The next day Mai and Yumi were walking to their school. That day only Mai was gonna go, so Yumi wasn't in her uniform. But she was still walking with Mai, after Mai got to school she would go back home. While walking to school they were passing by the old school house, they saw something inside. They went inside and saw a camera. Mai and Yumi walked around, curios at the set up equipment. The girls stood by a shelf next to the camera, Mai touched the camera. Suddenly someone startled them, resulting in one of them to hit the shelf which started to fall on both of them the man that startled them pushed them out of the way, but got hurt in the process.
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Kazuya came running in and asking what happened the girls told him. He asked if ther was a hospital near. "There's one down 3 blocks around the corner" Yumiko said. "Thank you", he said. "We met yesterday right what are your names", he asked.
"Mai Taniyama" -Mai
"Yumiko" -Yumi
"Well Mai Yumiko I would like to sincerely tell you from the bottom of my heart that your late for school since the first bell just rang."
"EHHH" both of them said, surprised at how much time had passed. "Hurry your gonna be late, I'll pick you up after school" Yumi told Mai.
"Yeah, bye Yumi-chan"- Mai "And don't call me that"-Yumi, Mai just smiled back as she started to run to school.