Chapter Thirteen - Tommy & Friends

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CW: Slight dizziness, headaches, and intrusive thoughts

This chapter will be mostly fun and wholesome for a change, although there will be unwholesome parts. However it won't be a filler, but I just feel like we all need a bit of wholesome and fun content after the last few chapters. Yay wholesome uwu.

1828 Words (this is a longer one)


Tommy went downstairs,  about to rejoining the trio who were sat on the couches, laughing and talking. He took a deep breath, looked in the hallway mirror to make sure he looked fine and like nothing had just happened. He walked into the room, trying to act as happy as possible.

Breathe in, and out.

You'll be fine.

Act normal.

He walked over to the couch, and sat beside Niki.

"So uhh what do you guys wanna do?" Tommy asked. He also realized that he still needed to talk to Tubbo and apologize for ignoring him for so long.

"Maybe we could outside and walk around? Tubbo showed me around the town a bit, and it looks pretty cool, I'm sure Niki would want to see it as well," Wilbur replied.

"Yeah that's a great idea!" Niki said enthusiastically. Tubbo just smiled, nodding his head.

The group headed out into the hallway, and put their shoes and winter coats on, wrapping up since it was winter. As Tommy grabbed the house keys to open the door, Wilbur said; "Hey Tommy, your mom texted me and said to give me a set of house keys while, I'm here, just inca-" the elders sentence was cut off, as Tommy tossed a set of keys at him, making Wilbur react very fast to try and catch them, laughing.

They all walked out the door, and gasped looking at the thin blanket of snow that was covering everything.

"We literally went outside an hour ago and it wasn't even snowing!" Tubbo exclaimed excitedly.

Tommy and Tubbo looked at each other, and smiled. They knew what was going on in each other head. They ran off, trying to make as many snowballs as possible, and lobbed them at each other's head. Tommy got tired and dizzy quite fast, but he tried to ignore it as much as possible, running after Tubbo and screaming "I'M GONNA GET YOU BITCH BOY!"

Wilbur and Niki, laughed, walking alongside each other, talking and laughing at the two boys.

"They seem to be getting along," Niki said.

"Ya think?" Wilbur replied, laughing.

The boys chased each other around, and at one point Tubbo hid a few meters behind Wilbur and Niki. Tommy was certain he could throw a snowball that far, and as he brought his arm back and released the snowball, it ended up landing on the side of  a very surprised Wilbur' face.

"TOMMY!" Wilbur yelled out. "YOU'RE DEAD CHILD!"

"Oops," muttered Tommy, but it was too late, as a snowball came crashing down on the top of his head. He stood still for a second, then ran away screaming, as everyone else collapsed with laughter.

Soon enough, Tommy ran back, hiding beside a large tree. He could hear everyone else trying to find him. He saw Wilbur's face, and lobbed a snowball in that direction. He could hear the satisfying thud of it hitting the elder.

"TOMMY! I KNOW YOU'RE THERE!" Wilbur quickly ran into the direction of where the snowball had come from, and found Tommy trying to quickly run away from him. He caught the boy by his coat, making the boy stumble and fall, face-first into the snow.

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