READ: hello friends, me again, this is a trigger warning there is sexual assault in this chapter as well as sever language and drugs including alcohol. Read at ur own risk. If you do not want to read, feel absolutely free to message me and I will give you a complete update on what happened in this chapter. Enjoy
Rosalie's P.O.V
I had no idea what was going on, a party? When did we decide this was going to happen? It all happened so fast, before I knew what was happening I was dressed and being pushed out the window. My room was on the second floor so I wasn't sure how they thought it was a good idea to sneak out the window. "Guys wait I don't want to do this." I grabbed Josephine's arm, "relax," she said kindly, "it will be fun and we won't get caught, I promise, implus it's too late now Mikayla's already out the window." I looked over her shoulder to see that indeed Makayla was outside of the window and was climbing onto the big oak tree next to the house. "Come on," Josephine said taking my hand and leading me to the window, "you first," she probably thought that if I didn't go before her then I would chicken out. The thing is I probably would. I reluctantly climbed out the window. It was windy and cold, I looked over at the tree and saw Makayla already starting to climb down, I had never climbed a tree before. It wasn't my thing, I hated them and I always refused to climb them as a child. I shakily grabbed onto a branch and placed my feet on the tree and I slowly began climbing down. 'One at a time' I thought to myself. The wind was howling against my ears and out of the corner of my eye I could see Makayla already made it to the bottom. My fingers were starting to go numb and I still had a long ways to go down, I kept my climb even, when suddenly my foot slipped and I skidded about two feet down the tree before I caught myself. I felt a sharp burning on my forearm and noticed I had completely split it open, it was about 3 inches long and already spilling blood. I bit my lip and kept going, maybe once they saw my arm I could convince them to go back inside. Slowly but surely, I made it to the bottom and Josephine wasn't far behind. "Guys, I uh, I slipped on the tree and now I'm bleeding, I don't think this is such a good idea." Josephine quickly came up to me and looked at my arm, I saw concern on her face and for a minute I thought I had succeeded. But Makayla took off her jacket and told me to put it on, "the bleeding will stop soon" she said and I cursed inwardly. At least the jacket had pockets so I could warm my freezing hands. We walked to the party taking us about 30 minutes to get there. It was a bad neighborhood and I didn't know where I was or how to get home. My nerves were practically screaming now. We got to the door and a teenage guy who totally looked like a sleeze was there. He put his arm up in front of us, "pay up bitches." He said crudely and Makayla gave him some money. "You guys are good to go in. Makayla. Don't forget you owe me for this. You better not leave until I get what we agreed on." Makayla grabbed our hands and pushed through telling him she didn't forget. I was confused, if she owed him money why didn't she just pay it at the door? We walked in to see lights off, music blaring, drinking, smoking, and a lot of nudity. God what did I get myself into. This reminded me of the parties Freddie used to have, except this time they were all teenagers, and they were all shitty. We sat on the stairs and bottles of alcohol just kept coming our way, I kept refusing them, and whenever some guy would try and put a cigarette between my lips Makayla would push him away. Josephine left to the bathroom because she had too much to drink and the host of the party, I guess his name was Jay, came and took Makayla away to discuss her payment. I just stayed on the stairs and tried not to piss anyone off. I desperately wished I hadn't come and had just stayed home. I should have tried harder to stay, I was just worried because I wanted them to like me. I can see now it was a stupid reason. I decided I was going to try to find either Josephine or Makayla, I found the nearest Lou to be empty and the one after that too. I started to get a little bit worried for my cousin, but I heard her contagious laughter and saw her in the kitchen talking with a boy, so I went to go make sure Makayla was ok. It took me a lot longer to find her. I found her in the basement, I had opened the door and what I saw made me sick. She was sucking off Jay. When I walked in he started yelling at me, calling me a bitch and a slut and told me to get the