If you want you can listen to the concert while reading for a better experience!! Enjoy!
Rosalie's P.O.V
The crowd went wild. They went even crazier when Queen actually went onstage, Freddie waved to the crowd, blowing kisses all the way. Brian and John made sure their guitars worked and Roger hit his drum set. And Freddie went to the piano, he adjusted the sound playing a scale, then a second scale, then a third before...
The notes of Bohemian Rhapsody filled the stadium. I smiled, this song was Freddie's baby, I knew he would play it.
The crowd started singing with him,
"Mama, just killed a man,
Put a gun against his head pulled my trigger now he's dead.
Mama, life had just begun, but now I've gone and thrown it all away,"
I don't know why but the sound of Freddie and the crowd singing that first mama, brought me to tears. Here was my Papa, someone who was told many many times that he would never amount to anything, commanding a crowd full of thousands of people. It was beautiful, a symphony. he knew it, and so did everyone else in that stadium, I wiped away a tear, I was proud.
"Carry on, Carry on."
I would. For him.
The second verse started and I noticed Freddie kiss towards the camera. I smiled as I remembered his promise to Jer. I hope she saw that.
The crowd continued to sing his song with him, it gave me chills, I noticed Mary looking in awe. And Jim behind me had the biggest smile I had ever seen, even David, who didn't even know Freddie looked in awe, it truly was an amazing sight, and that was my Father.
"Got to leave you all behind and face the truth!" Freddie punched the sky before knocking his head to the beat. And again I was sucked in to the chorus, lost in the world of music.
I don't want to die, I sometimes wish I'd never been born at all,"
Although I had heard Brian's guitar solo a million times and more it was like I was listening to it for the first time ever, I was hooked on every note, every chord that was played I listened and I enjoyed. The music filled my heart and I felt like I could fly, it was magical, truly. If anyone had tapped me or tried to pry me away from that moment they would have failed because I had blocked everything out. This is what mattered. This is why Freddie did what he did. And I finally realized it. I finally understood, he didn't do it for the fame. He did it for the music. And I wanted to be just like him. The music changed then, breaking me out of my trance, it got lower and different, I realized what song was next with a smile on my face, the beat to Radio Gaga started then and and Freddie stood up grabbing the microphone, dancing along the stage, the kind of dancing that would embarrass a child if it was their parent dancing like that, but of course everyone loved it when Freddie did it. He looked so comfortable with them, like he was in the Lou and could be a quirky as he wished, like no one was there. I only wished I could do that. I clapped for him blowing a kiss, I knew he wouldn't feel it but that didn't matter to me. The song continued to play before he sang. This time not a lot of people sang with him and I found it odd, that is until the chorus came. Everyone sang with their hands in the air.
"All we hear is,"
*clap* *clap*
"Radio Gaga,"
*clap* *clap*
"Radio goo goo"
*clap* *clap*
"Radio Blah Blah,"
*clap* *clap*
"All we hear is,"
*clap* *clap*
"Radio Gaga,"
*clap* *clap*
"Radio goo goo"
"Radio Blah Blah"
"Radio what's new, Radio some one still loves you!"
After that song the most memorable event in history happened.
"Ay oh!" (Ay oh!)
"Ayy ohh!" (Ayy ohh!)
"Ayodededededo!" (Ayodededededo!)
"Ay oh!" (Ay oh!)
"Ay oh!" (Ay oh!)
"Ay oh!" (Ay oh!)
"Ayyyyyyyyyyyyy oh". (Ayyyyyyyyyyyy oh)
"Ay oh" (Ay oh)
"Ay oh" (Ay oh)
"Dedeodeodeod Ay oh" (Dedeodeod Ay oh)
"Dedo" (dedo)
"Dedo" (Dedo)
"Alright!" (Alright!)
I laughed, it was amazing I didn't know how he could control a crowd like that but he could.
"This next song is only dedicated to the beautiful people here tonight, that means all of you thank you for coming along" Freddie started playing crazy little thing called love, I could sense Jim smiling from behind me because out of all of the queen songs I knew that this one was Jim's favorite. I buried my face into Jim's side and hugged him tightly, he hugged me back with the most love in his eyes than I thought was possible. I hoped I could have that someday, have someone look at me the way he was looking at him. After the song slowly came to an end, I could see Freddie was sweating profoundly. He took off his guitar and got a drink from the piano, he made eye contact with me, he winked and I smiled causing him to smile. Someone handed him his microphone and Roger started on the drums. Soon the entire audience joined,
Boom, Boom, Clap,
Boom, Boom, Clap,
Boom, Boom, Clap,
I could feel the intensity of the crowd at my feet, everything around me was vibrating.
"Buddy, you're a boy, make a big noise playing in the street, gonna be a big man some day, you got mud on your face you big disgrace, kicking your can all over the place singin'"
The entire stadium filled with the chorus, this was probably one of, if not the song that queen was most known for. Which was weird because I remember when Uncle Brian was first writing the thing. After the chorus the song ended which confused me, I guess they were only doing one verse. Freddie wipes his head and went back to the piano. He started playing the opening chords to, "we are the champions" I smiled, this was one of my favorites, I remember when Freddie was writing this song too.
