Chapter Twenty Five

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Cw: everything mentioned at the start of the book. Shit's about to go down.

Eyyy it's the chapter that I've been looking forward the most to! The book is slowly coming to an end, but not yet!

This chapter will be different! I've decided to write some first person povs, along with the standard third person.

And I'm just saying, that there is no weird shipping going on between Wilbur and Tommy. Wilbur just cares a lot about Tommy, and I just wanted to make that clear in the first place,  before people started to assume shit.

Also, thank you all so much for 10K READS HOLY SHIT?! I never ever thought that I would reach this much reads, thank you all so much!

 Enjoy reading!

6769 Words (damn this is the longest chapter yet, I was tempted to make it 6969 words)


It was a chaotic evening in late March when everything went down. When Tommy's life was changed. For good or for worse, that'll be for you to determine.

The moon was shining through the gray clouds, and there was a light breeze blowing in between the trees. Occasional birdsong could be heard, along with the loud caw of a crow. Nothing changed outside, but in a young boy's life, everything changed on this one day.


Tommy was in the kitchen, helping Eret set the table for dinner. Tommy willingly tried his best to help out in the house as much as possible, in fear of being kicked out. Every time that someone said they wanted to talk to him, he dreaded that he would be given the boot. It was constant anxiety for him. They all noticed that the boy was always lending a helping hand, but never stopped to think about why he was doing it.

The rest of the house were in their respective rooms, doing their own stuff.

He was reaching up into a tall cupboard to get some plates, when his sleeves came down accidentally. They went down to his elbows, exposing the many scars and bloody lines on his arms.

"Shit," he mumbled, anxiety quickly overtaking his brain.

He tried his best to pull his sleeves up, but Eret heard the boy swearing, and thinking he needed help with something, looked at him.

And that's when time simply froze for Tommy.

He would never forget that moment. He just saw as Eret looked at him in horror. He was both disturbed and felt sorry for the boy. He couldn't believe that Tommy would do such a thing. Happy, funny Tommy? The Tommy that had millions of YouTube of YouTube subscribers and Twitch followers. The Tommy that always made everyone laugh. The Tommy that helped other get through tough times.

That Tommy was going through his own shit, and no one noticed enough to interfere.

"Tommy, what's that on your arms?" Eret asked, horrified. The amount of scars that littered the boy's arms was insane. Many deep dark cuts, criss-crossing over each other.  Months of pain, depression, anger and self hatred, resulted in all of this.

Tommy froze for a second and opened his mouth, trying to think of an excuse. He knew that he was screwed. He knew that his life as he knew it, could end now. He decided that no matter what he said, the worst would still happen. So he ran out of the kitchen, and upstairs to his room, ignoring Eret's desperate calls for him to come back downstairs. He quickly took the note out of his drawer, threw it onto his desk so that it was visible, and ran out of his room and down the fire exit. He then ran around to the front of the house, and ran away as fast as he could. He knew exactly where he would be going.

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