Rosalie's P.O.V
Live aid. It was finally live aid!! After months and months of planning and boring conversations and painfully long days, it was finally here. I woke up to the sound of Freddie humming one of my favorite songs, greatest love of all, by Whitney Houston, and sliding his hands through my hair. I slowly opened my eyes and stretched, Freddie smiled and stopped, I protested, "finish the song?" I asked quietly, Freddie smiled and picked me up, he sat where I was laying and placed me on his lap rocking me like I was a baby. "Sing with me Betee," he said softly. "Every body's searching for a hero, people need some one to look up too, I never found someone who fulfilled my needs. A lonely place to be and so I learned to depend on me." Freddie smiled as we softly sang the chorus together, I faltered at the high notes, I didn't quite know how to sing high without singing loud. Freddie smiled and kissed my cheek, he brought my face to his neck and rocked me for a bit. I liked this, just us, and the occasional cats that would walk in and get jealous of the attention he was giving me. I closed my eyes and enjoyed it, concerts could get hectic, and I knew he wouldn't have all the time in the world for me during that time, so I embraced the time I did have with him, I think he knew that too. We stayed that way for maybe 20 minutes before Jim came in, I didn't hear him come in, but I guess Freddie did because he looked up, ignoring my protest and smiled. "Good morning love." I looked over and could see Jim smiling, "Damnit Freddie I could have gotten a picture," Freddie smiled and looked down at me, Jim walked up to us and looked down at me too, "she looks like your new baby Freddie," he said chuckling. I huffed, I was NOT a baby. Freddie raised his eyebrows, "she is my baby," he said slapping my bottom a few times, firmly but not hard, "she always will be, isn't that right Betee?" I smiled. "Always," I confirmed. Freddie gave me a kiss, "good girl." A lot of people found it odd that I still kissed my father on the lips, it was weird, I grew up with that, for me it was normal, however people disagreed, and they could be very rude about their opinions on the media. As best as Freddie tried to shield me from it, I still heard things. A lot of nasty things. Freddie patted my cheek, "we need to get ready my love," he stated sitting me up, "we have an appointment to get to before the concert." I looked quizzically at Freddie, "where to?" Freddie poked my nose, "it wouldn't be a surprise then now would it?" He said causing me to smile. "Papa?" I asked leaning against his chest, "yes darling?" He asked rubbing my arms. "Is Mary coming?" I was hoping for a certain answer, "yes she is, she will be watching on the side with you and Jim, David will be there too." That wasn't the answer I wanted. I wondered if I could purposely misbehave just to make sure that she didn't have any fun, Freddie could tell I had something planned by the look on my face. He flicked my cheek, "you will behave Rosalie, and if I hear that you didn't I will spank you right then and there in front of everyone, do I make myself clear?" I knew it was probably an empty threat, but this was Freddie Mercury we're talking about, he's not afraid to do anything, so I settled for a "yes sir," Freddie kissed my head, "good, don't forget that, I don't want you causing her any trouble," I didn't say anything and Freddie looked at the clock. "Alright my love enough stalling go get ready," Freddie lifted me off his lap and pushed me in the direction of the Lou.