hell out. But how could I when my friend was going through this. Makayla got up and dragged me out of the room before shutting the door in my face and locking it. I didn't like parties, I wanted to go home. I went upstairs and decided I was going to hide until the party was over, however some guy stopped me. "Hey hot stuff, where you goin?" I didn't answer and I tried to push away but he grabbed my arm, "don't you have any manners love?" He asked slipping his hand under my shirt. I immediately thought of that one night. But this time Jim wasn't here to save me. I shoved him off roughly and he slapped me across the face. "Stupid cunt." He said as his friends laughed. I held my face and kept my head down, tears were starting to fill in my eyes. The guy decided I wasn't worth it and moved on, but not before spitting on me. I left the room as quick as I could and found the nearest phone. I dialed my house number, I wasn't going to wait any longer. I needed to leave. It rang twice before Jim picked up, "Mercury residence." He sounded grim. "Jim, it's Rosalie. I'm so sorry Jim I didn't meant to do it," fresh tears fell down my face and I was choking out sobs. "Rosalie. Thank god, are you alright? Where are you? Your father and I are worried sick." I took a shaky breath trying to stop crying so I could speak to him. "I-I-I'm ok. I'm a-a-t s-some party. I don't, I don't want to be here anymore Jim. Please." I begged and Jim tried his best to calm me, "hush now Rosalie, let me get your father." I heard him call Freddie's name and in an instant Freddie was at the phone. "Rosalie! Darling where are you? Are you alright? What happened" I managed to get out what I had told Jim and the line was quiet for a moment before a mans voice came on the line. "Rosalie my name is Officer Lyndsey, could you tell me who the host of the party is." I sniffled, "I think his name is Jay." Of course Freddie called the police, then again what did I expect, "that's Jay Foster. I know where she is." A new voice came on the phone, it was uncle Brian. "Rosalie is Josephine there too." Oh she was going to hate me for this. "Y-yes she is. It was hers and Makaylas idea to come." Brian cursed. "Alright I want you to grab her and get away from the house, from what Officer Lyndsey is telling us, that isn't somewhere I want you two to be." People were starting to look at me. "I'll try but I don't know if she'll listen to me," Brian sighed and Freddie took the phone, "the police are on their wa-" the phone was grabbed out of my hand and slammed back on the receiver. I looked up to see Jay, "who were you talking too?" He asked icily. "My boyfriend, I don't want to be here so he is coming to pick me up." I lied easily, he could probably tell that I had been crying but I stuck to my story. Jay cupped my face in his hands, "better have been." He replied. "Let's go in the basement and wait for him." I slapped his hands down. "I can wait outside by myself. Thanks for the offer tho" I went to brush past him but he grabbed my arm. "Hold it right there little robin." He glazed his other hand around my waist. "Let go." I said firmly, my heart was pounding. Jay ticked, "you don't want that." I tried to get loose but his grip was tight. "Yes I do. You've had your fun with Makayla. Now let go." Jay let out a cocky laugh, "you think Makayla and I? Oh god. No. She only did that so you could come, she's mediocre at best. But you know what, I don't think it was worth it, and I want some more payment." My heart was screaming against my chest and I felt sick with fear. "I'm leaving now anyway." Jay stopped smiling. "Not yet, you came into my party. And I like to get to know all of my guests." Jay pushed me into a wall and started kissing and sucking on my neck slipping his hands under my shirt. I struggled and cried out calling him every curse I knew, until. "Every one! The police are here!! Run!!" Jay stopped and looked at me angrily. "You little bitch." I spit in his face. He looked about ready to hit me when another guy grabbed his shoulder. "Man we gotta go, if the cops catch you then not even your dad will be able to get you out!" Jay stopped for a minute looking at me briefly before letting go and running. I slid to the ground and put my head in my hands. What the fuck had Makayla and Josephine dragged me into.

Daughter Of A Queen
FanfictionRosalie Jer Mercury, an extraordinary name given by an extraordinary Father. Freddie didn't just leave his music and his lovable personality that defined him, he also left a daughter, and this girl was everything Freddie needed and more, she was his...