Rosalie P.O.V
I was in my kitchen making a pie, Jim and Freddie were on a date and Billy was coming over, it was our 6 month anniversary and I wanted to do something special so I made dinner. It was his favorite, Parmesan chicken, I doubted it was as good as Jim's though. The door opened and Billy walked in wrapping his arms from behind me, he smelled heavily of beer. He had a box in his hands, "what's this?" I asked, "a present for my girl," he replied, he opened it and I saw a beautiful necklace, "I love it," I said looking at it in awe. It was an owl with different color diamonds and a black chain. Billy chuckled and I got a whiff of his breath, I dont know why but he had been drinking heavily. Billy put on the necklace for me, "now let's eat I'm starving," Billy had insisted I get out the whine, and even when I told him no he slammed his hand against the wall scaring me so bad I gave in, we ate our dinner with little small talk. I kept noticing him take more and more wine, I was starting to get worried, "this is the best pie I have ever had." Billy said with a smile on his face, I smiled back, "thank you, here let me take this for you," I grabbed his plate and the wine bottle and headed into the kitchen, "did I say I was done with that?" Billy asked in a threatening tone, my heart stopped in my chest. "No of course not," I said bringing it back in, "I grabbed it so I could give you more," I filled his wine glass up and put the bottle on the table. Billy had a nasty look on his face, his eyes looked up at me, "you got something to say to me, just say it." He was definitely drunk, and angry, and I was scared, he had never showed me this side of him before, luckily Freddie had taught me what to do in case something like this happened, I had to let him think he was in control. "I don't have anything to say," I said looking down, Billy shook his head at me, "you're making that face princess," I squinted my eyes, "I'm not making any face," Billy suddenly jerked his hand against his wine glass, knocking it off the table as it shattered, I took a sharp breath in. Billy sat back, "great!" He stated, "now your mad at me," I shook my head, "no I'm not I promise," I walked over to the glass and started picking it up, "I always end up having to apologize for something to you," he snapped, I put the glass on the table, "it's fine," I said, I stood up "let me get a towel" Billy was up in an instant and had his hands around my throat, he shoved me against the shelf with the wine glasses breaking several of them. "Are you trying to walk away from me?!" He yelled, Billy grabbed me by my neck and pushed me onto the floor. "I've given you everything!" He screamed at me, I quickly got up and separated myself from him, "Billy stop please," Billy's eyes grew even more dangerous, if that was possible "so your telling me what to do now huh?!" Tears started forming in my eyes, "please," I begged, Billy came toward me and dragged me by my hair throwing me to the floor before putting his hands to my throat, choking me, "billy," I choked out but he didn't stop my vision started getting blurry before I saw someone walk in and pull him off of me. "Knock it off man," I heard someone say, "she's fine," Billy growled out, "look at her man!" The stranger said, I couldn't see him, my vision was still blurry and I was going in and out of conciousness, "you beat her to a pulp! Is this what you call love!? You're turning into your dad!" Apparently he said the right thing, "get out of here man" the guy said shoving Billy to the door. I was helped up, but the minute I got up I almost fell right back down, "woah, there I got you sweetheart," I leaned into the guys chest as he held me and led me to a chair, "are you ok?" He asked and I nodded slowly, looking up at him I realized I could finally see, the boy had black hair that sat at the top of his head, wore a red jacket and blue jeans with a white shirt and had black earrings. "Who are you?" I said weakly, the boy smiled, "my name is Hyde, look sweetheart is there anyone I can call?" I nodded, "call phoebe," I said before I blacked out.
I woke up in the hospital, the lights were really bright, and I could hear people talking quietly, I opened my eyes slowly and turned my head to see Freddie holding my hand, once he saw me his face instantly grew with worry, "Betee? Are you alright??!" Memories came flooding back, and tears flooded my eyes, "Billy." I choked out, "I know honey I know, I heard all about it, that boy Hyde told me," my throat hurt really bad, "I mentioned to it," Freddie kissed my hand "don't talk baby, it's going to hurt for a while," I ignored what he said, "w-w" I couldn't talk, Freddie noticed, "write it down baby," he said giving me a notepad and pen, I wrote How bad is it? Freddie swallowed, "you have a concussion, your throat is severely bruised and you need to do exercises to get your voice back, it's going to take a while Betee, you have cuts and bruises all over," Freddie's eyes welled up with tears, "oh Betee, I'm so sorry, I can't believe he did this to you, were going to get a restraining order ok?" I nodded and wrote again it wasn't your fault, Freddie smiled but he didn't say anything, tears were flowing freely from his eyes. Can we go home? I wrote and Freddie nodded, "yes Betee, we can"

Daughter Of A Queen
FanfictionRosalie Jer Mercury, an extraordinary name given by an extraordinary Father. Freddie didn't just leave his music and his lovable personality that defined him, he also left a daughter, and this girl was everything Freddie needed and more, she was his...