

"you're not going to ask to read it?"

"nope. if you wanted me to see it, you would've given me it."

i kissed his forehead and he smiled. "i love you luke patterson."

"i love you julie molina."


sorry for this short chapter, i just wanted to post something and tomorrow is valentine's day so you know what that means!

jukes first valentines day!

question- have you watched tatbilb?

- S

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