Chapter Six - Talking

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TW: confrontation 

945 Words


Tommy opened his and Wilbur's dms, seeing multiple new messages from Wilbur. Most were from today, although there were many from previous days. The elder was obviously concerned about the blonde boy.



Tommy can we talk?



Tommy please reply

You haven't streamed or replied to anyone for over a week, and now you just pop up with a stream, without even explaining what happened to anyone.

Tommy please

Tell me what's going on


Me and all your friends are all concerned about you

Please Tommy, call me

Or at least answer my messages

We're all so worried about you.



Please answer

Everyone's messaging you, and you're not replying

We're all sick with worry.


It's been over half an hour since Tommy ended his stream. He knew he had to reply to Wilbur or else the elder would call his parents soon. And Tommy did NOT want that to happen. Gritting his teeth, he messaged Wilbur back, saying a casual "hey". Wilbur immediately proceeded to ask Tommy if they could call. As much as Tommy was dreading this, he knew he had to do it. Just as he was accepting the call, he realised that his voice was really hoarse from crying, and if Wilbur wanted Tommy to turn his camera on, he would see the bags under his eyes and his tear stained face. He couldn't let that happen. He just had to prove to Wilbur that he was fine. He would have to try his best to make sure that the elder wouldn't suspect a thing.

It was easier to hide everything on stream, because he had worn concealer to hide the bags under his eyes, but he washed that off once the stream had ended. Expecting the worst, Tommy accepted the call.

"TOMMY!" Wilbur yelled into his mic.

"Jesus Wilbur, you nearly made me go deaf," replied Tommy, trying to laugh but failing pretty badly.

"Tommy why haven't you replied to anyone's messages for over a week?" asked Wilbur, trying his best to stay calm. The last thing he wanted now was for the boy to leave the call with no explanation for his absence.

"I've just been really busy and-"

"No Tommy, stop. I'm not going to accept that bullshit excuse of yours. What's the real reason?" asked the concerned elder.

Tommy didn't say anything. The boys just listened in silence for about a minute, until Wilbur said the thing that Tommy was dreading;

"Right, turn on your facecam Tommy"

"Why do you want to see my face? You saw what I looked like during stream," the young boy replied, his heart pounding. He knew that Wilbur wouldn't like what he saw.

"Thomas, turn on your facecam NOW," ordered Wilbur. Tommy knew that he was now royally screwed. Also, Wilbur NEVER called Tommy by his real name, so Tommy knew some serious shit was about to go down.

The blonde sighed, and turned on his camera.

"Tommy..." Wilbur trailed off, whispering.

The blonde haired boy looked terrible. His hair was a mess, he had dark circles beneath his eyes, and his cheekbones could be seen. Wilbur didn't even want to think about what the rest of his body looked like. The poor, poor boy...

"Tommy what's going on?" Wilbur whispered softly, hoping the boy would open up. No such luck.

"Nothing Wilbur, everything's fine. I'm simply  tired that's it," the boy replied.

"Tommy this isn't 'nothing'. This is the worst case of 'nothing' that I've ever seen. Do your parents know how you look? Do they know what's going on?" the concerned elder asked.

"Wilbur, I said I'm fine.  My nothing's going on. Everything is fine. As for my parents, they left two weeks ago and will be back before Christmas," Tommy replied.

"Holy shit, Christmas is two weeks away Tommy," Wilbur said. "And since there's no one to look after you, I'm coming over to stay at your house," Wilbur stated firmly.

"But Wilbur I'm fine! I'm not a baby! I've been fine for these last two weeks, so obviously I'll be fine for the next two! Wilbur seriously-" the boy was cut of.

"Tommy, no. I am coming over, whether you like it or not. I just messaged your parents asking if I could come over and keep you company until they come back, so that's it," said Wilbur, insistent to keep the younger boy safe.

Tommy knew that no matter how much he argued, how much he insisted that the boy didn't come over to his house, Wilbur still wouldn't listen.

"Fine," sighed Tommy. "We've got a guest bedroom so I guess you can stay there," he proposed.

"Great!" replied Wilbur, trying to be enthusiastic. He had to make sure the boy was alright. "I'll just need to pack a few more items, and I should be there in about 4-5 hours," the elder said. "And since I won't be able to talk to you while I'm driving, you are to call Tubbo for the whole duration of my journey to your house," the elder stated.

"What?!" Tommy yelled out. "I'm not a five year old that constantly needs to be watched! I told you, I'm fine!" he objected.

"Yes, you looked very fine when you had your facecam on. I'll be going now. Call Tubbo," the elder said.

"Fine," Tommy agreed against his will. What was Tubbo going to say? They boys hadn't called in over two weeks apart from earlier in the stream.

Tommy ended his call with Wilbur, got his phone and dialed Tubbo's number. He really didn't want to do this. But he had to.


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