Rosalies P.O.V
I woke up in the hotel room Freddie was sleeping in the bed next to me and I assumed everyone else was in their own rooms. My cheeks flushed as I remembered how childish I had acted the night before, pushing the thought out of my mind, I got up. Stretching, I slipped on my robe and sandals and went to the balcony. The sun was peeking over the mountains turn in the clouds pink. "Hey!" I was startled out of my trans and I look down, there was a boy who looked about my age, he was tall and had dark hair, his hair had a slight cowlick in the front but was short in the back. "Would you mind moving you're blocking my shot with your fat ass." I was shocked. "Excuse me I don't know who you think you ar-" he cut me off. "I think I'm the one who is telling you to fucking move." I stopped for a moment expressionless before I smiled sweetly, "all right" I said "let me move for you," I walked inside and filled up a glass of water when I walked back outside he was not pleased. "I told yo-" I dumped the water on his head soaking his shirt and ruining his camera. "You're joking!? This is my new camera! What the bloody hell is wrong with you?!"
"Learn some manners wanker!" I yelled walking inside with him cussing me out. I took a long shower just sitting in the water when I came out Freddie was sipping his coffee and riding in the notebook. "Good morning Papa" he looked up and smiled "good morning Betee how did you sleep?" I gave him a kiss "very well thank you," I sat down and Freddie went back to sipping his coffee and writing in his notebook. He would occasionally say things like that's really good or no that won't work I loved watching Freddie work, it was like watching or dramatic movie, the range of different emotions he had was entertaining. I watched him work for about 30 minutes before he stopped slamming his notebook shut, "All right love, how does this sound, my good friend is throwing a party tonight, if you behave for the rest of the day I will take you with me, if you don't then you'll stay here. Does that sound fair?" I looked up at him surprised, "you're letting me go to a party?" "Only because their other children that will be there too but I expect you to be good or else I won't let you go do you understand?"
"Yes Papa" and he smiled "good girl."*That Night*
I was sitting in between Freddie and John in the limo, Brian and Roger were sitting on the other side, Freddie had his arm around me and I felt slightly embarrassed but I knew it was how he showed affection so I let him. Roger, Brian and Freddie, were discussing the topic for their next album and John was talking to me about how I liked Japan so far. Paul was on the other side of Freddie and he was smoking up a storm, with the window rolled up. It took everything in me not to cough, after the fit I threw last night I had to be extra good so I could still see my grandparents. The car suddenly stopped. "Mr. Mercury we are here," Terry, our driver, said, opening the door, I was relieved to breathe fresh air. We got out of the car to see a huge house, "Behave," Freddie muttered to me as we reached the door, before we could even knock the door was thrown open and Billy Joel walked through, "Freddie I'm so glad you could make it!" I couldn't believe my eyes the Billy Joel was standing right in front of me, "Yes Darling its good to see you, this is my daughter Rosalie," Freddie said, and I smiled, "Hello its a pleasure to meet you," I said and Billy smiled warmly, "What a little lady!" Freddie smiled triumphantly and I could feel his pride radiating off of him. "Well let me introduce you to my son. Jake! Come here let me introduce you!" I heard footsteps and saw an out line but I couldn't see his face, "Who do I have the Pleasure of meeting?" The figure said, I recognized that voice but I couldn't quite put my finger on where I had heard it from. "This is queen, Brian May, John Deacon, Roger Taylor and Freddie Mercury, and his daughter Rosalie Mercury." Billy moved over and I froze. The boy standing in front of me was the same one that had cussed me out this morning, I couldn't believe it. He froze when he saw me and I could see the color draining from his face. "Your joking." He said, earning a look from Billy, and I started laughing, "I can't beleive this, oh god what are the odds," Jake smiled slightly, his cheeks were bright red. "Have you two met?" Freddie asked. I buried my face in my hands and leaned into Freddie's side, "Care to explain... Jake? Was it?" I asked crossing my arms. Jake sighed embarassed, "We uh met this morning." Freddie looked at me, "This Morning?" he asked, "I was on the balcony just enjoying the view when he ruined it." Jake cut in, "You were in my shot!" "well you didn't have to be rude about it!" "I wasn't rude!" I scoffed "You cussed me out!" Billy froze, "He cussed you out?" Jake started getting mad, "She ruined my camera!" It was Freddie's turn to freeze, "She ruined your camera? Rosalie what in the hell is wrong with you?!" I gaped, "I was just enjoying the view when he called me a fat ass telling me to move so he could get his precious, stupid picture!"
