Scene 8 - The Airport

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We have a grand opening of music in which we are presented to Stanstead airport. Aircrafts whoosh off from their runways at phenomenal speeds before taking off to the skies. Antennas spin, as the grand tower control centre watches over from the airport. We watch Amy and Rory's car speed down the road which is marked "Mid-stay & Free Sat Down" with a blue "P" sign for parking. We have now a long sequence of Amy and Rory rushing through the airport attempting to catch their plane. We only hear them arguing as Rory, driving, pulls up to some bars and a ticket holder to collect. The process of the paper removing itself from the holder and the bar rising up to allow access for the car will follow accordingly.


Come on, Rory! We don't have any more time for this!


Amy, I've had my foot flat on the accelerator almost since Cheltenham. We've been dead lucky with the traffic. But I swear we must have been caught speeding somewhere. I don't know why we had to go all the way to Stanstead. Why not like... Gloucester. It could have saved us three hours. Or even Bristol or Birmingham?


Rory, that doesn't matter. The Doctor wants us to catch this flight and we'll be on it!


Yeah, but Amy, you're not the one who will get the points on your licence.


We got here in good time. We have just under an hour before takeoff.


You're supposed to be ready at the airport one hour before takeoff anyway.

The car pulls up to the car park. Rory badly parks in his space. His tyres are poorly positioned and cuts well into the next space. The car's bumper sticks out, and the pair quickly rush out to get the baggage.


Great parking.


Yeah, well, you were the one saying we need to be here.


Well you were the one worrying about getting tickets and points on your licence. What kind of parking do you call this?


I think I've broken enough road abiding laws as it is. Not like it can get any worse.

He slams the car door. They now head off for the flight...

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