Ch.3 Ghost Stories in the Park Pt.3

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*Yumi's POV*

I arrived at the office and headed straight for the computer lab. I sat down and went straight to work.

'So I'm guessing that you guys would be famous or something for the things you did'

'I don't know about famous but there have been reporters and such'-gene

'Alright so I'm guessing I'll start there then'

I started typing and searching, reading multiple articles.

'So Lin'

'What about him?'-Gene

'Why's he always so quiet? He doesn't talk much about himself'

'Yeah, he's like that. Like I told you he was hired by our parents to take care of us, he was also our teacher. He came with Naru here because our parents wouldn't let him come alone. You might notice he will also occasionally glance at Naru every so often especially on stressful cases to insure that there is not a risk of Naru loosing control over his abilities or getting sick. He won't talk about himself unless you ask directly. Thats what I did, I bet I annoyed him quit a bit with that but if it did he never said.'-Gene let out a small chuckle after he said that

'I doubt it, you seem like a pretty good guy to talk to, I bet he appreciated having someone who wanted to learn about him so much', I couldn't see it but I felt like Gene was smiling at my response.

After a couple hours of reading a bunch of articles I got up and stretched, a yawn left my mouth, 'Ima take a break and get some coffee'


'Lin is in his office huh, I'll ask if he wants some'

'Won't he ask what you're doing here?'-Gene

'Probably, but I know what I'll say if he does'

I headed towards Lin's office

*knock knock*

"Who is it"-Lin

I opened the door and popped my head in "Me, I'm going to make some coffee and just wanted to ask if you wanted some", Lin seemed surprised to see me there

"I thought you were everyone else"-Lin

"Yeah well I asked Naru for the day off to work on some school stuff and I stopped by the office because you guys have a computer lab and I needed to work on an assignment there, I hope you don't mind."

"Not really"-Lin

"Well do you want some coffee"


"Alright, I'll be back in a few minutes"

Lin just nodded

'He really is a man of few words huh' I said to Gene as I went to prepare the coffee

'Yeah, do you always lie to people'-Gene

'What do you mean'

'Well you always seem to know what to say when someone questions you, you don't falter or stutter'-Gene

I thought for a second 'I don't know' was all I said

before Gene could say anything else I said 'Coffee's ready' I got Lin's coffee ready and went to take it to him, I knocked on his door and then walked in "Here's your coffee"

"Thanks"-Lin said as he took the coffee

I went back to the computer lab, coffee in hand.

+With Mai and everyone else+

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