Chapter Fourteen - Café

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^ New video, how to build a weed farm in Minecraft!

I'm sure my parents are very proud of their eldest child.

Also, thank you so much for 500 reads! Just waking up every day and seeing that number makes me so happy! <3

Anyways, on with the story!


CW: intrusive thoughts, panic attack (?)

1119 Words


"What would you like to order?" the waitress asked.

Tommy froze.


"Uhh I'll take a portion of fries," Niki replied to the waitress, as she scribbled it down on her notepad.

"I'll take the same," Wilbur replied. "Tubbo and Tommy?" he asked.

Don't you dare order anything.

You're so fat already.

"Uhh, I'll have a margarita pizza please!" Tubbo replied happily.

Everyone looked at Tommy.

You're so fat.

Don't you dare order.

They'll leave you because you're fat.

"I'm fine, thanks," Tommy replied, looking down. He looked up, and saw Wilbur and Niki exchanging glances. He knew he had to choose.

What had less calories, pizza or fries? Surely fries, but the pizza would be larger right? How would he know, he didn't even see an image of the serving size!

"Uhh actually I'll have the same as him," Tommy muttered barely loud enough, gesturing at Tubbo, and then looking down, ashamed of himself.

You just ordered food. You actually asked for food.

Tommy started to freak out, his head spinning, his heart racing, and his throat going dry. He felt like it was the end of the world, or the world as he knew it. He hadn't had fast food in months, and even though this wasn't a greasy takeaway, the thought of having to eat pizza made his head swarm. He was having a somewhat silent panic attack, completely forgetting that Wilbur, Niki and Tubbo were sitting there with him.

You really have to be so greedy and eat, don't you?

I had to, they were getting suspicious!

It's like you're not even trying.

I am, but I couldn't refuse in front of them all!

It's like you want your friends to leave you.

No, I don't! I care about them so much, I don't want to be alone!

You're so useless and greedy.

I'm trying...

Nobody will like you unless you lose weight, and that's fast.

I will, I'll try my best.


I know.

"Tommy? Tommy!" Wilbur said, nudging the young boy, who was lost in his thoughts, zoned out, freaking out.

"Wha- yeah?" The boy replied, looking up to see all three of them concerned.

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