Rosalie's P.O.V
"Rosalie please come down stairs I need to talk with you!" I heard Freddie call. I cursed under my breath, did I do something wrong? I didn't think I did, I mean I poured water on Tiffany but that's because it was self defense. "Rosalie now!" I jumped out of my thoughts, "sorry!" I called out, "I'm coming!" I went downstairs and made my way into the kitchen where Freddie was sitting at the kitchen table with Jim, it made my nerves crawl when I saw the worried expression Jim had on his face. "Sit down Betee," Freddie said gently and I sat across from them. "Have I done something?" I asked, unable to handle the pressure, Freddie shook his head, "no dear don't worry you haven't." I nodded slightly relieved but I still didn't understand why Jim looked so uncomfortable, "in about a week, Queen has to go to Munich Germany," I nodded, "how long will we be there?" Freddie let out a breath, looking extremely uncomfortable, "Jim and I will be gone for two weeks." I slowly sat up in my chair, "what do you mean 'Jim and I'" Freddie kept his expression cool, "you are staying here with Mary." My heart sank and a pool of anger quickly pooled over, "are you fucking kidding me." This had to be some kind of joke, I couldn't believe that Freddie would leave me with that witch, for two whole weeks! Freddie narrowed his eyes, "you do not speak to me that way." He said cooly. I clenched my fists, "why." I demanded, "because it is disrespectful and I won't tolerate it." I shook my head, "no not that, why are you leaving me behind." It was like we were shooting sparks at each other, "because a certain friend I have is going to be there and I can't trust you to watch your mouth." Friend? Who was he- my eyes widened in realization, he was talking about Barbara Valentin. Oh that slut, that made me even madder. "You are leaving me. Because of that two faced slutty whore?! You chose that bitch over me!?" Freddie snapped his fingers, "enough with the language!" He snapped. "This is why you aren't going, do you really want a repeat of last time?" My face burned with embarrassment as I remembered how last time had ended. "Why do you have to see her anyway." I asked in between clenched teeth. "That does not concern you." I narrowed my eyes. "Are you giving her money?" I asked dangerously, "Rosalie, it does not concern you, I don't want to hear another word on the subject. You are staying with Mary and you will behave, won't you?" I clenched my teeth and let out a grudging, 'yes.' Freddie's eyes softened slightly, "good girl, I know this must be hard, and I apologize, that's just how things have played out." I was furious, I kept my head down and clenched my fists. "Papa I don't want to stay. Please let me go with you." Freddie sighed and leaned back, "I'm sorry Betee but no, you are staying with Mary." My eyes filled with tears and I stubbornly tried to wipe them away. "Why not." I said angrily. "I've already explained this to you Betee." He said patiently. I slammed my fist on the table. "This is bullshit!" Freddie stood up sharply. "I have had it with your language." He snapped, "I'm sorry that you are upset but it is never acceptable for you to speak to me the way you have been. I have given you many warnings and you ignored everyone of them. You get yourself upstairs to your room and you stay there until I tell you." I stood up as well. "How could you just leave me like this! And all because of Barbara Valentin! Even her name leaves a sour taste in my mouth." Freddie walked over to me and grabbed me by the arm. "Upstairs now before I drag you up myself. And let me be clear it will not end well if I take you upstairs myself." I clenched my teeth and ripped my hand from his grip, before storming up the stairs and slamming my door closed.
