Ch.1 School House Part 5

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Ayako was the first to try an exorcism. She wore some kind of special clothes for the exorcism.

She was reciting a prayer

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She was reciting a prayer. The principal and probably the vice-principal sat in the room with her, everyone else was waiting oustside the room.

" That's it, there shouldn't be anything to worry about now " - Ayako said as she finished

" I have to say I am quite impressed " - principal

" That was beautifully presented " - vice- president

They started to talk about other things while exiting the room.

Monk yawned and complained that it took long.

As Ayako, the principal and the vice - principal were leaving they suddenly stopped and stared at the windows, the glass started to crack then it shattered everywhere, everyone got down. Both of the principals got hurt from the glass and started to bleed.

An ambulance came and took both principals.

" I thought you said there was nothing to worry about, looks like your little exorcism didn't work, you just sent the principal to the hospital"-Kuroda

"That was an accident " - Masako said

" Thank you, so my exorcism did work " - Ayako

"I didn't say that, it couldn't have because there was no ghost from the beginning " - Masako

" Your wrong, I was nearly killed by one of them " - Kuroda said starting to shout

"Masako's right. there were never any ghost from the beginning " - Yumi spoke back with a rising voice, this time not only did Masako give her a curious look as to why she said or knew that but also Ayako.

Kuroda looked taken aback as Yumi raised her voice at her but then she snapped out of it and starting to yell again.

"Then explain how I was nearly killed "-Kuroda

As the others came in they stopped arguing. They started to talk about how everything had happened.

Mai & Yumi's thoughts

' I wish I could sense spirits, if I was the cause then I would like to be the one to exorcise them'-Mai

' Mai it wasn't your fault, and theres probably no ghost here ' - Yumi

Mai gave her a smile and thanked her

'It's nothing ' - Yumi said smiling back at Mai

Mai turned to look at the screens.

"Hey guys that chair wasn't in the middle of the room last time "- Mai

Everyone got closer so they could look at the screen.

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