Heather P.O.V
"Paul? What are you doing here?" I asked confused. "Is that the only question you have dear? You haven't seen me in ages!" Paul said looking shocked, it was weird, usually I would be jumping with joy to see Paul, but something about how the way Rosalie talked about him made me uneasy, she said he did something to her, but she wouldn't say what, Paul couldn't do anything horrible, could he? "I had him fly in last minute darling," John said getting up and walking over to me, John grabbed my ear and yanked it close to his face, I inhaled sharply but didn't say anything, "stay out that late again and you won't see the sun for a long time, understand?" John whispered in my ear, I nodded. "Good" he clarified patting my cheek. Elton looked concerned but I knew he wouldn't say anything, he never did. "How long will you be staying with us?" I asked. "Heather are you alright? Usually you would be ecstatic to see him." Elton said looking at me as if I were an injured animal. "It's that Rosalie girl I tell you, she's corrupting her, I don't think you should let her be around her," Paul said to Elton, "No!" I blurted, and everyone stared at me shocked, I wasn't aloud to yell like that, which wasn't a problem because I usually never did yell, but when I did my dads would get pissed. "Do not raise your voice Heather Sheila John." I winced as I heard Elton use my full name, "Sorry," I said quickly, "But Rosalie is not corrupting me. In fact she is the only friend I have in this shit hole of a world," I said the last part under my breath. "Well then if she is so amazing why don't you go back to her then," Paul said and I was shocked, he had never treated me that way. Or spoken to me like that. "Maybe I will then." I challenged. "No you won't," John said coming back in. "Not unless you would like to be sore in the morning."*next morning*
Rosalie's P.O.V
I woke up at about 12 noon, Freddie and Jim were sitting at the little desk, Jim was sipping his coffee and reading the paper, and Freddie was working on his album, I sat up and Freddie looked at me, and raised his eyebrows, "how did you sleep?" I yawned, "fine thank you," Freddie took a sip of his coffee. "Rosalie, I've decided I'm not going to ground you longer," I perked up "really?" I couldn't believe my ears, i thought I would be grounded for at least another week after not coming back till midnight last night, Freddie nodded, "but you are coming with me to the studio today and if I hear a word of complaint then you will be grounded longer, understand?" I nodded. "Good get dressed we're leaving," I got out of bed and grabbed my clothes, "Jim are you coming?" I asked, Jim shook his head, "no love I will be there later, but I am going sight seeing," he said excitingly, I nodded, "have fun," I said wishing I could go with him, I gave him a hug and went into the other room, after I was changed into a black tank top tucked into my black jeans, I came out and Freddie had all of his things in a bag, he gave a kiss to Jim, we left Freddie and headed over to the studio, on the way we saw heather and Elton, I waved and Heather waved back, but something seemed to be wrong, I figured it was just because she was tired and put it in the back of my mind. When we got to the recording studio my eye were drawn to someone I didn't recognize, a boy, and a smoking hot one too, he looked about 16, he had a brown mullet with blue eyes, he had a little bit of a mustache but it wasn't as long and full as Freddie's, he wore a red shirt, unbuttoned showing his bare chest, tucked into blue jeans, over his shirt he wore a blue Jean jacket and brown boots, he had a cigarette hanging out of his mouth and his eyes locked with mine before slowly going down, he was doing the exact same thing I was doing, checking the merchandise. "Betee, I would like to introduce you to Bobby Harrison, he is going to be my new recording specialist," I looked at Freddie confused, "what happened to Danny?" Freddie took a drag from his cigarette, "he was a dick," Bobby was older had a full mustache as well as a beard, he wore a flannel shirt unbuttoned with a grey shirt underneath, he wore black boots and had brown hair, "pleasure to meet you," Bobby said and I was shocked, "your American?" I asked, and Bobby nodded "yes, me and my son moved to London right when your father offered us the job." I cocked my head, "your son?" Bobby nodded, and motioned for the boy who I had been staring at to come over and my heart fluttered, "this is Billy, he'll be here for a while, can't really trust him out of my sight," billy smiled biting his lip and I had to bite my tongue to remain calm, "Billy, this is Rosalie Mercury and her father Freddie Mercury," Billy smiled not taking his eyes off of me as he said, "Pleasure to meet you Mr. Mercury, I hope to be seeing more of you soon," billy looked down at my breasts as he said that last part and I couldn't help but giggle a little bit putting my hand over my mouth, Billy smiled and Freddie looked tense. I could tell Billy and I were going to get along real fine, Freddie began talking to Bobby about the way he worked, I moved over to the corner and about 5 minutes later Billy was in front of me, my back was to the wall and he was standing so close I could smell his cologne, and hear his breathing, "do you dance?" He asked me putting his hand on the wall next to mine, I nodded, "I'm thinking of taking up dance myself, but I've heard you have to be very flexible, are you flexible Rose, mind if I call you that?" I was having a hard time breathing, "call me whatever you want, and yes I am flexible, at least, that's what I like to think," Billy nodded, "you see that's a bummer for me, because I'm flexible, but I'm a slightly different way," I cleared my throat, "I can help you if