Scene 10 - Details

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We now open up to a grand scene at Stanstead airport of hearing the majestic music of a jet launching up from the runway and soaring away into the skies. There is a massive roaring of the craft thundering into the skies. We now have a side on shot of the plane as it raises up and up into the sky. Inside the craft, we see the passengers inside the craft. Heading down the passenger cabin from the rear towards the front of the craft, we eventually stop at where we see Amy and Rory. Amy is stretching her legs out in the centre as she sits bored as her husband beside her is asleep. His head is on her shoulder with his mouth and tongue open as he snores loudly. Amy looks away unimpressed, as she fails to realise that Rory has begun dribbling. We see it dangle from his mouth and slowly lower down towards her shoulder. The craft has begun to rise horizontally, eventually. Amy sighs to herself. A waitress/air hostess pushes her trolley down the passage, and she stops beside Amy.


Any refreshments madam?

Amy looks up. She stops to look at the waitress, stunned. The same way earlier when she met River. Coincidentally, or deliberately, it was River! She was dressed in the uniform for a waitress/air hostess.


River? What are you doing here? What about the other passengers?


They can't see us. Our movements are rendered invisible by a perception filter. Right now, for the other passengers, I am not here. And you and Rory are just sat as quietly and comfortable as any other passenger.


Right. Ok. So, what are you doing? You need to explain a lot of what's going on here.


I will, now, first things first, you need these.

River begins handing half a dozen items to Amy. Some of the lists may prove a little confusing as to why they are here, for the moment. They include folded up maps, car keys, license and insurance documents for the same vehicle, and other forms of important paperwork.


What is this?


It's what you'll need when you reach Cairo. A map of where you will be heading. Quite some way you'll be driving.


And where is that?


It's all on the map. You also have keys to a rover, probably the best car you'll need out there in the desert. The documents are all your insurance and other paperwork for your car, including your registration. When you come out to the car park, it will be almost directly in front when you walk out. You can enter the destination into your satnav if it helps. But if you just follow the map, you can't go wrong.

The aircraft begins running into small turbulence. A blue light flashes, but Amy fails to notice it because it is from her behind. There is some shaking happening. Once the craft has shaken off the turbulence, Amy fiddles through the papers to double-check she has everything River said she needed. After, she looks confused.


So, what? We just go out looking for the car and everything is already set up for us? Fuel, insura-

She looks back up, and River had gone. Amy realizes that she will have to carry out River's instructions precisely. Once realized that the asleep Rory had disgustingly dribbled down her, she smacks his head with the paper, waking him up.


SNORR!!! Ah! Huh? What?


Do you mind?


Oh. Sorry Amy.

Rory sits himself up, and Amy crosses her arms.

What's that?


This is what we need to reach the Doctor. We have a car ready and a map to locate where we need to go.


And that is?

Amy looks at the map. She sees a trail of a red line following down towards the centre in the El Gelf El Keber National Park.


There. The centre of the El Gelf El Keber National Park.


But Amy, that's on the other side of the country. Couldn't we have got somewhere closer to like Libya or Sudan?


Quit whining, Rory. We follow the road and head off to... the Lost Pyramid of Mosqurana...

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