Ch.2 Doll House Pt.2

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•••The Next Day•••

"You've botched things again haven't you?"-Monk

"I guess I just can't do anything. "-Ayako

***Mai & Yumi's thoughts ***

'Luckily, Noriko-san wasn't hurt'-Mai


"That thing yesterday what was it?"-Mai

"It appeared to react to that little girl shouting. Its possible that its tied into the image of the child you two saw."-monk

"I believe Ayami-chan is the culprit."-Naru

" I thought the suggestion experiment proved that the culprit wasnt human. How confident are you in the outcome?"-monk


" Any possibility that the suggestion failed?"-Monk


" You're saying absolutely none!?"-monk

While Naru and monk argued Mai and Yumi talked though their thoughts.

***Mai & Yumi's thoughts ***

'What if the spirit is conected to Ayami-chan, and she is somehow being controlled by it'-Yumi

'Maybe your right, I dont think Ayami would do something like that'-Mai

'Should we tell Naru'-Mai

'Nah lets wait till we find out more stuff, plus I think he'll find out by himself eventually'-Yumi


Suddenly their thought were interrupted by Lin who yelled out, "Naru!!".

" The temperature in Ayami's room is starting to drop."-Lin

"Lin the speakers!"-Naru

They started to hear stuff shake.

'There's not even anyone in Ayami-chan's room either'-Mai thought


" What?"-Mai

"The temperature, its dropping with incredible force, its almost below freezing."-Naru

"Are you saying that the culprit behind the poltergeisting is..."-Mai

"It couldn't have possibly be Ayami-chan. No this is not even the work of humans."-Naru

•••Time skip•••

Mai and Yumi were with Ayami and Noriko-san in Noriko's room.

"Ayami-chan is sure well behaved"-Yumi

"Up until just a while ago, she was more cheerful, and friendly to others. She only got like this after my brother remarried, and they came to live in this house"-Noriko-san

Someone knocked on the door it was Kana-san with some snacks who said,"Ayami-chan, heres your snack."

"Its nice to have someone to play with huh? What are you doing? I really wish you would answer me. Here have a cookie. You dont want it?"-Kana-san

Kana-san got impatient with Ayami not answering she got angry and said "I see, suit yourself, then!". Kana-san slammed the door as she left.

Everyone let out a sigh

Noriko-san went to Ayami

"Oh Ayami...if you dont want them, then sissy will eat them okay"-Noriko-san

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