Chapter Nineteen - Goodbye England

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Tw: intrusive thoughts, mentions of purging

I just finished reading passerine, and I'm crying so much. I remember seeing people talk about how sad it was, and thinking that it they were over exaggerating, but h o l y  s h i t.

Enjoy reading, and I hope you have a lovely day <3

2152 Words (I'm pretty sure this is my longest chapter)

Tommy woke up in the morning to his phone alarm blaring. He had it set for 6am, wanting to wake up early and have time to mentally prepare himself.

You'll probably never see Eryn or Freddie ever again.

I will, it's not the end, it's not like they're dying.

You'll be living so far away from them, you'll never ever meet up with them in person.

Tommy simply gave up trying to fight the voice in his head, and lay in bed, looking around his room, enjoying his last moments of peace. His desk was empty, with his setup being shipped to the US. His wardrobe was mostly empty, with the occasional junk that he decided to leave behind. His walls were bare, with all the posters being taken down.

The room had very little personality left, it was stripped bare of any meaning that Tommy gave it.

Soon it was 7am, and Tommy had to get out of bed. He stood up, and got changed into the clothes he had prepared for himself the night before.

He then walked downstairs, and started to make his breakfast. Or at least pretend to make his breakfast. He grabbed a slice of bread, and put sine tiny crumbs on his plate. The threw the rest of the bread slice into the bin, covering it with a tissue. He then got some butter, and smeared a tiny bit on his plate. He then placed the plate beside the sink, making it look like he ate his breakfast.

He then got a lemon, cut it in half, and poured himself some water and squeezed the lemon in. He drank three big glasses of lemon water, simply to help aid his weight loss.

He then went back upstairs, and as he passed his parents room he could hear them beginning to wake up.

The plan was that Wilbur would drive a rental car up to Tommy's house at 8:05, collect him then Tubbo, and drive to the airport, which was a 15 minute drive away, and arrive at 8:30, meeting up with everyone else. 

Tommy didn't know what to do. He had quite a lot of time left, but all his items were packed and ready to go. He decided to spend the last few minutes making sure that he looked nice. He didn't want to give a bad first impression to all his American friends.

From time to time, his parents would ask him if he had everything packed and ready to go, and he would reply in the affirmative. Apart from that, he didn't really speak to them much, because he was too scared that he would break out into tears. He said most of what he wanted to tell them yesterday, saying that he might not be up for a big goodbye the day of the departure. Thankfully, they understood.

When there was 10 minutes left until Wilbur's arrival, Tommy trailed downstairs with a small suitcase and a backpack where he stored his phone, iPad, headphones, food and other necessary items to occupy him for the flight. He figured that he would just plan out videos and write scripts on the flight anyways.

He left his stuff in the hallway, and went back upstairs into his room, and said a sort of awkward goodbye to it. So many memories were made there, it was insane. After all, it was the room where he started his whole YouTube and Twitch carrier in. The room which was iconic for all of his fans. He hoped that one day, he would be back, and see it again.

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