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julies pov
i groaned, rolling over to see an empty bed. "luke?" i pouted and stood up, walking over to the kitchen counter.

a note. and a rose. i furrowed my brows and picked it up.

'happy six months.
i'll be back soon, i ran you a bath so go relax.


love, luke.'

i chuckled and held the note, reading it a few times over before grabbing the rose and placing it in the vase which laid on the table.

i walked over to the bathroom, running my hands through the warm water.

six months with luke? it felt like only yesterday we kissed for the first time. 

"julie!" he shouted, grabbing my waist and pulling me down with him.

i chuckled and looked down, our faces inches apart. our eyes locked. his hands gripped around my waist. we slowly began to fill the gap between us.

our lips meeting for the first time, it was magical, i swear it was like a movie. fireworks surrounded around us, birds chirping, everything bad and evil disappearing for a second as our lips moved together in perfect harmony.

i sighed, the smile plastered on my face as i thought back to the day. god i love him.

i heard a small knock on the bathroom door as luke peaked his head through. "morning beautiful, can i come in?"

i nodded and he walked in, closing the door as he sat down looking over at me. "what's on our agenda today?" i blew a couple of bubbles at him and he rolled his eyes playfully.

"well.. i was thinking we could go for a walk? then i've got something planned." he winked and kissed my head, walking back out of the room.

"what is it?" i groaned as he shut the door. unfair.

after about twenty minutes i walked back into the other room and luke was sat against the wall. "we should really get a couch." i chuckled and nodded.

i sat down beside him and laid my head on his shoulder and he laid his head on mine. "happy six months." i smiled.

"happy six months." he said back, laying a sweet kiss on the top of my head.

he stood up and i watched him as he walked over to the counter and pulled out a box and set it down in front of me. "open it." he chuckled.

i started opening it and pulled out the bouquet of dahlias mixed with more of my favourite flowers. i smiled and then pulled out the lavender dress, holding it in my hands. "luke.." i choked up and he looked down at me.

"do you not like it? i didn't know wether to get you this one or-" he rambled but i just kissed him. i rested my forehead on his and we both smiled.

"i love it. and you."

"i love you too.." he blushed and pulled away. "go get ready, it's 12 and we've got the whole dat ahead." he walked away and i chuckled, nodding.

i stood up and walked over to the bathroom, changing into the dress and applying my makeup. i walked back into the other room and he just looked at me.

"stop." i hid my face so he couldn't see my red cheeks and he cupped my face in his hands.

"you look gorgeous. as always." he smiled and kissed me once again. i smiled back at him and grabbed his arms.

"come here." i fixed the cuffs on his shirt, he could never do this.

moments like these ones make me realise how perfect we are together.

"thank you." he gave me a quick peck and threw my shoes at me.

"luke!" i squealed and grabbed them off the floor. "i hate you." we chuckled and i waited for him at the door.

"m'lady." he said in a posh accent and held out his arm for me to hold. i chuckled and grabbed it as we walked out of the apartment.

we walked along sunset boulevard and he pointed out every place we're going to play. i just started at him as he spoke with so much intent. he really wanted to do everything, and i'd do anything for him.

we walked down an alley and i held onto his arm tightly and he smiled down at me. "guess where we are." i looked around and i shrugged.  "this is where i died."

"what?" i shouted and looked at him. "why would you bring us here? it's our anniversary and you're bringing me to where you died?" i argued and he grabbed my face in his hands.

"people may say this is where my life ended, but it never really started until i met you julie. you literally brought me back from the dead." i chuckled weakly. "no matter how impossible the situation feels. or is. i know i can overcome it when im with you."

i wrapped my arms around his neck and pulled him down, our lips meeting. he smiled as we pulled away and i pinched his cheeks "that was adorable. and i love you. but can we please get out of here?" he laughed and grabbed my hand, running down the streets, me following him.

everyone started at us as we ran down the road of sunset boulevard. we arrived outside the park, who knows how. he grabbed my waist and pulled me over to him.

"come on." he pushed open the gate and looked around.

"luke! this is illegal." i whisper shouted and he pulled on my arm.

"come on julie, i promise we will not get arrested." he chuckled and i hesitantly walked through gate.

he grabbed my hands and walked through the lit park. it was beautiful, all different colours lit through the sky, the water fountains were moving as if it were magic.

i noticed the picnic set up in front of the fountain, and i blinked away a few tears. "whoa, what's up? do you not like it?" he said worried and i shook my head.

"no. i love it." i engulfed him in a hug and he chuckled, wrapping his arms around me.

"well i love you. come on." he pulled me over and we sat down on the blanket, i laid my head on his shoulder as we sat and looked at the stars. "that ones you."

"why?" i asked and looked at him.

"because it's the brightest." he looked over and me and he fiddled with his chains on his jeans.

"what's up?" he shook his head and grabbed my hands.

he grabbed out a small ring from his pocket it was silver with a few dominated places on it. "did you know a promise solidifies the bond between two people?" i nodded slowly "well i wanted to give you this to show my commitment and love for you and our relationship. so this ring is a symbol of my love for you and my plans to marry you." he said nervously and i wiped away the tears that were rolling down my face. "so.. would you wear it?" he smiled weakly and i nodded rapidly.

"yes. of course." i practically jumped ontop of him and showered him with kisses.

"julie!" he shouted and grabbed me, pulling me away. "god, i've got lipstick all over my face." he pouted and i chuckled.

"i love you." i said in a sing-song voice, looking at the ring.

"you better." he teased and just as he was about to kiss me, the sprinkles went off, soaking us.

"oh my god!" i squealed and jumped up, we ran through the park, our hands latched together, dripping in water under the warm air of LA.

it was perfect.

i actually liked this chapter, i thought it was too soon for them to be engaged, but now they're engaged to be.. engaged?

question- if you were getting engaged, where would you want me be?

- S

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