Mai and Yumi were walking to the old school house. They saw Naru and his real assistant Lin. Mai started freaking out remembering how he got hurt cause of them. Yumi remained calm. They walked up to them.
"Why are you here so early ?"-Naru
"Couldn't sleep thnking about the expirement'-Mai
"Well you will have to wait a bit for everyone to come"-Naru
"Are you feling better"-Mai asked Lin trying to be nice.
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Lin glared at her. Mai started to freak out hoping for everyone to get there fast.
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While they waited for everyone to arrive Mai and Yumi chatted for a while through their thoughts.
Mai&Yumi's Thoughts
'So you love the narcissist, huh'-Yumi said to Mai and smirked glancing at Naru
'Oh shut up Yumi-chan, and what about you, do you like anyone here'-Mai said Yumi stopped smirking.
'Ohhhh so you do huh, who is it might it be John'-Mai said
Yumi looked taken aback and Mai smirked. She knew her friend well.
'So you have a crush on John huh'-Mai asked Yumi with a smirk
'Shut up Mai and no I don't '-Yumi said with a pinch of pink on her cheeks barely noticable but Mai noticed and smirked again.
'What would happen if someone told him'-Mai said in a taunting voice.
This hit a nerve with Yumi ,Yumi gave Mai her deadly glare that scared anyone.
'You wouldn't dare'-she said to mai as she glared at her
As soon as Mai got the glare and cold threat she went a bit pale and felt a chill go down her spine she regreted doing that to Yumi she knew it was never a good idea to threatenly joke with her or threaten her in any way.