Billy looked over at Jake, "You called her a fat ass?! What else did you call her?" Jake kept his head down as he told him the story. I kept my lips pursed as I heard the disgusting things he had called me this morning, "Wait," Freddie said, "How did Rosalie break your camera?" I answered this time, "I soaked him with a cup of water," Freddie looked at me, "Rosalie!"
"What!?" Freddie was about to say something when, "Excuse me sir," Billy turned and I saw a butler, "Pardon me for interrupting but your guests are waiting," Billy looked at Jake furiously before saying "Of course, please do make yourselves comfortable, Jake come with me." Jake and Billy walked inside and we all followed. Freddie looked down at me glaring, "We will discuss your punishment later." I crossed my arms and pursed my lips. Freddie and Paul went meet people and Roger gave me a hug, "It's alright love, I would have done the same thing." I sighed, "That doesn't help uncle Rog, Papa is still mad," Roger chuckled, "I'll talk to him," that made me feel a little bit better. "Rosalie!" I looked over to see Freddie mentioning for me to come, I walked to him and he whispered in my ear, "Stay next to me until I say." My face dropped and I almost argued but I decided against it, "Yes Papa," I said, Freddie looked surprised that I wasn't arguing, I stayed next to him for about half an hour, before the conversation began to get inappropriate, Freddie tried plugging my ears but Paul was getting louder and louder with his comments. "Why don't you go find something to do Betee," Jumping at the chance I got up and took a look around the house was gigantic, but garden lodge was bigger. I found my way outside to where it seemed all of the kids were I felt a tap on my shoulder and I turned to see Jake standing in front of me. "I can show you around if you would like," I noticed for the first time how handsome he was, "I'm alright thank you," I started to walk away but he grabbed my arm, "Please, I am so terribly sorry for what I said earlier this morning, I wasn't thinking and it was unacceptable," I looked at him, "You're right it was, goodbye now," I tried to shake him loose but he wouldn't let go, "please?" I sighed, "You have an hour," He showed me around his house, taking me out to the big yard and even showing me his attic, it ended up being longer than an hour, but I was having so much fun I didn't say anything. He told me about how his mom had died when he was very young and how he hadn't had anyone remotely close to a mother since then, we ended up in his bedroom and he sat down on a chair near his desk, "What about you, who's your mother?" I sat on his bed, "Her name is Mary, I don't see her often anymore, she and my Father broke up when I was about four years old, since then she visits, but not often. It's difficult because as a teenage girl I want a mother figure, but she doesn't want to be that for me." Jake touched my hand and I realized I had been crying, I quickly wiped away my tears, "Sorry," I said quickly, Jake lifted up my chin, "don't apologize." I looked into his eyes and Jake pushed his lips against mine, he was kissing me, like actually kissing me, I got lost for a minute before I pushed him away, he looked at me and I tried to find words, "Don't misunderstand, but this won't work out, you live in America and I live in England," looked down, "You're right, I'm sorry, its probably best if you leave." I swallowed, "If thats what you want," I got up and walked out the door, but not before seeing Jake put his head in his hands. I went downstairs to Freddie, I sat down next to him and put my head on his shoulder, "Are you alright Betee?" He asked, "I don't feel very well, but I'm alright," I lied and Freddie kissed my head and made room so that I could lay on his lap. I closed my eyes and everything went black.Hello! I hope you enjoyed this chapter and im sorry for the long wait but I'm back! And the next one should be updated soon! Let me know how you are liking it!! Love you all! And I love you Freddie💘

Daughter Of A Queen
FanfictionRosalie Jer Mercury, an extraordinary name given by an extraordinary Father. Freddie didn't just leave his music and his lovable personality that defined him, he also left a daughter, and this girl was everything Freddie needed and more, she was his...