who was she

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julies pov
i woke up the sound of arguing coming from the kitchen. i groaned and rubbed my eyes, luke's arms still wrapped around me as i noticed reggie and alex arguing over what to have.

"but banana pancakes are better!" alex shouted at reggie, who scoffed and held his hand out.

"you speaking to the wrong bitch." my hand flew to my mouth, trying to hold back my laughter. maybe teaching reggie gen-z phrases wasn't the best idea.

"what does.. okay.." he sighed and turned around and then they looked over at me. "morning."

"morning, what's for breakfast?" i asked adding fuel to the fire that was building up, the boys gave each other an intense started.

"chocolate pancakes." reggie smiled and alex shook his head, mouthing 'banana' which made me chuckle once again.

i slowly stood up and luke groaned before slowly fading back into his sleep. i walked over to the kitchen. "go do something." i kicked them both out the kitchen.

they groaned and rolled their eyes "you better not burn our kitchen down again." i held my hand to my heart and opened my mouth.

"get out." they ran away and i began making breakfast, after about twenty minutes i was nearly finished. i felt warm around wrap around my waist and kiss the back of my head.

"good morning gorgeous." i melted hearing his low morning voice. i turned around to meet his sleepy eyes. in the morning he always woke up in the best mood, his adorable smile plastered along his face. "stop staring." he teased and gave me a quick peck.

i chuckled and went back to finishing off the breakfast. i looked over at the couch to see reggie looking at flynn. she was laying on his chest and i looked over at luke. "we're cuter." he helped me put the plates down and i looked over at him.

"mhm." i kissed his cheek, watching them go a shade of pink before the others walked over and sat down. "chocolate and banana pancakes. coffee. fruit. and whatever that is." i pointed at what luke had made out of the two waffles i made him.

"don't judge until you try." he said before starting to each. the boys smiled at me. and flynn grabbed the whole bowl of raspberries.

"compromise." i waved my fingers in their face and grabbed the bowl of watermelon before we all started to eat.

after about thirty minutes everyone got up to shower or change. i looked over at luke and he pushed the hair which covered my face back. "jules?"

i smiled at his gesture "yeah baby?" 

"what did you want to ask me yesterday? you know before everyone came?" he asked, curiosity flickered in his eyes.

"oh.." i looked down and stood up, grabbing the plates to put them away, trying to avoid it but he followed me.

"julie, talk to me." he spun me around to face him.

"who was the girl on the phone?" i blurted out and he sighed. i rested my hand on his chest. "you promised, no more secrets or lies luke."

he nodded "carrie." i went to push him of me but his arms snaked around my waist. "kayla still had my number and invited me over to a party."

"carrie? the girl that tried to break our band apart?" i scoffed and broke away from his embrace.

"julie, i was drunk okay?"

"did you kiss her?" i turned around and now he was the one scoffing.

"are you fucking kidding me? you know i would never do that to you."

i didn't respond, i just carried on washing the dishes. he walked behind me again, i felt his breath on my neck, sending shivers down my body. "

"i love you. i'd never. never. do that to you okay?" he put his arms around my neck.

"do you think she's pretty?" i asked bluntly and he shook his head.

"oh come on julie. do you just want to fight?" he argued and i turned around.

"do. you. think. shes. pretty."

"i think when i wake up in the morning i think of you. when i close my eyes at night to try and sleep, i think of you. i think whenever i see a girl on the street, i pitty them because they're never going to be as beautiful as you. i think when i see a guy on the street i smile because i know i'm the luckiest one because i have you.
sure, carries pretty. but you're gorgeous. you come second to none. you take my breath away everytime i see you. when i hear your voice it's like angels coming down from heaven. when i see your smile, it's like a bit of the sun has been put on earth. when you kiss me, the whole world melts away because it's ours. does that answer you question?"

i wiped away my tears and ran over to him, kissing him deeply. just like he said, the whole world melts around us.

i doubted him, and now i've never felt more secure. i pulled away and he looked down at me, his hand moved to my cheek and the other around my waist. "i love you julie. don't ever doubt that."

i kissed him once again, this time it was sweet and short.

"that was so beautiful." i heard a voice croak, looking over at the guys and flynn who were all also crying.

"i'm not going to lie man, i really strongly disliked you for a minute there." reggie said, making me laugh.

luke rolled his eyes and flynn waved her finger as to remind me about the text and he nodded.

"so you think carries pretty huh?" i joked and he stepped back, ready to argue once again. "i was joking you old man." i gave him and quick peck and walked back behind the counter to the table.

"this girl will be the death of me." he muttered under his breath. a playful smirk appeared on my lips before i looked up at alex.

i knew that look.

"hey guys, help luke clean up." they looked at me and i glared at them before reggie and flynn flew behind luke, hiding.

alex chuckled and went to help but i grabbed his hand. he looked back at me confused and i pulled him into the bedroom.

"hey. you alright?" i sat down on his bed and he sighed.

"that obvious?"

"only to me." he chuckled and nodded. "so talk to me, what's up?"

he sat down next to me. "i miss him you know? he helped me through so much, and now.."

"hey, hey." i wrapped him into hug, wiping his tears away. "it's okay... i'm sure he'd be so happy for you alex. i bet at every gig he's there, watching and cheering us on."

"you think?" he said through his tears. i stroked his hair and nodded.

"trust me, i know it's hard falling for a ghost.." he let out a small chuckle.

the hairbrush fell from his table and he shot up. we walked over and on the side a note simply said.

'i'm your #1.
i'm always here alex.

we both looked around the room and he held the note to his chest and looked at me. i kissed his cheek and pulled him into a hug.

"i love you lex." i walked out of the room to give him a minute and i looked over at the three idiots i left.

"julie! look it's bacon pancakes!" reggie shouted and i shook my head. "we're making bacon pancakes." he said energetically "oo, that rhymed."

this man will never make sense, but that's why we love him.

hola me gusta. i'm uploading this now because i just sent in my assignment and i need to take my mind of me failing

(idk what that means, but we thrive.)

hopefully you all enjoyed, and fell in love with luke even more because i know i did.

also 1k reads? thank you all so much <3

- S

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