General P.O.V
Killer Queen had hit the charts everywhere that was anywhere and people were demanding more from the new band that had been named Queen. With the pressure on Freddie had to get an album finished with a new hit, however his problem was that he didn't want to repeat himself, He was not a normal performer, in fact he was far from it, so when his child, Rosalie, who was now 4 years old and was already acting like her father, stole his opera record instead of getting cross with her he rejoiced because he had gotten an idea, and he knew it would be a hit.Mary P.O.V
"Rosalie Jer Mercury!" I scolded as the little girl stopped abruptly, her little blanket that Freddie got her for her third birthday was hanging off of her arms. "You are supposed to be in bed!" Rosalie looked up at me with her big brown eyes, "but mama I want to see papa!" she whined, "Well Papa won't be home for at least a few more hours and it is already three hours past your bedtime!" As if it were planned the door opened and I could hear Freddie walking through the door. Rosalie jumped with excitement and ran to Freddie. "Papa!" She screeched delighted jumping into his arms. "Hello My darling! What are you doing up at this hour?" I looked at Freddie and smiled, "Thats what I was asking her," Freddie looked sternly at Rosalie, "You must listen to your Mother Betee," he said smacking her bottom firmly but not too hard, "Come along darling it is time for you to sleep," Rosalie pouted from being smacked but snuggled up to her father as he picked her up and brought her to her room. A few moments later he came back out "hello my love," he said giving me a kiss, "Hi," I replied, "How was your tour?"
He smiled, "I must show you something," He looked through his bag and pulled out a tape, I sat on the couch as he put it in the t.v. and sat next to me, the song love of my life began playing and I held my breath, this was the song Freddie had written for me, he said something about how many people were there but I wasn't paying attention, I was noticing how he wasn't sitting right next to me, he was further, I tuned back in. "The whole night I didn't even know if they understood what I was saying until.." the crowd started singing and it took my breath away, they knew every word, it was like a dream. "They are singing to you." I looked at Freddie, "something is wrong and it has been for a while." He looked at me confused, but I could see in his eyes that I was right, "just say it" I pushed. He was having a hard time getting it off his chest "I-i I think Im bisexual." I wanted to cry, I got up and went to the window. "Freddie your gay. I've known for a while I just didn't want to admit it." I was crying now, I tried to play it off with a laugh, but it didn't work, "You know its funny, I always settle for this, Mary I love you but I've found someone else, Mary I love you but I don't want a relationship. Mary I love but im gay... And the worse part is it's not even your fault!" I looked down at the ring he had given me, heart broken I began to take it off, and I heard Freddies panicked voice, "What are you doing?" he stood up and turned me to face him, "You promised me you would never take it off!" I looked at him "Freddie..." he shook me, "You promised!" I broke down now and Freddie gulped me in a hug. "Mary, you are the love my life, and I need you in it." I nodded succumbing, "ok, ok" I whispered. There was a sound and we both turned to see Rosalie standing in the door way. "Mama why are you crying?" she asked me innocently which made me sob even more. Freddie looked at me and when I didn't give an answer he kissed my cheek and went over to her, "Betee you should be in bed darling," he tried to lift her up but she wiggled her self out of his arms surprising Freddie, she had never done that before, usually she would comply right away. "But Papa-" Freddie interupted her. "Rosalie. Its time for bed now." I watched as Rosalie pouted. "No papa! I want to stay up and make sure mamas ok!" I smiled, "I'm ok love, listen to your father now before you get in trouble." Rosalie was still pouting but this time when Freddie scooped her up she didn't argue. "Good night Mama!" she called. "Good night" I said quietly. When Freddie shut the door to Rosalie's room to lay with her I grabbed a bag and grabbed all of my clothes. And with one last heart breaking look I left the house without a word.Ok so updating everyday did not work, I am so sorry guys!! But I'm on spring break so I will try to update as much as I can! Love you guys and I love you Freddie Mercury❤

Daughter Of A Queen
FanfictionRosalie Jer Mercury, an extraordinary name given by an extraordinary Father. Freddie didn't just leave his music and his lovable personality that defined him, he also left a daughter, and this girl was everything Freddie needed and more, she was his...