Chapter Sixteen - Overhearing

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New video! I'm in love with Jared Wilbur Soot Parody! It's really funny, you should check it out!

TW: intrusive thoughts, mentions of eating disorders

There's a bit of wholesome at the end of the chapter :D

Woo another update! Enjoy! :)

1708 Words

As Tubbo, Dream and Tommy were on a call playing Minecraft, Wilbur and Niki were downstairs, finally being able to talk about their concern and suspicions for the boy.

"Right so the children are finally gone" laughed Wilbur. "Peace at last," he chuckled, as Niki joined in.

"Well anyways, I know that we talked earlier on today, but I still want to talk about Tommy. I'm just so concerned about him, he's like a brother to me. I want to make sure that he's safe and happy," Wilbur ranted.

He was filled with concern for the poor boy. Wilbur knew that it was probably pretty serious if he admitted that he was struggling to Niki.

"Right," Niki said. "I'm guessing you'll be staying here with him until his parents come back?" she asked.

"Yup," Wilbur replied.

"Ok so, there's a few things that you should look out for. Firstly, make sure he's eating enough. Try to get him to eat his main meals on front of you. If he says that he's not hungry, or he refuses to eat, just try talk to him and reason with him. Don't force him to eat, unless he's in danger from not eating," Niki said. "And remember that if he isn't eating it might not be an ed, it could also be because of stress, depression or other things."

"Tommy wasn't depressed, right?" Wilbur thought. "It's simply not possible. He's happy, a happy child." Wilbur kept denying it in his head, not wanting to face the possible truth.

"Make sure he doesn't spend too much time alone in his room, busy with YouTube, streaming or school. Make sure to bring him outside every day. Try hang out and spend time with him, try to have fun together. The last thing you want to do is make him feel alone, or like no one cares about him. But then again, don't constantly tell him that you appreciate him and so on, he'll get freaked out and will most definitely know something is going on," Niki continued. "Also, I know you might feel a need to be really protective of him, but give him space to breathe. Just be patient, talk to him, and talk your time," the girl continued.

"And it you feel like Tommy is acting strange or anything like that, don't hesitate the message me or someone else you trust. Preferably keep this whole thing between me, you, Phil and Tubbo too I guess," the girl said. "It's best to not alert the whole SMP," she continued, and Wilbur agreed with her.

There was no point in getting unnecessary people involved in something that might not even be true. Heck, they could simply be over reacting and Tommy might just be fine.

The pair then continued to talk about other things, ocassionally straying back to the topic of Tommy. It was a quite calming evening, as they talked and stared out the window, watching as the shimmering snowflakes fell onto the windowsill. Despite it being dark outside, the snow was visible, the moonlight and stars shining on it, keeping the dark and cold sky somewhat lit up. (Me completely failing at trying to set atmosphere XD)

Slowly, the hour hand on the clock went further up, and it was 7pm. Niki had to leave soon, as it would take a while to drive home, since she will need to take extra precautions driving through the snow. (No don't worry, Niki will not die)

Niki and Wilbur just went over some last minute things about Tommy, but little did they know that the boy had finished playing Minecraft with his friends, and was now sitting at the top of the stairs, eavesdropping on the two adults who were talking about him.

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