*later that morning*
I still had no idea where we were going even sitting in the limo with Freddie and Jim. Jim was wearing his brown leather jacket with a black tank top on, Freddie was wearing a white tank top with his very own brown leather jacket, he also wore sunglasses. Me? I was wearing a blue tank cropped top with white shorts and grey slip-ons. My long black hair was curled and my sunglasses sat at the top of my head. I knew what to wear to a rock concert. It's not like this was my first one, and it sure as hell wouldn't be my last. The driver stopped and I recognized this neighborhood, we were at my grandparents house, it then occurred to me that Jim had never met my grandparents. Well that part didn't surprise me, I wasn't sure if they knew or were supportive of Freddie being gay. The subject just wasn't brought up. Freddie got out of the car and Jim and I followed. Freddie held his hand out for me and I took it, he rubbed his thumb against mine and knocked on the door. Kash opened it and her eyes brightened at the sight of him. "Freddie! I've missed you!" She gave him a hug and he let go of my hand, which kind of bothered me. "Hi Kash darling how have you been?" Kash gave me a look, "just fine!" I had been sworn to secrecy not to tell Freddie about her being barren. She told me she would tell him when she was ready, so I respected that. "Rosalie come here my love!" Kash gulped me in a hug, "you've grown since the last time I saw you!" She said smiling. She let go of me and turned to Jim, "you must be Jim it is a pleasure to meet you," she said shaking his hand, Jim smiled politely, "the pleasure is all mine," Kash looked at them all once again, "come in please, mama and papa are just dying to see you." Freddie placed his hand on my back and lead me inside, I noticed out of the corner of my eye that he was also holding Jim's hand. He was nervous. "Potee!" I was suddenly gulped up in hugs and kisses from Jer. "Oh how I've missed you, come here I have a gift for you since I didn't see you at Valentine's Day." Freddie groaned, "Mama please she doesn't need to be even more spoiled then she is." Jer hushed him and brought me to the couch. She gave me a box, "it's not a lot, but I figured since I will see you on your birthday this should do until then," Freddie put a hand on my shoulder, "Mama really," Jer put her hand up, "hush it's my job to spoil her," Jer looked me in the eye, "it's the best part about being a grandmother," she winked and I could almost feel Freddie roll his eyes. She gave me a little box, I opened it and there was a necklace, with a pendant I didn't recognize but would later be told it was Yoga Hindi pendant. "It's beautiful," I said smiling widely, "thank you so much daadee," Jer smiled back and I put the necklace on, "it looks beautiful on you potee." She said kissing my cheek. Freddie gave Jer a hug and kissed her cheek, "hi mama, where's papa?" I went with Kash to help with the food, in the kitchen I noticed she had made the same thing she made the first time I came. I hated that dish, but Freddie always made me eat it, I wondered for a second of Kash always made it because she knew I hated it but would be forced to eat it anyways. "How have you really been?" I asked placing the food onto the serving trays. Kash sighed, "Honestly, not well. I always thought that if anyone was going to have a child it would be me and not Freddie, and somehow it's all switched, how could he have a child and I can't, I just wasn't expecting this." I knew that Kash was hurting and probably wasn't thinking about what she said, but it still hurt that she wasn't happy for Freddie to have me, and that I was a lost bet. I pursed my lips and didn't say anything as we went into the living room. I sat next to Freddie on the couch and he put his arm over me. Jim sat in the armchair next to him. "Please have some," Bomi said as Kash held out the plate, Jim took some and Freddie nudged me to do the same. I gave him a pleading look and his eyes flashed with warning, almost like they were telling me now. Which they probably were. I sighed annoyed earning a second flick on my cheek in the past two hours from Freddie. My cheeks flushed in embarrassment and I quickly ate the food. Jer smiled trying to get rid of any awkwardness, and Bomi looked at Freddie with an expression I couldn't read but it looked like pride. I rubbed my cheek looking down that flick was a lot harder than before, Kash placed the food onto the table and sat next to her dad. Bomi pointed to Jim, "do you two work together?" Jim looked nervously at Freddie not knowing what to say, Freddie places his hand on Jim's, "we're friends." He stated calmly I looked up to see Kash smiling, I couldn't tell what Bomi's expression was but Jer was also smiling, "what a great thing to have, friends." Freddie nodded. Jer turned to Kash, "will you come with me to get the crumpets please?" She asked and Kash immediately complied, Bomi began to talk to Jim about his gardening and Freddie turned to me, "did I hurt you?" He asked softly looking at my cheek, "no I'm alright," I said grudgingly, I was still grumpy about it. Freddie kissed the cheek he had flicked "don't do that again Betee, it was embarrassing for you and for me." I nodded huffing. Freddie pulled my head to him whispering in my ear, "I suggest you fix your attitude or your going to spend the whole concert in the trailer, understand?" I nodded and tried to fix it, live aid was a big deal, and I didn't want to tell my kids that I missed it because of some stupid gross meat, and a flick on the cheek. A moment later Jer and Kash returned, and Freddie stood up. "We should be leaving," he stated and Jer's face fell, "but you just got here," I stood up as well going to the door, "we have a concert to get to." Freddie said placing a hand on Jim's shoulder. "Queens performing at live aid," Kash said smiling. Freddie nodded. "We're all doing our part for the starving children in Africa and no ones taking any money for it." Freddie walked to Bomi and placed his hands on his shoulders. "Good thoughts, good words, good deeds. Just like you taught me Papa." Freddie pulled Bomi into a hug and I smiled. I had never seen them hug before, or had any sort of physical contact for that matter. It was odd. Freddie let go and patted his shoulder. He started for the door when Jer interrupted. "I love you Beta!" She called out. Freddie grabbed my hand, "I love you too mama," he turned to leave but turned back. "In fact, I'll blow you a kiss onstage." Jer laughed and Freddie gently led me outside, and into the limo. He put his sunglasses on and folded his arms as the limo pulled forward.