you would like," I said, and Billy smiled, "Now that would be great, I have always wanted to be more flexible, in everything," Billy winked at me and traced my face with his hand, I dropped the notebook I was holding. Billy laughed and bent down to pick it up, "you alright?" He asked and I nodded, "yeah sorry," I laughed lightly, looking down and Billy lifted my chin and did his stupid hot grin, "no need to apologize Rose," i let out a breath, and I was just happy to be alive until I heard, "what the hell are you doing here?!?" Billy and I looked over to see what was going on and what I saw made me want to faint, I saw John Reid with Heather, and next to Heather was Paul Prenter, "Heather just wanted to see Rosalie," John said with his stupid accent, I looked at Heather infuriated, "I'm sorry," she mouthed, Billy looked at me, then back at the three of them confused, "Hi Fred," Paul said quietly to Freddie, tears started to form in my eyes. Freddie looked livid, "get the hell out of my studio," he said quietly, "I just wanted to talk," Paul replied and Freddie cut him off, "I don't want to hear what you have to say, I thought I made that clear the last time I saw you?" Paul scoffed, "oh right, last time I saw you, you punched me so hard I couldn't see for a week," I scoffed and Paul seemed to notice me for the first time, "Rosalie, i never got the chance to say how sorry I-" I cut him off, "Don't you dare," I said icily, "you do not get to try to apologize to me, after what you did?" Paul rolled his eyes, "It wasn't that bad," I started raising my voice, "you payed a man to try and fuck me when I was 13!" I practically yelled and the room went silent, Heather looked shocked and tears started running down from her face, Billy looked as if he were going to kill someone, his eyes looking dangerous. And Freddie, Freddie looked hurt, hurt and mad, "Rosalie-" Paul started but I cut him off, "just get out," Paul didn't listen though, he started to walk towards me, Freddie made a move to stop him but Billy best him to it, "She said get out dick wad," he said pushing Paul lightly on the chest, but hard enough for Paul to know that he could get meaner real quick. Paul put his hands up and backed away, "alright, alright I'm leaving," sighing Paul walked towards the door, looking back at Freddie one last time before leaving, John cleared his throat, "well that went well" he muttered before leaving as well, Heather stared at me for a minute, "how could you?" I said "Rosalie-"
"Just go," I said looking away, Heather opened her mouth to say something but John called her name sharply. Heather turned away and walked out of the room, I crossed my arms over my chest, Freddie crossed the room to Billy, "thank you so much, I can't tell you how grateful I am that you did that," Billy looked uncomfortable but he tried to play it off by saying, "he deserved it, what an asshole." Freddie nodded, before he turned to look at me, "Betee, are you alright," I was far from alright, I could not believe after making it clear that I wanted nothing to do with Paul, she didn't tell me he was here, and worst of all brought him to me in the studio, well if she wanted to know the truth so bad, now she knew it. I hoped it was worth it, I shrugged my shoulders, Billy turned me to look at him and I took a deep breath, "you're right, what an asshole," I shoved my feelings inside, refusing to cry in front of Billy. Billy and Freddie laughed, Billy winked at me and I smiled blushing, I was really starting to like this kid.
Later that day Jim showed up, he was wearing a floral shirt with khaki shorts, a hat and sunglasses, and if that didn't top off his look, he also had a camera hanging around his neck. "Who's that?" Billy asked, we had been talking all day, well more like flirting, Billy was quite a charmer, "That's Jim, my dads Boyfriend," Billy looked surprised, "Boyfriend?" He asked and I nodded, the music suddenly stopped and Freddie screamed, "Oh my god Jim what the hell are you wearing?" Jim looked down, "you don't like it? I thought it looked cute," Freddie shook his head, "who in the hell gave you permission to wear something that makes your ass look so good? How many boys were staring at it? Tell me darling," I closed my eyes embarrassed and Billy let out a long laugh, "your dad is starting to grow on me Rose," I raised my eyebrows, "I'm sure he is," I said sarcastically and Billy looked at me, "your not getting jealous now are you princess?" I smiled, feeling excited when he called me that, "maybe I am," I said taking a sip of the water that was on the coffee table, "don't worry Rose, he's not my type," I choked on the water, "what is your type then," I said after I had regained my composure. Billy flashed his famous grin, "you know baby girl," I blushed, and Billy brushed my hair out of my face. "Can I kiss you?" He asked and I froze, "Now?" I asked and Billy rolled his eyes, "my god princess I didn't know you were dumb," I gave him a pouty face, "Just for that comment you can't," Billy rolled his eyes and pushed his soft lips into mine starting out soft, but then getting harder as it went on, when we broke apart Billy smiled, "damn princess, you may be dumb but you are one hell of a kisser."Y'all, I have rewritten this chapter so many times I can't even tell you, but this is the end result, I hope you are happy with it! I love you all so much and am so excited for the next chapter, big plans coming your way!! Love you all my loves, and love you my Freddie❤️

Daughter Of A Queen
FanfictionRosalie Jer Mercury, an extraordinary name given by an extraordinary Father. Freddie didn't just leave his music and his lovable personality that defined him, he also left a daughter, and this girl was everything Freddie needed and more, she was his...