Chapter Eight - Stubborn

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TW: intrusive thoughts, confrontation 

805 Words


"HOLY SHIT TOMMY," Wilbur exclaimed.

"Nice to see you too Wilbur," Tommy replied, hoping that the elder would laugh. But Tommy knew that he was screwed even more than before.

"Tommy what have you done?" whispered Wilbur, in shock. On his entire car journey to the youngster's house, he kept telling himself that everything was most likely fine. But this isn't fine.

"Uhhh w- why don't you uhh c- come in f- first and then we'll t- talk," the blonde said.

Wilbur nodded, and Tommy brought the elder's suitcases up to the guest room, as Wilbur was left on his own in the living room.

"Why didn't we notice that something was up with Tommy?" he wondered. "But at least now we can try to help him, and figure out what's going on with the poor boy," he thought as Tommy entered the room.

"Heeeeeeeeeyyyyyyy," Wilbur said as Tommy walked in, and both boys sat on opposite ends of the couch, facing eachother. "I'm sorry for reacting like that earlier, I was just shocked," the elder continued.

"'s fine," Tommy replied, unsure of what to say. He knew that the next few minutes would be hell, with Wilbur trying to find out what is wrong. All he could do is try to withhold as much information as possible from Wilbur.

"So uhh Tommy, we've all realised that there's something going on with you," the elder started. Tommy badly wanted to interrupt and deny it, but decided against it.

"Firstly, don't even try to deny that something's going on, because me, Tubbo, and a few others have noticed it, so no point denying. We really just want to help you Tommy, because we can see that whatever is going on, you're obviously struggling," the elder continued.

Tommy looked up at Wilbur, to see that the elder wore a genuinely concerned face, and his eyes were full of care for Tommy. But the boy knew that he couldn't tell Wilbur, or anyone for that matter, what was going on. He was doing this all for them.

You just need to lose a few more pounds.

And then everything will be fine.

Everyone will like you, and they'll treat you normally.

They might not even see you as a child anymore, because your weight loss will simply be so impressive, that they'll look past the fact that you're 16.

"Tommy do you want to say anything?" the elder asked gently. "I'm not going to push you to tell me, or anyone else for that matter, what's going on, but please just know that we're all there for you."

You wouldn't understand.

Tommy took a deep breath, and said, "Wilbur, I'm fine. Nothing is going on. I. Am. Fine. Everyone just needs to mind their own business, and not waste their time, concerned about me, even though it's obvious that I'm fine, that I'm ok, and that everything is going well."

Wilbur sighed gently. He knew that this wouldn't be easy, and if Tommy actually opened up te first time he approached him, it would be a miracle. Wilbur decided that he needed to take his time, and give Tommy room and space. But he was also slightly conflicted about that because he was pretty sure Tommy was dealing with something pretty serious, and was worried that something might happen to him. He decided that he would message Tubbo and some others later, and try and see what advice they have, especially Phil and Niki.

"So Tommy is there any chance that today you'll tell me what's going on? Should I just leave it be for today?" Wilbur gently asked.

Tommy sighed, and replied, "Yeah I don't really wanna talk."

"Do you wanna maybe watch a movie?" Wilbur asked.

"Yeah sure, that'd be great," Tommy replied.

Tommy passed Wilbur the tv remote, and the elder chose a movie. Within a few minutes, Tommy had fallen asleep. In his sleep, he looked even thinner and worse than ever. Wilbur could even see his ribs poking out through his chest, and his arms must have been really thin under the long-sleeved t-shirt the blonde was wearing. He felt a sort of pity for the boy. He felt kind of worthless, because he couldn't help the young boy that he referred to as his younger brother. Try as he might, only Tommy could decide when and what the elder will know about him, nd about what's going on.

Wilbur stood up, got a blanket from the other couch, and covered Tommy. Next he went up to the guest room, and unsuccessivley tried to fall asleep. After a while, he got his phone and decided to read a bunch of articles on how to help Tommy, hoping that he would find something that would get Tommy to open up to him.


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