Rogers P.O.V
I was on Freddie's private jet with the rest of the band, Rosalie, and Paul. I was playing scrabble with Fred and Brian, John was sleeping in the back and Paul was getting himself drunk in the lou. Rosalie was sound asleep on her father's lap. Freddie seemed to be winning the game but he wasn't in a cheerful mood, which worried me. "Fred what's wrong? We're going to Japan for gods sake. You're usually jumping with excitement." Freddie frowned and touched Rosalie's cheek. "Does she look ok?" I looked at the 13 year old sound asleep, "Yeah she looks great Fred, why?" Freddie pointed to her cheek right next to her lip and I saw a small bruise. "Did you pop her?" I asked and he nodded miserably. Brian chuckled "What did the little tyke do?" Freddie sighed and Paul came in with a drunken smirk on his face. "Well hello Boys, hows the game goin'?" I clenched my jaw and Brian tensed. "Fine thank you," Brian said calmly, Paul gave Freddie a kiss and patted Rosalie's back which woke her up. Freddie looked upset because he had been trying to get her to sleep all day but he didn't say anything. "Ello Rosie!" Paul said loudly. I bit my tongue. "Ows your cheek feeling?" I realized then why she had gotten smacked, it was because of Paul. That made me mad. Rosalie's cheeks turned bright red and she buried her face into Freddie's chest. "Fine thank you," she said quietly. Almost like she had mirrored what Brian said. Paul chuckled, "You need to learn to watch your tongue little one," I looked at him, "would u mind pissing off we're in the middle of a game," Paul gave me a dirty look and was about to say something before Freddie intervened, "Paul dear you look awfully tired and I would hate for you to get to Japan drunk, why don't you see if you can sleep it off in the back with John?" grumbling Paul gave in and went to the back of the plane to sleep off his drunkness. It was silent for a moment before Rosalie spoke up, "Champion" she said and Freddie looked at her confused, "What did you say Betee?" She pointed to the board, "You can write champion and then you win," I gaped and so did Brian, Rosalie giggled at our faces and Freddie's eyes lit up, "She is absolutely correct!"
He spelled out champion on the board and sure enough he had won the game. "Look at my smart girl," Fred said giving Rosalie a kiss. Rosalie smiled and wrapped her arms around his torso, Freddie picked her up bridal style and brought her to a different chair where they talked quietly with each other, I smiled. "That's adorable," Brian said and I nodded, "I'm glad Freddie has a child,"Rosalie's P.O.V
I was snuggling on Freddie's lap as we were on the plane, "How did you sleep Betee?" he asked, "Good," Freddie kissed my head, "did you dream dear?" I nodded, "what did you dream about," I lifted my head off his chest, "I drempt we were in Japan." His eyebrows went up, "but you've never been to Japan before, tell me how did it look?" I struggled to remember, "It looked like london, except it was bigger and had more lights," Freddie laughed aloud, "Well my dear its no london, but it certianly does have a lot of lights." I smiled and put my head back on his chest, he rested his head on mine and I listened to his heart beat. "Papa?" Freddie rubbed my back, "what Betee," I took a deep breath, "can I meet my grandparents?" Freddie hummed thoughtfully "I don't see why not," I looked up, "Really?" I asked suprised, "Of course my dear, why don't we visit after the tour, how does that sound my love?" I grinned widely, "Thank you Papa!" I gave him big kiss on his cheek and he returned it. "But you must promise to be on your best behavior and do what I tell you, other wise we won't go." I nodded "I'll be the best girl ever!" He chuckled and poked my nose, "I know you will my darling,"*Japan*
So you think you can stop me and spit in my eye! So you think you can love mw and leave me to die! Oh baby! Can't do this to me baby! Just gotta get out, just gotta get right out of here!
Nothing really matters anyone can see, nothing really matters, nothing really matters, to me.The crowd went wild every one loved Freddie. I was waiting on the side of the stage with Paul, John Reed and Miami. "Look at how much they love him," Paul said with a smile on his face, he put his hand on my shoulder, I tensed up but knew better than to pull away. I had promised Freddie I would behave so I could see my grandparents and that ment I had to put up with Paul. "Thank you everyone for coming and good night!" Freddie said blowing the audience a kiss. The lights went off and the show was done. "Papa!" I screamed and jumped in his arms. "You were wonderful!" Freddie laughed and picked me up, "Thank you Betee!" Fred placed me back down and I gave Brian, Deaky and Roger hugs. We went backstage to the dressing room, "are we going to the hotel papa?" I asked, "Not quite yet my love I need to say hello to some people first," My eyes lit up, "Can I say hello too?" I asked excitedly, "No dear I'm afraid you can't it is very late and you need sleep," My face dropped, "But Papa..." I whined, I didn't want to sleep I wanted to see people and have more fun. "Come along Betee you can sleep on the couch." I really was tired i just didn't want to admit it, if he could stay up so could I, "Papa I don't want to sleep!" Sensing a tantrum Roger ushered everyone out of the room telling Freddie they would meet him there, and I was determined to go. "Now Rosalie," He said sternly, I stomped my foot. "No I want to go!" Freddie raised his eyebrows, "Rosalie.." He warned. I was so tired and mad that I didn't even care that he was upset. "This is stupid! I can go if I want to, Im 13 for fucks sake!" Freddie's gaze turned icy, "Watch your language Rosalie Jer, unless you would like me to wash your mouth out!" I retreated knowing he was serious "please." It was quiet and helpless. "I'm not going to ask again," My eyes filled with tears because i knew I had lost and i dragged my feet to Freddie. When I reached him he smacked my bottom hard about five times, maybe more, and layed me on the couch. He put a blanket over me and wiped away my tears. "Sshh Betee, your alright," I kept crying, "I'm sorry papa," Freddie gave me a hug, "I know you are love, go to sleep and we can restart in the morning, ok?" I nodded wiping away my tears. "Thats my good girl, I love you," He said kissing my cheek, I sniffled "I love you too papa," he pulled the covers over me and I closed my eyes, trying to forget the ache in my bottom and the embarrassment of the fit I had just thrown. I heard Freddie click off the light and shut the door, breathing shakily I drifted off into a weary sleep.
Hello luvs I hope you all are well, and I hope you enjoyed this chapter, I love writing this and it has been so much fun! Give me feedback if you would like to, I would love to hear it! Also I have been getting messages about the updating bc it takes me forever and I am so sorry I just have school and Drill, but I will try super hard to update every week love you guys! And love you Freddie💘

Daughter Of A Queen
FanfictionRosalie Jer Mercury, an extraordinary name given by an extraordinary Father. Freddie didn't just leave his music and his lovable personality that defined him, he also left a daughter, and this girl was everything Freddie needed and more, she was his...