sandy nights

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luke's pov
i stood there, just holding her in my arms. i smiled and kissed the top of her head and she chuckled lightly. "let me go get changed." she said quickly before running back into the house.

i looked down at my phone to see a text from flynn 'if you hurt her, you're going to wish you crossed over.' my eyes widened at the text and i looked up at her in the window. i nodded, obviously i would never intentionally hurt her. she's the love of my life. she blew me a kiss before walking back to the room. good luck reggie.

i waited outside for about ten minutes before she walked back over to me. "hey you." i chuckled and grabbed her hand. she smiled and we began walking down the path.

we didn't speak but the silence was comfortable. our hands laced together as we walked along the beach. did i know where we were going? no, but anywhere with her was magical. we sat on the beach for hours, we talked. we cried. we laughed. i wasn't afraid of anything when i was with her.

"hey luke?" she moved closer to me, i wrapped my arms around her and pulled her into my chest.

"what's up?" i muttered as i kissed her head, laying my chin ontop, as she rested her head on my chest.

"i love you." she giggled and i pulled her ontop of me, tucking her hair behind her ears and kissing her gently.

"i love you more." i cupped her cheeks and kissed her again, moving my lips down to her jaw. she ruffled my hair and she looked around. she smirked, and attached her lips to mine once again.

we all know where this is going.

(hour time skip)
she laid back into the sand, i played with her hair as she laid on my chest once again. my coat covering her. we both just started laughing. "that surfer definitely knew."

she hit my chest and i kissed the side of her head "why is he surfing at this time?" she argued.

"well, you couldn't keep you hands off me for a whole day could you." i sighed and she looked up at me, with her signature glare.

she looked up at me with these eyes, as if something was building up in her head, she was scared to ask it, i've met this look to many times.. i nudged her to tell me what was on her mind.

"luke who was that-" before she could end her sentence we heard a voice in the distance. we looked over the beach.

"guys! we've been looking everywhere for you!" i heard someone shout from the edge of the beach. julies eyes opened wide and i covered my mouth to hide the laughter.

"oh my god! my eyes!" reggie screamed, running to the other side of the beach. julie slowly hid her face under the jacket and i looked over at the three. "my sweet innocent eyes." he cried out, dropping to his knees.

"oh shut up reggie." i chuckled, they all turned around as we quickly got changed and i put my jacket on julie.

"you hated him twenty hours ago." alex sighed and looked at julie. she hid behind me, then jumped on my back.

i held onto her as she looked over at him. their faces at the same height now. "it's the sleeveless shirts. they just make me swoon." she said dramatically.

"they make you do more than swoon." reggie mumbled and all of us burst out laughing, but julie just burrowed her face into my neck, her cheeks going the deepest shade of red.

"come on. movie night." alex said, as we all walked down the beach, the apartment only five or so minutes away.

once we arrived, julie jumped off my back and jumped back onto the couch, flynn sat next to her and grabbed the remote. "west side story." they all chanted. i sighed and sat down on the chair.

"go on then. but i swear to god if anyone talks about how hot any of them are..." i shook my head and julie shrugged.

"so we can't talk about maria?" she shouted and flynn sighed.

"but she's the love of my life." flynn whined, and slumped back into the couch. reggie sat next to her and shook his head.

we started playing the movie, all of them singing along to every song. they eventually tricked me into singing. julie and alex getting up to dance along to the choreography. i don't even want to know when they learned that.

julie sat on the edge of the chair with me, i put my arm around her waist and she put her head on mine as we watched the rest of the movie.

this felt right. everyone in this room was all i ever needed. they're my family, and julie was apart of me now. i wouldn't know what to do, or who to be without everyone. the shaped me into who i was, and i adored each and every single one. especially the girl who i'll grow old with, who i'm going to marry, who i'm going to have my children with. sure we hadn't been dating for that long, but when you know.. you know.

hey.. how yall doing?

sorry for the short chapter, it's really just a filler.

question- have you ever watched west side story? and if not.. why? lmaoo, thank you all for reading <3

- S

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