"And bad mistakes, I've made a few, I've had my share of sand kicked in my face but I've come through!" Freddie stayed at the piano playing with passion.
"We are the champions my friends," I started getting flash backs,
"And we'll keep on fighting till the end,"
Times when I was little and could hear him and Mary arguing about money.
"We are the champions,"
When Mary left us.
"We are the champions!"
The first time Freddie came home after being attacked by fans.
"No time for losers cause we are the champions,"
Freddie played into the second verse. And I started to tear up for the second time that concert. Jim noticed and he put his arm over me,
"But it's been no bed of roses,"
Hearing someone call him a fag at a concert,
"No pleasure cruise,"
When Paul first came to live with us.
"I consider it a challenge before the whole human race, and I ain't gonna lose."
Freddie stood up and grabbed the microphone, I heard someone say from behind me, "we've just reached 1 million dollars!" And I started to cry.
"We are the champions my friends!"
"And we'll keep on fighting to the end,"
I looked over at Mary and she looked about close to tears.
"We are the champions! We are the champions! No time for losers cause we are the champions!"
More tears rolled down my face, I bet my make-up was completely messed up.
"We are the champions my friends!"
When Freddie was kicked out of a restaurant for being gay,
"We'll keep on fighting til the end,"
"We are the champions! We are the champions!"
Every time he would stay up with me when I was sick.
"No time for losers, cause we are the champions,"
He held out the last note. Freddie looked over at us, for a split second and I could see concern on his face for a minute before he looked back at the crowd.
"Of the world!!"
He blew a kiss to the crowd. Then he took his microphone and walked across the stage with it, he got to the other side and waved to the crowd as Roger was finishing his bit with the drums, Freddie jumped up and down. He started to walk the other way and put the microphone over his neck, he turned towards Roger with his hand in the air and once Roger finished his little solo, he turned back towards the crowd and punched the ground. The crowd got even louder, as if that was possible, and Freddie gave another kiss before bowing. He kept his hand in the air for a moment and John, Roger, and Brian all stood next to him, waving and bowing to the audience.
"So long and goodbye!" Freddie yelled to his fans, I knew he loved them more than anything. Freddie turned and sped off of the stage, and I realized I was still crying. Freddie went right past the people who were trying to give him water and a towel and scooped me up into a hug. I was so damn happy, but I was crying to hard to tell him that. He was comforting me like I was sad, whispering words that I couldn't hear because it was so loud. He stroked my hair, and I pulled back, Freddie looked at me and wiped my tears off of my face. "Betee whats wrong?" He asked over the loudness of the crowd, I shook my head, "nothing papa, absolutely nothing." Freddie smiled and kissed my cheek hard. He stood up and kissed Jim then he got some water and a towel, before he talked to Mary and David. I felt someone tap my shoulder and I turned around, before I could do anything I was gulped into a hug, almost knocking over my balance. I realized it was Josephine. She pulled back. "I have someone I want you to meet." I looked over and saw a girl, she was wearing a Rolling Stoned t-shirt with black jeans. Her hair was a dark brown and it was at her shoulders. "This is Makayla," she looked absolutely terrified. "First time at a rock concert love?" I asked, "of course not, my first time backstage." I laughed, no wonder she was terrified, she was thrown into a world of famous people. I looked around and I didn't see Freddie, "shit. Shit. Shit. Shit." Josephine looked confused, "what's wrong?" I tried not to panic. "I can't find my dad, he's gonna kill me." Josephine looked around, "who's your dad?" Makayla asked, "Freddie Mercury," her eyes went big. "No fucking way." I nodded, but I wasn't paying attention, "maybe if we went back to the trailer?" I looked at her, "do you know where it is?" She nodded and I followed her. I kept looking as Makayla and Josephine talked about their favorite part of the concert. And eventually we got to the trailer. I saw him, he was talking to Elton John and Heather was right next to her. "Why did you have to go and steal the show?" Elton was saying and Freddie laughed. "Rosalie," Heather said and Freddie looked over. "Where have you been darling, I got a little worried," Freddie said moving my hair out of my face. "Just be more careful," I nodded, "can we talk?" Heather asked me I nodded, "yeah let's go." She lead me to behind the trailer. "I have to tell you something," Heather said, "what is it?" I asked Heather looked unsure, she took a deep breath and then she did something I was not expecting, she leaned in and kissed me.Oh my goodness, not going to lie, right after I last updated I had so many things going on, one after the other, it was insane. I'm so sorry my loves but I'm back, it was so hard to write this chapter because I wanted to make sure it did live aid justice, so I hope I did! I love you all my loves and of course.
I love you Freddie Mercury❤️

Daughter Of A Queen
FanfictionRosalie Jer Mercury, an extraordinary name given by an extraordinary Father. Freddie didn't just leave his music and his lovable personality that defined him, he also left a daughter, and this girl was everything Freddie needed and more, she was his...