Scene 9 - Sneaking Around

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We are left inside the tomb for a while, filled with its empty blackness and silent vibrations. We can hardly make out much in it, but we hear the sound of something sliding to open itself up. It was in fact the Doctor's coffin! He was able to slip out from the gaps and free himself! THUMP! CRASH! He is through, we hear him brush himself down and murmur before activating a torch to find himself trapped inside the tomb of the pyramid of Mosqurana. He carefully inspects around with his torch and his raised posture from lying down. The Doctor sees many sarcophaguses lying around and many covered in cobwebs. They lie all around the tomb, and there are some wooden coffins lying in the centre stacked up – coffins similarly designed as the one the Doctor was in. They too are beginning to show signs of age with their cobwebs. For the Doctor's, his was lying on the ground not above any others, meaning it is easy for him to access getting out, combined with free space to his left to exit out of it. More coffins are stacked against the wall, but these remain empty. The Doctor jumps out and begins, closing his coffin up, and inspecting the area. He wanders around with the torch shining around at what lies in the room.


Perhaps I'd better get out of here before they start putting more people in here with me. They might think I'm some angry spirit. Wouldn't do that Seth any good.

The Doctor begins approaching up to several sarcophaguses and is inspecting them. Following a long line of them, he comes to an end as he examines each one carefully with his torch. The Doctor has noticed that there is something that leads around to the back of this particular sarcophagus. After passing through a wave of cobwebs and some obstruction, he finds a secret entrance. The door is a solid wall, but the Doctor can see a tiny crack through it when he shines his torch through it.

Ah! Interesting. A secret passageway. I wonder where it will lead – if it leads anywhere.

He hears the main entrance of the tomb beginning to open again and quickly hides in this space by breathing in and taking up as little space as possible. He is covered well and also turns his torch off. The disciples enter again solemnly and pick up another coffin among the six of them. They exit out, leaving the entrance open. The Doctor begins muttering to himself.

Looks like I might have a way out through there, but I think I'm far more interested in what could be in here.

With the Sonic Screwdriver, the Doctor can open the entrance up as it slides to the right revealing the spooky pathway that leads into more blackness. Also, more cobwebs fill the setting as the path is narrow and straight, filled with diagrams and pictures on the walls. Once the Doctor has turned his torch back on to survey the area and realizing it is safe to proceed, he quickly enters over. Then, he seals up the entrance with the Sonic again – just in time for the disciples to sadly walk with the coffin carrying another of the deceased pyramid inhabitants in it. They suspect nothing of what the Doctor has been up to when they place this latest corpse in its coffin on top of what would have been the Doctor's...

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