bright forever

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julies pov
"sit still!" flynn shouted, i sat back and laughed as she chased reggie around the apartment with tweezers.

"we watch one season of greys and she thinks she's a goddamn surgeon." i sighed and luke put his arm around me and laid on my head.

"you tired?" he mumbled and i nodded. "come on
then." he picked me up and i squealed, wrapping my arms around his neck.

he carried me over to our apartment and laid me on the bed, grabbing his shirt and chucking it over at me. "thank you."

once i had changed he got into the bed with me and put on the tv, placing some popcorn down.

"what's all of this?"

"movie night." he wrapped his arms around me and i grabbed the remote and turned on 'greys anatomy'. "oh god, again?" he groaned and i chuckled.

"shh, it's starting." he threw his head back and i grabbed the popcorn, watching the tv.

we fell asleep after a few episodes, luke after one or two. my eyes fluttered open to the banging on the door.

"i'm coming.." i opened it and saw reggie and alex who ran inside and shut the door.

"we just got the cover art for the album." he passed me it and luke walks up behind us, looking down at the CD.

"that's so cool.." he mumbled in his morning voice. i chuckled and nodded. "bright forever. dopest name."

i rolled my eyes and looked down at my phone, recording a video and posting it onto our band instagram, the guys obviously not knowing how it works yet.

"tonight. 7pm. pacific standard time. our first every album 'bright forever.' is being released everywhere. don't forget to pre order it now!"

i put my phone away and we all started to jump around excited, before flynn walked into the apartment and started at us. "what is happening..?"

"our album is coming out today!" i squealed and she joined in, jumping around with us.

after about 10 minutes we all collapsed back onto the couch and flynn looked over at us. "well, the party is in a couple of hours, so we better go get ready." she grabbed my hand and pulled me up.

"ugh, bye. i love you!" i shouted and luke waved as she pulled me over to the guy's apartment. "why didn't we kick them out of my apartment?"

"because i turned the spare bedroom into my little studio." we walked into the room and i saw all
of the fabric on the wall, and the dresses she has stitched together.

"flynn! this is so beautiful." i ran my hand down the silk purple dress and matching silver one.

"good, that's what we're wearing tonight." she said and i wrapped my arms around her.

"god, i love you."

"who doesn't?" she flipped her hair and sat down on the chair. "let's get started."

we started getting ready early because we knew that we would fight about something stupid, which is definitely what happened.

"that's not baby pink, it's champagne pink." i just started at her.

"are you being serious? it's just another shade of pink! it's all the same colour."

"no, champagne pink is just more of a beige."

"i hate you. i cant wait till you live in paris." she hit my arm and i started laughing.

"i don't even know if i'm moving to paris." she turned back to the mirror.

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