*one week later*
Freddie had taken me to Mary's house and he was saying goodbye to me before he had to go to the airport. We had been at each other's throats all week, I would try to convince him to let me stay, he would say no. And then I would go into a rage. I had gotten in more trouble this week then I had my entire lifetime, Freddie had made it clear to me that if I gave Mary the same grief I was giving him, when he got back me would make me deeply regret it. Freddie was talking to Mary quietly on the porch while I dug my nails into my arms so hard I thought the skin would break. I had a mean look on my face, I could tell it was making David nervous and Mary was also throwing uneasy looks at me. Freddie looked confused seeing this but his face cleared up as he looked down at me. "Mary dear will you give us a moment? I'll make sure she goes inside once we are done" Mary nodded, "yes of course, have a good trip, make sure to call once you are in Germany." Freddie kissed her cheek and Mary and David went inside, he turned to look at me. I fully expected Freddie to look stern and upset, but I was surprised to see that he had a look of concern, almost like he was regretting his decision. "Betee, I know your upset, but it will only be for two weeks, that's hardly any time and we will be back before you know it." I scoffed looking at the floor, hardly any time. Clearly he wasn't the one who was staying with Mary, a hormonal, pregnant, biased, bitch who was never fit to be a mother. Of course that was one opinion I kept to myself, if Freddie ever heard me say that I have no doubt that he would blister my behind worse than he ever had before. Freddie was very protective of Mary, and I was very jealous of it, she left us, she never visits, never calls, and I'm supposed to treat her like my mother, what bull shit. I heard Freddie sigh, I stayed looking at the ground, I was scared that if I looked up again I would start crying. I felt more than betrayed, he was choosing Barbara over me and that hurt like a bitch. Freddie put his hand on my head and pulled me gently into his chest, my nails dug even deeper into my arms if that were even possible as I realized that tears were starting to fall. Freddie kissed my head and rubbed my back as he realized this as well, I angrily wiped my tears but it did no good, more tears were just replacing the ones I had just wiped away. "Your going to be alright," Freddie said gently, "you can call me any time," I shook my head furiously, he didn't get it. It was all so frustrating, my stupid eyes wouldn't stay dry for more than a second and if Freddie didn't leave soon I was going to have a melt down. "Rosalie, why are you crying dear?" I looked up at him like he was stupid. Freddie raised an eyebrow. "I think there is something more going on here then just me going to Germany," he pushed me back slightly, "what's going on darling." I wiped my eyes angrily again, how could he not know. "Your leaving me here all because you are going to see Barbara Valentin. You chose her over me." I said angrily, with new hot angry tears flowing down, which were quickly wiped away. "It wouldn't be so bad if that stupid fat slut wasn't involved," Freddie put his hand on his forehead and took a deep breath, he looked like he was asking for patience. "Rosalie." He said slowly, "I have been very patient with you, because I understand this must be hard. But if you speak to me this way one more time, I will do something about it. Whether that be in the Lou, in the living room, or even on this porch. Am I clear?" I nodded slightly, a nasty look plastered on my face, Freddie took a deep breath. "I am not choosing Barbara over you Rosalie and you are aware of that fact, I am going Germany, and she will be there, for a majority of the time, and since I can't trust you to watch your foul mouth thanks to the colorful display you played last time she was over, you are going to be staying here. And you will behave." I didn't look up. God I was pissed. "She starts it." I said quietly, I'm guessing Freddie pretended not to hear that because he didn't say anything, he looked down at his watch and let out another sad sigh, he had been doing that a lot lately. "It's time for me to leave," he said quietly, and once again, my fingers went even deeper into my skin. The last time I had stayed home while Freddie left the country was when he toured America, it was that night that Mom left. I'll never forgive her for that. Freddie lifted my head to look up at him, "you will be okay Betee," he said gently but firmly, "if you need anything you can give me a call, even if it's just to talk. When I get back we will do something just the two of us alright?" I nodded another tear slipped and Freddie wiped it away. "Oh my love," he stated sadly, "I know this is hard but I'm very proud of you for being so brave," Freddie kissed my cheek hard, "I will see you soon," he said quietly and I wrapped my arms around his waist, "can I call you every night?" I asked shakily, "of course you can my darling," he said, I held him for a moment, listening to his heart beat and smelling his scent before reluctantly letting go. Freddie kissed my cheek again, told me he loved me, and went back to the car. I watched in agony as the car drove away. It took me a moment to collect myself, making sure all of my tears were wiped away, before I took a deep breath and turned to the house, god these two weeks were going to be hell.
I love you Freddie❤️

Daughter Of A Queen
FanfictionRosalie Jer Mercury, an extraordinary name given by an extraordinary Father. Freddie didn't just leave his music and his lovable personality that defined him, he also left a daughter, and this girl was everything Freddie needed and more, she was his...