Rosalie P.O.V
I slid the window to my room open and climbed in, god I hated climbing trees with a passion. I don't know how I've had to do it twice with in the past two months. I had left my window unlocked because I had a feeling something like this would happen, and if it didn't I still was going to come back here, no way in hell was I going to stay at Mary's for the full two weeks. I closed my window locking it before sneaking through my room opening the door to the hallway. It was so quiet, that was extremely rare for garden lodge. I made my way down the stairs, where were all the cats? My heart ran cold and I froze as I heard the phone ring, I slowly turned my head and stared at it for a moment, debating on answering. It took two more rings before I picked up the phone. "Hello?"
"I am fucking disgusted with your behavior." I winced slightly as I heard the pissed voice of Freddie. I briefly wondered how he knew I would be here but I didn't say anything. "I don't know who the hell you think you are pulling this shit. It's the middle of the fucking night Rosalie!" Oh yeah, Freddie was furious, he almost never swore at me this much, I could feel my anger rising, "you know this wouldn't have happened if you hadn't of left me here-" he cut me off fast and hard. "Do not fucking pull that bullshit with me young lady!" He snarled, "I don't care how upset you are that I left you in London, it gives you no excuse to be a nightmare for Mary! I have half a mind to fly back now just to wallop you! You know better than to treat anyone that way, especially someone who is pregnant!" I rolled my eyes biting my tongue hard. "You better believe that we are going to have a long hard conversation about this when I get back, but for now get the fuck out of Garden Lodge and get your ass back to Mary's house, and I better hear you were on your fucking knees trying to apologize!" I shook my head. "I'm not doing that." I said calmly. It was quiet for a moment, "Excuse me?" Freddie asked dangerously. I took a breath trying to regain confidence. "I'm not going to do that." I said again, my voice faltering slightly. Freddie l didn't speak, I assumed he was trying to think of something to say so I spoke again. "I can't do it anymore papa." I said feeling breathless. Tears started to well in my eyes and I did my best to shove them down. "I've tried so hard but I just can't anymore. Every time I talk to you about Mary you always take her side. Every Time. She's always the victim, either, she didn't have enough money to visit, or she was going through a difficult time or some other bullshit excuse. I can't take it anymore. I don't think you understand how I feel, when she left us you two still spoke, but I hadn't heard from her in years papa, Not a note or anything, and it hurts knowing that. It hurts knowing that she's going to have another baby that she will actually be a good mom to, what changed? Was I just not enough? Did I turn out wrong? Why does she feel the need to do this?" Freddie spoke up, "there are a lot of factors that you do not know about Rosalie-" I scoffed, "No of course there always is-"
"Stop talking." Freddie commanded firmly. I closed my mouth, tears brimming at the corners of my eyes threatening to fall at any second. "At the moment I don't care how you feel about Mary. That is not why we are on the phone, we are on the phone because you snuck out, after I specifically told you to be on your best behavior for Mary. Does that sound like your best behavior?" I bit my tongue. "Answer me now!" I clenched my teeth. "No." I said quietly, he was talking to me like a naughty toddler, it was humiliating. "I agree, so what's going to happen now is you are going to get your ass back to Mary's in the next half hour. By the time I call you better be fast asleep and you better have apologized profusely. Am I understood?" My tears started to spill over in rage and betrayal. I took a deep breath to try and hide it. "I understand." I was able to say firmly. "You better be a fucking angel until I get back, and when I do return I don't want a word of complaint when I punish you, because you will deserve every bit of it. Am I clear?" I wiped my eyes. "Yes." I said quietly. New tears quickly replaced the old ones and I was close to breaking down, I held my breath to stop myself from letting out a choked sob. "Good. Now go I will call you tomorrow." I heard the phone click and I closed my eyes scrunching my face, I slowly put the phone back on the hook and I broke down in tears. This was probably the worst fight Freddie and I had ever had. And it was all Mary's fault.

Daughter Of A Queen
FanfictionRosalie Jer Mercury, an extraordinary name given by an extraordinary Father. Freddie didn't just leave his music and his lovable personality that defined him, he also left a daughter, and this girl was everything Freddie needed and more, she was his...