Chapter Seven - Friends

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Tubbo answered the call almost immediately. Tommy figured that Wilbur had told him the whole plan. Tommy wasn't very happy with that. Tubbo immediately wanted to turn camera on. Tommy hesitantly accepted.

"Oh my God, Tommy, you look terrible," the best friend whispered, shocked.

Tommy immediately felt guilty. He really didn't want his friend to be concerned. He was fine, and he was going to convince everyone of that.

"Nice to see you too Tubbo," the blonde replied.

"Tommy we were all so worried about you. What's going on?" the dark haired boy asked.

"Tubbo, everything's fine. You and everyone else don't need to worry about anything-" the blonde said, but was hastily cut off by Tubbo.

"Tommy, we all know that's not the truth. You look absolutely shit! You haven't spoken to anyone on the SMP in weeks. You avoid me in school, and we never even call! I wake up every day to a text from you, saying you can't walk to school with me. Everyone's concerned about you. And we're not easily fooled. We know it's gotta be some serious shit, I mean, Wilbur isn't driving up to your house for nothing," the worried friend continued.

"But Tubbo, I don't get what all the fuss is about! I'm a growing, hormonal teenage boy! This is normal! You can't just expect me to-" and Tommy was cut off yet again.

"Tommy, this isn't normal. This isn't you. This is worse than hormones. Tommy we know that something is going on, and we're all concerned. Everyone is. Me, Wilbur, Niki, Fundy, Bad, Dream, George and everybody else! Me and Wilbur get messages daily from them, asking if you've spoken to either one of us! Everyone is concerned about you, they obviously care!" Tubbo exclaimed.

They just want to know whether to kick you off of the SMP or not. They find you so annoying, and they hope that you play on it as little as possible.

"But-" Tommy tried butting in.

"No 'buts' Tommy! What ever is going on, we're going to help you! You've got so many loyal friends, and we all care about you!" Tubbo was practically shouting.

"Jeez Tubbo, okay chill," the blonde said.

Tubbo just wants to make sure you're fine so that if anything happened he wasn't to blame. You should keep pretending you're fine, it's the least you can do for the poor boy, burdened with you.

The boys continued to talk about random stuff, with Tubbo asking deep questions from time to time, trying to catch Tommy off guard. However, Tommy was prepared for these questions and didn't confess a single thing, much to the elder's dismay.

He's trying to break you.

Don't let him find out.

You'll ruin his perception of you.

Do you want that to happen?

After about an hour of the boys talking, Tommy realised that he needed to clean the house before Wilbur arrived. He didn't want Wilbur to know that he had completely neglected himself while he was home alone. He put in his airpods, and continued talking to Tubbo as he cleaned.

Firstly, he got started on the kitchen. It was quite clean, no dirty dishes or anything, considering the fact that the boy rarely ate. However, he did need to wipe all the dust off of the table and counter, since he hadn't used it at all. Wilbur probably would have realised that if he saw it.

Once that was done, he went into the living room. He straightened the couch cushions, and wiped the dust off of the coffee table. Tommy rarely went downstairs, so everything was clean, bar being covered in dust. He also opened the windows to get some fresh air in. He also vaccumed the floor for good measure.

He then moved upstairs, and wiped off all the dust in the guest bedroom. Tommy was pretty sure that it hadn't even been used before.

With less than an hour left before Wilbur arrived, Tommy quickly realised that his room and bathroom were a mess. He hurriedly vaccumed the carpet in his room, got new bedsheets, and threw the giant pile of his laundry into the laundry basket. He emptied out his paper bin, and got rid of the two notebooks on his desk, one of which was his diary, and the other one contained tips on how not to eat. He trusted paper notebooks more than a notes app on his phone or pc. They were easier to hide. He quickly threw them into his wardrobe.

All the cleaning made Tommy absolutely exhausted. He nearly fainted multiple times, having eaten very little. However, he felt a lot better when he remembered that he definately burned a good few calories. When he had finished cleaning, he sat down on the living room couch, laughing with Tubbo at the memes the elder sent to him. Half an hour later, he saw car headlights and a few seconds later, he heard some knocking on the door.

"Hey Tubbo, I gotta go now. Wilbur's here," the blonde said.

"Okay Tommy, please take care. I'll be in contact with Wilbur, and if you don't reply to my calls or messages I will tell him-" the concerned friend said.

"Yeah, yeah. Bye Toby," Tommy said.

"See ya Big T," Tubbo replied.

Tommy sighed, and walked to the door.

You're about to be royally screwed over.

He slowly opened it.

"Tommy what have you done?!"


So I'm pretty sure i skipped a chapter when I was uploading, and I'm pretty sure that was chapter five

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