PART 2 - Scene 1 - Trapped?

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(Previously on Doctor Who)

(Opening titles)

We begin with the very end of what has just occurred. The Doctor and his friends were doomed. They were either going to be crushed underneath the falling rocks or eaten up by the pursuing Mosqurates or by the newly hatched larvae. Death was inevitable. CRASH! CRASH! CRASH! Suddenly, among the chaos of the collapsing cave, there is a small entrance created by the cracking, tumbling rocks and crumbling walls to the right-hand side. The Doctor sees this, and it is their only chance of survival! CRASH! CRASH! CRASH! He grabs both girls and pulls them over to the side, and narrowly miss by being smashed on their heads by a falling rock. CRASH! They escape through it! Meanwhile, the Mosqurates that were chasing the Doctor and his friends eventually reach the top of the shaking, unstable cave. They meet the newly hatched Mosqurates in combat. The young have no match, despite being a far more intelligent, stronger, and more dominant race.

More eggs crack open as the hatched ones back away as the others prowl towards them as prey. CRASH! CRASH! CRASH! CRASH! CRASH! CRASH! CRASH! CRASH! CRASH! CRASH! The squealing of all the forms of Mosqurates in the cave is piercing, as they are all buried and squashed, if not flattened by the power of the rocks. None of them could have stood a chance. The remaining eggs are smashed up by the rocks. Some are not damaged by the fall, whereas others explode and instantly destroy the embryos of developing pupas inside. Nevertheless, the eggs either spew out their containments or are buried deep, deep, deep underneath by the raining of rocks. Dust pours in, smoking the cave up. The shaking has significantly reduced now. It no longer poses a serious risk. We then see a shot back to the burning and flaming asteroid from space, continuing to crash its way to Esto.

Outside of the cave, the Doctor, River, and Hope narrowly escape death. They are along a path that looks high above the rest of the planet. A stunning, beautiful view, the path was only available when the walls collapsed so the Doctor and his friends could escape. The path leads around the perimeter and downwards eventually. Some of the cave is still intact, but little of it is. Several of the rocks are lying across the path, obstructing any walkers. The route is a little unstable, help up by the natural geology of the planet. They could head their way down the way they came down, but there are many rocks and is filled with collapsed rocks and uneven terrain. It would be easy to slip and fall by taking that way. The gradient is also too downward to even attempt it, which is not helped by the cracked, rickety-rackety surface of the rock. The edge is a long drop down and is highly unstable at the furthest margin.


Thank you, Doctor.


My pleasure. Good thing that the wall caved in the way it did right beside a path. We were lucky there.


Well, don't hold your breath that much Doctor. This terrain doesn't feel that safe to walk on.


Take it slowly, both of you. We don't know how unstable this ground is. Any further disruption could send us hurtling down.


Like you mean if the asteroid was to upset the orbit of the planet.


Exactly. We would end up like the Mosqurates in there. They wouldn't have stood a chance in there.


That isn't all of them that were left. Not just out and about I mean but there's bound to be storage of larvae elsewhere on the planet. Particularly when it's a nice, cool area.

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