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luke's pov
i pulled up outside of the house. i took a deep breath and julie grabbed my hand, rubbing small circles on the back of my palm.

"i'm right here luke." she assured me and i nodded, we both got out and her hand returned to mine. we slowly walked to the door and knocked.

"luke. julie."

"hi dad." i looked up and he sent me a weak smile, before looking over at julie.

"hi mr. patterson." she gave him a small hug before he walked us in.

"honey, luke and julie and are here." i looked over at her as she dropped whatever she had and wrapped her arms around me.

i stumbled backwards and returned the hug, i smiled and held onto her before she pulled away and held onto my face. "i'm sorry luke, i can't loose you again."

i grabbed her hands and nodded. "you won't, but i feel like the living together just.. we.. it wasn't right." she moved over to the couch after giving julie a quick hug.

julie looked at me and put her hands in her pockets "i'll make some coffee?" she said and we all nodded before she walked into the kitchen and started making some coffee. 

"what we're you trying to say son?" my father sat down on the coffee table, patting my back and i looked at them both.

"i bought an apartment.. well actually it's more like a loft." i rambled and my mom grabbed my hand making me stop.

"an apartment? you can't live alone.." she chuckled and looked at me worriedly.

julie was just running around the kitchen making the coffee, "i'm not alone." i just smiled at julie, she looked at me and gave me that smile, the one where she would make me forget about everything around me.

"here you go." she set down the coffees leant on the table before they both caught on and said 'ahhh'.

"you're a very lucky man." my mom said, waving her finger in my face and i nodded.

"she's an angel, don't take that for granted." my dad then chimed in and i sighed looking at her. 

"sure sure." i teased and she shot me a playful smirk before sipping her coffee and we all chuckled.

we needed this, we needed to move on from all of our problems. we sat and talked for an hour or so before deciding to go.

"it was nice seeing you mrs and mr patterson." jules said giving them both one last hug my mom shot her a glare and she held her hands up in defence "emily and mitch, i know i apologise." she chuckled and i wrapped my arms around her waist.

"friday right?" my dad asked and we nodded.

"wouldn't miss it dad."

we walked out and over to the car, once we had set off down the roads julie plugged her phone in and started playing our songs. i chuckled and rolled my eyes as she burst out singing edge of great.

i shook my head and looked over at her. "what?" she smiled.

"nothing." she kissed my cheek as we pulled up, driving through the parking lot.

once we walked up the apartment i opened it to see flynn, alex and reggie attempting to put together a table.

"it's mahogany!" flynn shouted at alex who groaned loudly.

"it's just brown!" he argued back and she held up her hand.

"i'm just going to make dinner." she walked over to us and smiled, before walking to the apartment across the hall.

reggie ran over and pulled us both into a hug. "what's up buddy?" julie asked.

"they're so annoying." he pouted and we chuckled, walking over to help them with the table.

"guys.. you didn't have to do this!" she looked over at the bed frame which was made, and the chairs what were set up along the kitchen bar.

"wanted to do something for you guys, and so you'd actually be able to live here." alex chuckled and about twenty minutes later flynn walked back into the apartment.

"bon appetite." she said crudely and placed the plate on the newly made table. julie burst out laughing and alex glared at her.

"that's so fucked up flynn." she shouted and she just smirked.

"digg in." she smiled and sat down on the stool, reggie grabbed one of the hot dogs that flynn made.

"dude!" alex shouted and he shrugged.

"she's my girl, why would she want to kill me? you maybe, but not me."

julie and i just shook our heads as alex and flynn just glared at each other.

"what's happening?" i whispered to the girl that was laying on my arm.

"i don't know.. i'm scared though." she chuckled and i nodded.

"do we kick them out?" i asked and she shrugged.

"guys.. me and luke wanted a minute to ourselves if that's okay?"

"now look. you've got them to kick us out!" alex shouted at flynn.

"alex.." she walked over to him and grabbed a hot dog, throwing it at him as she ran out of the apartment.

"you're not gonna have a girl." alex said to reggie who dropped his food and ran over them to stop what ever was going to happen.

"okay..." i nodded and locked the door. "we don't know them do we?"

"know who?" she chuckled and i smiled at her. "work?" she tilted her head to the side and i nodded, putting her keyboard in the empty space and resting my guitar next to it.

we just sat for a couple of hours, the sun that was shining through the windows was now replaced with the moon. julie placed her book down as i walked over to the bathroom.

when i walked back in she was laying on the keyboard, her eyes closed as i walked over and moved the hair from her eyes.

"hey gorgeous, you awake?" i asked and she didn't respond. i kissed the side of her head and i picked her up bridal style and placed her into the new bed.

she looked like an angel.


2k reads! thank you so much <3

question- favourite movie musical? i've been listening to abba for hours so mamma mia is on my mind🤣

- S

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