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julies pov
i was stood in the kitchen as i heard a bang on my door, i just assumed it was flynn and walked over opening it. "why didn't you just-" i looked up to see carrie.

"hey julie, i just came to return this." she handed me luke's jumper.

i snatched it out of her hands and she chuckled. "how do you know i live here?" i scowled at her.

"you dad told me. tell luke i said hi." she winked but before i was about to give her a piece of my mind i felt arms wrap around me, resting his head in the crook of my neck.

"come on, we've got things to do." luke whispered in my ear and i nodded, looking at carrie who was clenching her jaw.

"bye." i said bluntly and shut the door, walking away from luke and throwing his jumper at him.

"julie! come on." he pled and i sat on the edge of the bed and knocked on the TV. he sat next to me and held my hand. "i left it at the party, she just wanted to annoy you."

i sighed and looked over at him. "we've got dinner at your parents tonight." i laid my head on his shoulder.

"i know, invite you dad too." he kissed the top of my head as i pulled out my phone and texted my dad.

julie: hey dad, we're going to the patterson's for dinner, they asked if you would like to join.

dad: sure! it'd be a great way to get to know lauren.

i looked at the text and groaned. "what's up?" luke rubbed small circles on my back and i shook my head.

"nothing. let's get ready." he grabbed me and i chuckled as he held me in the air. "luke! put me down."

he started laughing and threw my on the bed. i held out my hand and he grabbed it, i pulled him onto the bed and he smiled. grabbing my cheek and pulling me into a kiss before another knock at the door.

"i hate it here." he flopped back on the bed and i kissed him again, looking down at him. i then walked over to the door and thanked the man, signing for the package. "what is it?"

"the drums for alex's birthday. come help me." we dragged in the boxes and rested them in the apartment. "now time to get ready." i sighed and he nodded, walking away.

after two hours, we finally made it to luke's parents. i knocked on the door before we walked in and our parents stood in the living room, just talking.

"julie? i'm lauren." the woman held out her hand and i shook it.

"nice to meet you. this is my boyfriend luke." i pointed at him and he waved, his hands resting on my hips as he stood behind me.

"well, i made lasagna!" emily clapped her hands and i chuckled, sitting down on the table.

"so, you guys working on any news music?" mitch asked and i nodded, looking over at luke who's hand was resting on my knee, making the butterflies in my stomach dance. 

"yeah, great thing living across from our band mates is we can rehearse whenever." luke said and everyone let out a small laugh.

"i love your hair tonight julie." emily said and i smiled softly at her words.

"thank you, luke talked me into it." i rested my hand on his.

"have you ever thought of straightening it?" lauren asked and i looked over at her.

"she shouldn't do that, her hair is beautiful the way it is. makes her look like her mom." luke said quickly and i blinked away some tears from my eyes. "she shouldn't change anything about her, she's perfect." he kissed my cheek and i grabbed his hand.

i mouthed 'i love you' at him, and lauren nodded at him. she just looked at me, with no emotions. luke obviously took notices and asked if i was okay. "i just want to leave and get a chipotle." i whispered making him snicker.

"i'm sorry guys, me and julie have tickets to go see.." he thought and snapped his fingers. "shrek the musical, tonight was great." he held out his hand and i grabbed it, both of us leaving the house as i waved bye to everyone and we jumped into the car, both of us laughing.

"shrek the musical?" i looked over at him and he started driving.

"alex is always playing the music, it was the first thing to come into my head."

we drove around the corner and over to the drive thru. luke ordered our favourites and once we had got it, he drove us somewhere. "where are we going patterson?"

"you'll see molina." he told me to close my eyes as he guided me up somewhere, he sat me down and told me to look. we had the whole view of LA lit up at night.

i leant on his arm and looked over at the city. "i love you." i kissed his cheek and me nodded, bowing.

"everyone does." i punched his arm and he let out a small chuckle. "let's go away somewhere." i looked over at him as i grabbed my burrito.

"where do you want to go?"

"paris. or new york. in a couple of months, after we've done our tour obviously." he said and i nodded.

"let's do it." he looked over at me shocked and i let out a small laugh. "it'll be fun, just me and you."

"you bet it will." he pulled me closer, leaning back on the hill looking up at the stars and moonlit sky.


hey hey, sorry for the short chapter!

question- where yall from? i'm from england so i have no clue what chipotle actually is.

anyways, thank you for reading <3

- S

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