Wembley was massive, I have never seen anything like it. Even backstage was far larger then any of the other stadiums queen has performed at, except maybe Rio. I was in the trailer with queen and Jim before they had to go on, there was some sort of thickness in the air, I couldn't put my finger of it, it was probably just anxiety. I leaned against Freddie and he stroked my hair, holding me. I could feel his heart thumping against his chest, fast. He was nervous, I gave him a kiss, "you will do amazing Papa," I said quietly so only he could hear. Freddie smiled down at me, "thank you Betee," Freddie rocked me when there was a knock on the door. Jim stood up and opened it, "Mary! Hello!" Freddie instantly stood up and I was pushed to the side. I bit my tongue but I wasn't happy. "Hello my darling," Freddie said giving her a kiss on the cheek, "hi Freddie," she said giving one back. "David, good to see you." Freddie shook David's hand and Jim did the same. I crossed my arms and looked down. Roger came and sat next to me, he put his arm over my shoulders, "Don't be upset Rosie girl, it's Live Aid!" I huffed looking at Mary, "I don't like her Uncle Rog." Roger raised his eyebrows, "just ignore her, act like she isn't there, don't waste this day because it's only gonna happen once, and your gonna be real upset if you spend the whole day being mad and not having fun." I thought about it, he was right, I was at Live aid for fucks sake, I couldn't let Mary ruin that, I had enjoyed many things with out her, countless birthdays and even more holidays, I could enjoy one more day without her. I smiled, "your right Uncle Roger, thanks," Roger smiled at me, "anything for you Rosie girl," Freddie turned to me, "come give me a kiss before you go with them," he said motioning for me. I jumped up and gave him a kiss and a hug, "please be good Betee," he whispered in my ear, "I will see you in about a half hour ok?" I nodded and pulled back, "good luck." Freddie chuckled, "no such thing," he slapped my bottom, "now go, you won't be able to see anything from here," I followed Jim out of the trailer and we started through the maze of backstage to find the side line, that's when I saw her. It had been almost a year, and I felt bad to say it but I had completely forgotten about her. "Heather?" She turned around and her face formed shock when she saw me, "Rosalie?" She asked stunned. She had grown nicely, she no longer looked like the cute preteen with pigtails. She had a nice figure and her hair was done similar to mine, "y-you look great." She managed to get out and I smiled, "so do you," Heather blushed, "Rosalie about what happened" I cut her off. "It wasn't your fault, it was Paul's, I was wrong to blame you," Heather shook her head, "It wasn't even Paul's," I furrowed my eyebrows, "of course it was, who-"
"Rosalie!" Jim barked and I realized he had continued to walk thinking I was behind him. "Shit." I muttered under my breath. "I have to go watch my dad, meet up after and we can talk?" Heather nodded, "yeah that sounds great." I hugged her quickly and immediately went to Jim. "Jim I'm sorry I-" Jim held up his hand, "it's alright, I won't tell Freddie." I let out a breath, "but don't do that again, there are a lot of questionable people here." I nodded, he had no idea, we made our way to the side lines, barely making it hearing, "her majesty, Queen!"
Hello my dears this was getting so so long so I decided to split them up into two, so enjoy!! I thought that I would be done with the concert sooner but it's taking longer than I thought, oops. I will try to have it up soon! I hope you like my remake of one of the most iconic rock performances in history, I hope I did you justice Freddie, I love you all, and as always,
I love you Freddie Mercury❤️

Daughter Of A Queen
FanfictionRosalie Jer Mercury, an extraordinary name given by an extraordinary Father. Freddie didn't just leave his music and his lovable personality that defined him, he also left a daughter, and this girl was everything Freddie needed and more, she was his...